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  • in reply to: Theresa #24503

    Omg I never knew about these

    in reply to: Theresa #24499

    I never heard about those rehabs. Trouble is my son worked but only managed because I helped him get there. Maybe I should have let him lose everything it’s the only way it seems but I have since learnt it was only his job keeping him going. It’s impossible. Mental health didn’t want to know due to the drugs even though he had tried to kill himself three times before

    in reply to: Theresa #24492

    Thank you. I don’t feel very brave, I don’t know if my approach has been right or wrong none of us do. I could have been hard and set firm boundaries but this still could have happened and then I would feel worse than I do now. I don’t regret getting him to work it was his happy place and I think if he lost that I would have lost him sooner. I think he recogpcnised there was just no way out and no help out there for him. Mental health are a disgrace as are our lack of drug services. I do know that my son knew how much I loved him and always will xx

    in reply to: Guidance.. please help #24486

    My son killed himself 7 weeks ago. I am beside myself with pain. He left a 2 year old daughter who shows her drawings to the sky because that’s where her daddy is. I cannot bear this How do you learn to live with this in your life

    in reply to: Theresa #24484

    I can’t find it

    in reply to: Theresa #24482

    Thank you I will look for thread x

    in reply to: Theresa #24479

    I hope and pray none of you end up in my position. It’s like living in a never ending nightmare. I have spent this morning sobbing. Our addicts are hard work and draining but oh I miss him so much x

    in reply to: Theresa #24472

    Addiction does wipe the family out. I loved him and I suppose I couldn’t bring myself to cut off completely. So he still worked and had his home thanks to me but I couldn’t see him on the streets.

    I will never know if losing everything would have sorted him out or maybe he would have killed himself sooner. We do what we do with love and the best intentions but there will always be what ifs. Personally I think if his job had gone it would have finished him it was his place of happiness where he could forget everything else. I miss him with all his issues and would do anything to turn the clock back knowing what I know now x

    in reply to: Theresa #24455

    Thank you for thinking of us. Time certainly doesn’t seem to be a healer at the moment although the chaos of addiction has left our lives it’s left heartbreak in its place. Life is very odd at the moment. I feel so lonely for my son and guilt that I have been harsh on him. I know we are told to cut off and not enable. I found this difficult but was at the end of my teather he could just not keep away. Xx

    in reply to: Theresa #24362

    Just reading back over my messages. I am now a bereaved mum due to drugs and the dealers who wouldn’t leave my son alone. I read my sons drs notes he asked for help he was honest about his addiction he got anti depressants where’s the help for them

    in reply to: Theresa #24359

    This takes me back my son was doing an apprenticeship. He got through but didn’t get the grading he wanted. I know they are classed as adults but how can you help them if university won’t discuss. Everything is against us as parents. I got my sons drs records it broke my heart he was asking for help but only got ant depressants he told them he was spending 50 a day on cocaine he had tried to commit suicide three times. Where was the help. Hang in there with your son I pray he gets out of the habit. Some do sadly not my son xx

    in reply to: Theresa #24352

    Sounds just like what happened with my son. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I miss him so much but not that part of his life. Drugs affected hie relationships with everyone but I loved him. I just couldn’t protect him x

    in reply to: Theresa #24347

    How old is your son. That all sounds so familiar. I can’t offer advise I didn’t do to well did I. Drugs are an awful scourge as are the dealers. I would suggest you keep your boundaries in place though. Xx good luck. I would give anything to have my son back but not with his problems. Bless him. I’d want him well x

    in reply to: Theresa #24323

    I think of him all the time and know he is out of this chaos now. I’d love him back but not in the misery of addiction. I know I did all I could for him and no I don’t suppose I was ever going to be the reason he changed I hoped his 2 year old daughter may have been though. His ex stopped him seeing her I don’t think that helped him much although I understand her caution. There was lots went on he must have been so unhappy x even then he couldn’t change

    in reply to: Theresa #24309

    Thank you prayers for your son whose doing well. Xx

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