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  • Kittycat23

    Good morning all.

    5 weeks for me today ???? how come the days was so slow in the beginning and now the weeks are flying by….

    I honestly feel so much better for it… The cravings are slowly getting less… Still sneezing but not as much….

    Well done on you lot on cutting down and ones who are getting through the weeks…. Keep going….

    Hope you all have a great day


    Good evening all. Hope everyone has managed to get through today…..

    Well done Lola for another day getting through… It’s tough but ur doing it I really hope the sleep does come soon for you… It’s honestly nothing worse when your absolutely shattered and you just can’t go sleep. It’s good to hear you ate a little more. It will all return slowly… Like sleep it will just click.

    Much love to you all


    Well done guys another day done for you both…. Summer winds well done on reducing from what u have been taking its such a massive improvement….. You can do it…

    Lola hope the cravings subsided for u this evening now…

    Fingers crossed you get some sleep… Once the sleeping is on track… You will feel a bit more better… Any reducement is good… So keep doing what ur doing Lola and when u feel like u can reduce again… You really are doing amazing guys…

    Hope you all manage to get some sleep


    Honestly guys you think when you start the journey, your alone… When your really not… All the roller coaster of things happening are gonna come to an end…. I always sat and read when people was past a week and it took forever in my eyes to get there when after the initial week goes… Everyday becomes easier and the days you mark off goes so quick… Not everyday was same don’t get me wrong… Everyday was different and I’m sure you will find the same too. Now when I read people starting their journey I feel so happy for them because it can be done. Doing it myself and being where I am now today… You really should all be proud of yourselfs. And like I keep saying if I didn’t talk out on this thread and get it off my chest I probably would of struggled much more. Still doing it alone without family/friends knowing my situation….

    Your eating/sleeping will all return… Eat little bits with the start of withdrawl… I found the last 2 weeks my appetite is back normal… It’s nice to feel I put some weight on as I lost so much weight.

    Access, tramodol, lola, summer winds, blackworrior and also wynter… you have all smashed another day be proud and keep on going…..

    Markymark your amazing with your positivity to the group.. And your smashing your way through the weeks…

    Have a great day and keep strong


    Black worrior a massive well done for you getting to day 15 ???????? I’m so glad sleep is getting back to normal.. I hated the restless nights where I couldn’t sleep was only about 3 days of it but felt a lifetime…. Sleep is so important and does have a huge impact the next day when u have a good few hours kip…

    Cravings for me are up and down 1 minute my mind thinks of them then the next I don’t think of it for a few days…. Blows my mind how they can play tricks on you…

    Hoping as the weeks go on the cravings will dissapear for me ????????????

    To the 1s going through withdrawl at the minute… Good luck and you can do it… Eat bananas.. Take vitamin d and magnesium and drink apple/orange juice and take baths as often as you can… All this helps and even a bit of meditation… I done it for a few days of my withdrawal… I don’t do it now and never even crossed my mind to try it but I did it.



    Good morning… Lola just remember this is only temporary… Hope you have woken up feeling OK… You have got this and I’m sure you can push through all this… I’ve woken up myself today full of energy and ready for the day.. Can’t remember this feeling and my god it feels so good ???? you can also get to this point too… I know it probably seems so far away but before long the days turn into weeks….

    Summer winds welcome to this amazing group that I came across whilst I went cold turkey…..

    It’s amazing ur willing to join a group… It’s not gonna be easy but it will be the best thing you do… I know the feeling so well of feeling ashamed… Now turn it around and feel proud your gonna give it up and start your new journey of becoming the old you ????

    Hope everyone is OK…

    Stay strong x


    Afternoon all…

    Access 5 weeks wow ???? well done to you… I’m the same now not the days it’s getting through the weeks ????????

    Absolutely love sunshine so good for the soul ???? I’ve had a good day and plenty of sunshine….

    Welcome lola… You have come to the right place to get you through this everyone here is so supportive… Honestly without writting on here I don’t know how I would of got through it till now… And super well done for you on day 3… You got there already and I’m sure you can absolutely give this devil up….. Stay strong and get the vitamins into you. Hope your OK…..



    4 weeks I’ve finally made that milestone ????

    I still can’t believe I’m saying it…
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Black worrior hope ur sleep is improving for you…</p>
    Access well done ur doing amazing…

    Hope ur OK markmarky too….

    Super proud of u all…

    Keep going guys x



    Access that’s amazing to hear about ur day… Fingers crossed you keep up with that feeling… Day 32 wow. Ur doing so well.

    I’ve had a good busy day too which helps so much…. I’ve started to write a to do list for following day.. Motivating me to do more things to keep me active and not let myself fall onto the sofa and feel like I can’t do nothing… Obviously not everyday I can just put myself in the sofa with work etc but I’m finding myself if I have a spare few hours or whatever I just sit down and do absolutely nothing… So motivation is doing my to list now.. Hoping this will work for me.  It’s coming to the end of another day done????????????  day 26 complete ????

    Hope everyone has had a good day


    Black worrior the sleep thing I can relate to… But trust me you will go to bed 1 night and it will happen where you sleep. I’m sleeping much better now as I did have a few days of the fidgety and restless legs… But it did pass not sure if the magnesium is helping that I take every morning…

    Like you said your awake of a pin drop.. It’s annoying but will slowly come. I’m up a lot earlier than I was before but I said before i don’t mind because I got a good 7hrs sleep and I can get stuff done before the children wake up.

    Access the mornings are the worst for me too. I think once the children are back into school from the holidays I think I may be better with routine etc having a purpose to get up and get on with the day and being self employed I can book more work in with them back in school so my day can fully be booked and I don’t have to sit and feel sorry for myself ????????????????

    Well done to you all for keeping strong and pushing through



    Amazing access for getting there… How are you fully feeling in yourself now? I’m not far behind you I’m on day 25 today….

    Well done wynter 16 weeks is absolutely amazing… I can’t wait to hit that milestone. I find it crazy how long the cravings can go on for… Well done for pushing through the craving.

    Hope black worrior is getting on OK too?


    Your absolutely correct in what you have said stevie…. Im always talking out loud to tell myself they not good for you because that devil in my head is saying just have 1…  Always works for me and I feel lifted when I say it out loud.

    I feel so so much better today ???????? like back to normal life, like before the devil pills.  I feel so much better that I have control over my life now… I do not miss feel groggy etc… I’m more alert these days…

    I can’t believe I’m on day 24 now ????????????

    Stay strong people ????????????????????????


    Thank you mark for those kinds words ???? I’m most certain I’m staying on this path now. The only tablet that I’ve taken is a magnesium 1 in the morning…. I’ve even stopped with ibuprofen and paracetamol as the first few days of withdrawl I did take them for the aches… But I’d say 2 weeks with nothing and I’m so proud of myself. Hope you have had a better few days too….


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done superleo for getting to day 3 ????????</p>
    Hope the day is kind to you.

    I’ve woken up feeling even more myself today, more energy this morning…. I hope it keeps up now.

    Hope everyone else is doing OK…



    Ah thank you wynter that’s interesting to know…. I honestly sneeze about 8-10 times a day ???? if that’s the case I wish I could sneeze more to release them ????

    I’m forever greatful of this thread and wish I written on here sooner. Without my daily read on here I don’t think I would of got through this… All of you have helped in different kind of ways for me. I really do appreciate you all….  I do wonder if in time I will reveal my secret to my family. But for now I’m not ready and happy to vent on here to everyone…. As you have all been so supportive to me….

    Thank you

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