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  • Kittycat23

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you markymark ????????????</p>
    It actually makes me heave the thought of taking 1. Some days I would be sick off them and still take them ???????????? they are horrible pills.

    How many days are you at now or weeks? markymark?

    I’d be so angry with myself if I ever relapsed. But every time my mind plays tricks with me I just say out loud I’m not doing it. Trying to keep strong ????


    Day 17 for me and today I do feel like a bit more energy is slowly coming back to me ???? hope it keeps up.

    <b>Access that’s amazing with drinking I wish I could drink lots I’ve never been the 1 to drink much but I’ve been trying to drink apple juice and orange juice. </b>

    I woke up with a muggy headache today though but I held off having a paracetamol and had some breakfast and it have seemed to pass ????????

    I can’t actually believe I’ve got this far and still none of my family and friends know. I do wonder in months to come I will be able to tell them. But for now I’m not ready to tell any1.

    Keep going everyone ????????????


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done tramodol ???? keep going..</p>
    I find bananas work for me too I eat 1 when I get up with my vitamins and then 1 afternoon to keep me going.

    As for liver. I’ve been having blood tests last 5 weeks and something in my liver was high each time and after not taking any codiene for 5 days I had bloods and it was normal so it shows how quickly it changes when you stop taking it. I was so scared that I done damage ???? but bloods now showing normal thank god.

    I honestly can’t believe I’m on day 16. My energy feels a little bit more today than yesterday ???? hope it stays that way now….




    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I honestly rely on this thread to get me through each day. I even keep re reading this thread over and over. It gives me more hope in not doing it no more ????</p>
    Such a supportive thread.

    Keep going everyone ????????


    Yes wynter it really does in the beginning ???????????????? it’s fighting these urges now and temptions of ur mind telling you just to take 1 and you will have energy ???? but I say out loud I’m not having any more.

    Aww I hope I’m not waiting to much longer ???????????? I have such a busy life and it gets in the way. I’m taking supplements to try and naturally give me a boost but not working quick enough ????????


    Well done access that’s absolutely amazing after those years ????

    Keep going. ????


    Well done to the recent ones who’s been going through withdrawl ????

    I’m currently on day 15 can’t even believe im  saying that ???? but definitely feeling the benefits now last 2 days. I’ve recently had a weekend break and was lovely to have my happy self back full of laughter etc which I’ve not had for months.

    The only thing is getting me down is the lack of energy still ???????????????? I hope it soon comes back for me ????????????????????

    Keep going everyone ????????????????


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>You can do it ???? just think how horrible they are if you was to go back to it. They would make u feel crap too when relapsing. You need to keep on doing things to take your mind off those nasty things (easier said then done I know) when lack of energy is low at the minute. But try and do things to take ur mind away from the thought. Things can only get better from now from detoxing from the drug. Take plenty of hot baths too I found that helped me too.  Keep going you got it ????????????????????????????????????</p>


    Keep pushing through you can do it. I’m now on day 11 cold turkey and feel a lot better today, each day you will feel better. With me it’s mental side of it but I’m gonna push through and not let it effect me. Are you taking any supplements or anything. I used vitamin c every day and I find that helps. 

    Your doing amazing to get to day 5. Well done. ????????


    I’m currently taking effervescent vitamin c and some magnesium…

    Eating lots of bananas which do help.

    I only had 1 day where I had to use the loo more than usual which I’m greatful it didn’t stay that way ????

    I’ve been trying to do some light yoga exercises when I have the time. As I work a lot and always on my feet.

    It’s the voices in my head telling me just to go get some is driving me mad. And I have to keep telling myself they are no good and make me worse.

    So I think the withdrawal may of ended for me now it’s just focusing on moving forward. I have a few days away shortly and I’m hoping that will set my mind to serious focus after that ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Thank you for replying again ???????????????? this forum really does help me as I’m alone with no1 knowing about this


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you for the reply.</p>
    I’m more determined now not to touch the pill. I can’t do it for my family. I need to be the happy mamma for my children. Fed up of the mood swings etc.  Even though I suffer pain in my back I’m going down the route of natural remedies for pain. Any tips of getting through the next few weeks will greatly be appreciated ????????????????

    in reply to: Codeine is the DEVILS work #36149

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I just hope and pray I don’t relapse. But my mind set is more focused I think now giving it up… I haven’t had the urge YET to go get any more just to lift me up…. Because I’m ready for the new feeling of being back to my old self. Not fair on the family around me with me being up and down with my anger/mood swings etc. When are you planning on going cold turkey? I found another thread on here that I kept on reading each day when I went cold turkey…. Kept me going through the days… Im much better than I’ve been I just need the massive engery boost now ???????????? so I can do a load of house work ????????</p>


    I’ve been reading all these threads whilst I started cold turkey which was 8 days ago now. They have kept me going each day of my withdrawal. I’ve been taking codiene on and off for just over a year half. For a bad back from an accident. I never intended to stay on these but obviously my body was telling me I needed them which is why now I’ve had to come off them before it gets even worse I up my dose even more than what I’m doing now. I just want to feel free of this drug now as I honestly don’t feel like the same person on them… I’m more determined than ever not to touch another pill. Just need to feel more motivated now in myself and I be happier. I’m just feeling like I can’t do nothing. I want a spring in my step to get some house work done ????????


    in reply to: Codeine is the DEVILS work #36146

    You have done it before and by sounds of it your will power maybe stronger with ur baby to focus on. I’m currently on day 8 done cold turkey. It’s just pushing through it all. Make sure you take effervescent vitamin c and magnesium it helps. Ive never been into meditation. But I gave it a go on the 1st 3 days of withdrawl. Give it a go as well. Your so lucky that family members know… I’m currently doing it alone without any1 knowing. Been hard but I’m never taking 1 again. I need my happy self back. Hope u succeed in the will power of getting your life back without that nasty pill.

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