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  • in reply to: Almost done #21004

    I’m going through the same so you’re not alone ????

    Fiancé has been using and hiding it until I found him smoking

    He’s said he wants to get clean, has had an assessment and is booked for dr this week to get on script

    I’m struggling though, I can’t trust him

    I keep thinking he’s only saying he wants to get clean because he’s been found out. I’m sure he’d rather continue using

    I can’t imagine trusting him again, my stomach is in knots, my heart hurts. I feel like I should walk away

    It sounds like your boyfriend is still using, the drug he said he’s getting is prescription only.

    The lies are soul destroying

    Is there anyone you can talk to in real life? Or call drug fam, they’re really helpful

    in reply to: Have I done the right thing? Fiancé heroin addiction #20942

    Just to add, in our conversation when I found the tin I said to him if he is honest about the use I want to support him but he just continued to lie

    I’d 100% have helped if he’d been honest. It makes me sad that he didn’t have that kind of faith in me

    in reply to: Have I done the right thing? Fiancé heroin addiction #20941

    Thank you so much for your replies

    I destroyed the drugs out of anger but also because I have 2 young children in the house

    He went cold turkey for around 30 hours and couldn’t do it anymore so I took him to his home town and left him there to get his hit

    He’s since called a couple of times and was booked for an assessment this morning

    I understand what you’re saying about needing to wean off with prescribed drugs, he spoke to me about this.

    He’s promised he’ll get all the help he can, meetings etc but I can’t see him doing it. The easiest option is to stay how he is

    I know I’ll never trust him again and that’s what I’m struggling with. I love him but I don’t know if it’s enough

    in reply to: Death of my Daughter #20906

    All I can offer is ???? and a hand hold, I’m so sorry for your loss ????

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