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  • in reply to: #31293
    Participant’s the post by Dadict.

    in reply to: #31292

    Hi wombat

    Welcome to the forum. Don’t worry- if you need some support from others in the same situation- scroll down to the other blue heading- drugs alcohol and mental health.

    No-one will judge you on this forum. I wish you well in your recovery.

    Stay strong


    in reply to: Theresa #31251

    February Marie, thank you for your lovely comments .

    Your sister sounds like she hasn’t accepted that she has a problem with drink . She will always play it down I guess. She’s not ready for any AA groups yet.

    Keep yourself strong February, find a little peace every day .

    Sending hugs and prayers my friend,

    Lx ❤️

    in reply to: My heart is broken again, 12 years of an addicted son #31249

    You’ve been through such a lot Cornwallmother.

    No one judges you here.

    Take care.


    in reply to: My heart is broken again, 12 years of an addicted son #31235

    P.s. Read Kulstars story, two threads below yours on Share your Story. He is a person in recovery offering support and advice from another perspective.


    in reply to: My heart is broken again, 12 years of an addicted son #31234

    Hi Cornwallmother,

    I’m so sorry to read this. You, your son and family must have been to hell and back. I thank God that you tracked him down.

    Surely after all he’s been through (and you) there will be some kind of support for him. Sounds like he will need some kind of residential rehabilitation, I can’t think this will be easy to deal with at home.

    It’s heartbreaking to see them make these terrible choices through mental health issues and addiction.

    My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions, I understand the hurt addiction causes in a family.

    I hope you’re getting counselling and advice for the next step for him.

    Please know that everyone here will be thinking and praying for you.

    Stay strong

    Lx ❤️

    in reply to: 18 year old son began taking drugs at 14 #31203

    Hi anonymous 1968, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story with us here.

    My son was also 14 when he was dabbling with drugs. He always blamed others for ‘spiking ‘ his drink. He’d come home in an awful state- soiling himself, wetting the bed- room like a smelly rubbish tip, him unkempt looking etc.

    He started gambling, missing work, selling his stuff.

    This went on for years- we just thought he partied too hard.

    Little did we know he’d progressed to cocaine. He ran up debt, and the lies…was about to lose everything. Truth finally came out.

    Thankfully I found this website, spoke to other mums on the Theresa thread. All going through similar issues with their sons.

    The ladies there were a godsend!

    Feel free to join the thread and post.

    Drugfam and Icarus trust also offer advice and support as does the Adfam homepage.

    Sorry didn’t mean to make this about me, I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone- others are going through similar situations.

    On a more positive note, my now 29yr son is currently 15mths clean with the support of AA and CA groups. Every day is a battle but he’s getting there and helping others too.

    Please find the time to look after your own health and well-being.

    Set boundaries for your son, let him know what’s not acceptable,

    Post here and vent, everyone is so kind and supportive.

    Take care and stay strong

    Lx ❤️

    in reply to: Had enough of husbands drinking #31193

    Hi onlyme, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story with us.

    20yrs is a long time to put up with a loved one with a drink problem/addiction. You must still care/love him to have stayed in the marriage despite the drinking issues.

    I’m no expert but I think you need to tell him that you’re not willing to put up with it any longer. Let him know you’ll support him if he wants help to stop. Unfortunately you can’t make him go to AA, he has to make this choice himself.

    Adfam homepage offer advice for families – also Drugfam and Icarus trust offer counselling services too.

    My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions, but is currently 15mths clean thankfully. He reached the point where he was about to lose everything and everybody he cared about. These groups are the only thing that works for him.

    Look after your own health and well-being and family.

    Take care

    Lx ❤️

    in reply to: Theresa #31190

    Hi February Marie,

    Sorry to hear about your sister’s drinking. Unfortunately you’re not capable of taking on everyone’s problems. You have already been through so much with your son’s addiction. Please take care of yourself- find time for yourself to try and switch off.

    It goes without saying that I’ll keep you in my prayers, there’s a prayer group called Mother’s Prayers. I used to go when my son was at his worst.. It helped me through the hard times.

    I guess we’ve formed our own Mother’s group here.

    Autumn is here, try to enjoy any happy moment you have. You’ve done your best, please don’t make yourself ill with stress and worry.

    Have you read the addicts Prayer- God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…etc? Works for us too!

    Sending much love ❤️


    in reply to: Hi everyone #31161

    Hi poppy, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story.

    I wondered if you had looked under the other blue heading

    “Drugs alcohol and mental health ”

    There’s a post by Dadict- day 18 cold turkey…

    There are a lot of people like yourself trying to stop taking different painkillers. Everyone is very supportive and understand the issues you have with withdrawal.

    I wish you well in your recovery Poppy ❤️


    in reply to: Theresa #31143

    Hi Debc, I’m so sorry to read your text. I was hoping your son had turned a corner.

    It must be really hard to share your house with your son while he has addictions. It was different for me as my son has his own flat so I had a bit space.

    I don’t know what to say as we all pretty much know the script- he has to be the one wanting to change. It doesn’t sound like he’s there yet. I’m worried about you Deb, he’s not being fair.

    I hope you get some sound advice from the counsellor.

    Sending you much ❤️

    Stay strong my friend


    in reply to: Theresa #31130

    Hi February, just scroll back until you see his name

    An addicts journey- change is possible ”

    If you see his name , click on it and it will call up all his posts.

    Stay strong sister ❤️


    in reply to: Theresa #31120


    in reply to: Theresa #31117

    Hi February Marie

    Hope things are better with you today.

    Help17 is dominating all the threads here- I’m sure it’s for a good reason though.

    Take care of you ❤️


    in reply to: Theresa #31110

    Hi February Marie, I’m sorry to read your text today. Relapses happen though – my son had a few before his recovery. I hope he sees the light soon and realises that sobriety is the better choice for a better future.

    It’s hard to stay positive when this happens February, but he made his choice, and none of this is your fault. Please look after yourself, make the best of your life – try not to dwell too much on it – I know this is hard being a mum.

    I will keep you in my prayers as I do for all of us here.

    Sending you much love.

    Lx ❤️

    P.s. have you read Kulstars story yet- his story is very positive and enlightening.

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