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  • in reply to: Help #9315

    Everything you have said is the same as me both me my husband and daughter are on medication through his actions but he just says why are you taking pills its me that has a shit life!!! He turns everything around on to us. like I say in previous post I stopped all contact in January it was very hard but as the weeks have gone by we are all feeling better and the tension as gone out of the house. I’ve changed my number coz it was always me he rang or txt he would never ring his dad because their very clever and know who is the soft touch. I still hear about him and he is still up to no good but he is managing so if you stop giving your son will cope they will just latch on to someone else. It took me 10 years to reach this point it almost destroyed my marriage of 30 years but you have to focus on the family you got. I still struggle everyday and hope one day we will all be a family again but not untill he completely ready to give up his drugs. Hope this helps you .

    in reply to: Help #9311

    thank you so much for your comments it means a lot x

    in reply to: Help #9307

    I have tried many times to get him help he been drugs team about 5 times but is non compliant they say its no good me wanting him to stop he got to want to do it himself. Even when I’ve not talked to him he promises everything and soon as we talk he just goes back the same way. I really don’t think after 10 years of living like this he will change he dosnt want to.

    in reply to: tragically sad #9275

    Hi just wanted to say I’ve been through the same thing with my son and it as be going on for the last 9 years. He has robbed me and my family broke into my house stolen other things . Time and time again I have given him chances I’ve heard everything your son is saying he has threatened suicied many times and like you I have sat waiting for the knock on the door. He caused me to have a breakdown almost destroyed my marriage of 30 years my husband and daughter both ended up on antidepressants and one day something just clicked. I can no longer let him destroy my life so I cut him off. I changed my number and don’t get me wrong it killed me to do it
    But we are all getting better and I hear about my son on the grapevine he is still doing drugs and got people after him for money etc but he is surviving
    Ng. I thought this tough love might stop him but it as done nothing at all. He just used to play constant mind games with me ringing to say he got no food no cigs etc when I was in touch I would by him food but found out he sold it for drugs. I have spoke on Adam before and people with sons/ daughters on drugs they all seem to sing from the same sheet all the story’s are very alike. I decided to put my husband daughter and myself first for once. If he knocked on my door saying he was getting help and he really was to get of the drugs then maybe I would take slow steps to let him back in life but untill then no. He as also been in prison 4 times but that did nothing to stop him. Concentrate on your family at home for now maybe one day your son will see sense.

    in reply to: PLEASE HELP. All time low…. #8767

    hi maisy i have been through everything you are going son has been thrown out of our home 5 times but he always managed to get back in with sob stories only to steal off us again.he has since had 3 flats he lost 2 through going to prison yet again down to his drug taking.even though he is no longer living at home he is still stealing from us.he recently applied for 17 pay day loans pretending to be me!myself and the family have finally cut him off and it is hard i have been just like you crying everyday worried sick were he is sleeping etc but i feel like i have been on a wheel and cant get off but now i am trying to be tough. its hard i have had abusive txt then really nice txt him trying to get back in my life but it has gone to far.i have tried to help him for the last 8 years to no avail. i am hopeing now he is on his own he might seek help and stick to it only time will tell.your not alone and dont blame yourself although you do at first but we havnt done anything wrong. they are chooseing to put the drugs first.take care hope this helps x

    in reply to: time to say no #8713

    thanks for all your comments really helpfull. since i ist wrote my son has yet again been intouch begging forgiveness yet again i said i would think about things.this as now caused a huge fallout with my husband and daughter thay do not want him back mainly to protect me. the more bad things he DOES TO ME i become morE UNWELL to the point of having a breakdown.i have done a lot of soul searching the last few days and i cant go through as hard as it is i am keeping out of my life he cannot drag us any further down .

    in reply to: drugs, money, drugs, money………….. #8644

    i feel you could be talking about me. my son is the same only now he no longer lives with me but he will still try to wear me down.i have took the step of cutting all ties and changed my phone number.its time to look after me and the rest of my family.he been offered help many times but decided not to take it.its hard but we got to stay strong.good luck x

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