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  • mads89

    Heya Stacey!

    I got and still get awful headaches.

    But they are getting less and less with time away from codeine.

    I’m finding it really bizarre if it’s linked to the cessation of codeine at this point as it’s been ages since i’ve stopped taking them, but who knows!

    Definitely loads better than I was though- so keep at it!xx


    Hiya Emmie! Congrats on day three, and on being so positive!

    You’ve got this, good luck ❤️


    Well done Mo81!

    Cracking job ???????? xx


    Hiya Stacey –

    I’m loads better now, i’m 5 weeks today!

    But it took until day 10 to start feeling better.

    I wouldn’t worry about the extra four- symptoms of an overdose are usually evident quite quickly (nausea, dizziness etc)

    It depends on weight and tolerance, there’s a lot of factors involved.

    That being said, if you are starting to increase your dosage, now is the best time to stop taking them. Codeine is dangerous because users begin to take more and more to feel that ‘buzz’.

    If you stop taking it, your liver will be all brand new again, very quickly.

    Good luck ????xx


    Hiya Stacey! Welcome to the group ????

    I was also taking 8x 30mg codeine (but the phosphate version).

    I too went cold Turkey, and I suffered pretty badly. It really shocked me, so much so I decided I’ll never again take that drug.

    Is there a way you could taper ? If you were routinely taking 8 a day, you could reduce by one tablet a week, and 8 weeks from now you’d be done! Therefore avoiding the withdrawals ?

    I had read the literature of codeine cessation, and 99% of it said it would be 5 days of physical WD symptoms. So I decided that was fine. However it went on for much longer than that for me.

    Whichever way you choose, you got this. We are active on this site and will help all we can xx


    Ohhh Star, sorry you are worrying! ????

    I always try not to worry until I know there’s something to worry about. But it’s easy for me say..

    Stay away from Google! It’s never a good substitute for actual medical advice, and it will usually stress you out loads more!

    There’s a ton of other things it could be, that are miles ahead of cancer, as a better explanation of what it is.

    Keep us posted, good luck xx


    You’ll always have that three day lead on me Casey ????xxx


    Good evening!

    Ohhh Dotty, sorry to hear you are struggling. You have done so amazingly!

    Hopefully your husband will only have a brief recovery and all will be well soon ????????

    Take care of yourself, thinking of you both ❤️

    Same goes for you Star, you are doing really well, be kind to yourself. Stress is an obstacle for us all- so try not to see it as a failure, it all forms part of your recovery and you are doing great!

    Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully you’ll have more strength to get through it without codeine.

    I am day 33 today, (and I have no tolerance for pain whatsoever), so I promise you it can be done. It’s just really really REALLY difficult. Get rid of any temptations and take back the control against codeine xx


    It absolutely blows my mind when I speak to someone like you, who has over come so much!

    Addiction is one of the more cruel struggles, and one that so many can never overcome – and look at you!? Everything but alcohol and you’ve stopped it all.

    You should be super proud of yourself, it’s clear you value your family as-well as your own health. You have done brilliantly.

    I remember getting up in the middle of the night and walking around to get some quiet in my legs in order to sleep. I won’t ever go back to that.

    The gym is a great idea! Have a good day Oobs xx


    That’s absolutely fine Star!

    Maybe next week you’ll take four, and reduce by one per week.

    A month from now you would be on zero and with minimal wd’s.

    Whatever way you do it, it has to suit your unique situation, we are all different!

    Good luck ????xx


    Well Done Mo!

    You are doing incredibly well-

    Keep going ????????Xx


    Oobs!!!! ???????? ????????

    You have done AMAZING!!

    I’m proud of you, well done ❤️

    I believe you are done for this time too ☺️Xx



    Cracking job Oobs!

    You’re right, the physical withdrawal starts to end, and the battle of will begins!

    I’m confident you’ve got this ????????

    Well done xx


    No Dotty, it’s not how you’ll feel forever.

    There is a reason they say that boredom is dangerous in recovery. It’s easy to feel like nothing will fill the void. There’s nothing exciting in your life anymore etc

    But, it isn’t true.

    With using codeine, your brain produces a ton of dopamine- so when you stop, it feels like nothing will make you as happy or excited. It’s going to take time to correct itself and when it does, it will be so worth it!

    Feeling bored at least means, you aren’t in the throes of the physical pain of withdrawal anymore. So enjoy it. Enjoy the peace of not counting tablets, not finding pharmacies to buy tablets from etc

    You’ve earned your boredom! It will all end, it’s just going to take time xx


    Ahhh Dotty, I get it.

    But you are doing so so so so well! And you’ve proven you can go without them- so stay strong! Thinking of you xx

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