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  • mads89

    Maybe playing the devils advocate here… but the issue is that you can’t disprove pain. And pain management is really important.

    They have to review all medications regularly, and it is much stricter now, the onus is on the patient to provide a justification for why you feel you need to continue on opiates.

    If people were upfront with their doctors and said they were taking above the prescribed dose, the gp’s would knock it off-

    But people don’t tend to tell their doctor for fear of it being withdrawn.

    As for buying it OTC, it is sold in 3/4 day supply, so if you took it as intended, you wouldn’t have any withdrawal on cessation.

    Opiates can be crucial for some patients, but I agree, can also cause a great deal of harm when abused xx


    Hiya Star! Well done on cutting down – amazing work!

    As for your liver, it is a regenerative organ. It can take a fair beating and still recover, so try not to worry!

    If you haven’t told your doctor about the codeine abuse, they will want to investigate the cause of the problem, so don’t panic!

    Good luck ???????? xx


    Dotty is exactly right Casey-

    You were there for me, as i’ve seen you there for so many others.

    You are wonderful, and i’m really grateful to you ❤️


    Hey 5yrs! –

    My only advice is that as you say you’ve stopped taking them for up to a month or so, which doesn’t make it enough time to get over the ‘mental’ side of it.

    There are people i’ve spoken to say that it can be two months before the mental side can ease off. So keep at it! ❤️Xx


    You have the willpower of a gladiator Casey, or you wouldn’t have been able to quit drinking AND opiates!xx


    I’m the same Oobs- I still have a load of them in my cupboard, but I haven’t been near them.

    You’re right, it’s the rest of your life. You don’t wanna spend it slaving around codeine, it’s not worth it.

    Also, I was expecting every day to ease off too- and it did, from about day 6/7, before I started feeling loads better on day 10. I’m here now on day 26 and despite getting some mild headaches, I feel like i’m through the worst of it.

    Keep going, I’ll be here to help where possible – you are doing so so so well ❤️Xx


    Hiya Oobs!

    Well done on getting to day 4! The good news is, it only gets better from here ????

    I didn’t take nurofen plus, only codeine phosphate, and my usage was within the prescribed amount. So I can’t advise on that- but from the others I have spoken to, it all follows a similar pattern, so you should be feeling tons better very soon.

    Keep going, you are doing fab ????????Xx


    I’m right behind Casey (on day 24), and she is right, it is so worth it.

    I don’t take a bag out with me now, just my phone and keys. I don’t check dates. I don’t keep an eye on the time. I don’t over sleep anymore. I wake up feeling better. I laugh more. Everything is better.

    If you’re thinking of stopping, do it.

    No-one will do it for you. A couple of weeks and you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about xx


    Well done ‘J’ on halving your amount! – really good job!

    You’ve definitely done it quickly, so it’s unsurprising if you were to suffer some withdrawals as a result.

    I really don’t want you to ruin your holiday, so I would caution reducing too fast from here on out.

    When you get home, if you have the discipline and motivation to continue your taper, then I say go for it!

    If I were to do this again, I certainly would do it that way. But I was too impatient (and naive).

    You’ve got this, well done on what you’ve done so far!x


    Yeah, you’ve done amazingly Dotty!

    I’m super proud of you.

    Remember that taking codeine is never helpful, and once the high wears off (which doesn’t take long) it isn’t coming back.

    Well done, again xx


    I totally get it Dotty-

    Life starts to revolve around pill taking, so then what now? What can be substituted to give that ‘high’?

    I’m just over three weeks, and so far, it feels a lot like depression. Sleep is still rubbish, so i’m tired all day. I feel very little enthusiasm, and don’t seem to feel joy as I did. BUT I think its all just gonna take time for our bodies and mind to recalibrate. Then I am confident the joy will come back, from normal life stuff (ie reading, tele, exercise etc) xx


    How are you getting on Dotty? Is the physical stuff easing off for you now ?????????

    Hiya ‘Finally’, glad today has been better for you! Hopefully you’ll get through it unscathed ????

    Good luck for anyone who is going through withdrawals- anything worth having is never easy, but a choice in favour of your health is always the right call. You can do this ????????Xx


    Hiya ‘finallycaughtup’ – welcome!

    Same as Casey, I didn’t taper either. Less out of discipline as I still have a load of codeine in my cupboard, but more because I had no idea of the discomfort that I was about to put myself through ????

    If I were to do this again, I would taper 100%.

    As for your holiday, definitely don’t ruin it by suffering through withdrawals, because it really is a horrid thing to go through.

    My advice would be the same as Casey, taper off 10% a week. That way your w/d’s should be minimal.

    It’s an amazing thing to do, so be proud of yourself!

    We are all rooting for you, and here if you need us xx


    Dotty! Going into day 9 tomorrow!

    How amazing is that? You have done so incredibly well, and I am crazy proud of you ❤️

    Day 9 was my final day of feeling horrific. Day 10 brought a change in me, I felt more able. And each day since then, I have felt more and more normal.

    I hope you have a good sleep, and I hope tomorrow you will feel loads better xx


    Ami, you are definitely capable of quitting!

    Envision your life without being anchored down by a substance, and how good it will feel to be free of it.

    I am here, I will help you all I can- there’s a really cracking set of people on this site and on the WhatsApp group, they are brilliant.

    You can do this!

    I will say though, heroin withdrawal can be dangerous- please make sure you stay safe and consider involving your GP to ensure you are safely detoxing.

    I’m on here if you need me xx

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