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  • mads89

    You are very kind, Thankyou! ❤️



    Sorry, forgot to add-

    Yes, she does know (my mum)- and yes, I am really grateful to have a night to just rest up!

    It’s a very uncommon occurrence, let me tell you ????xx


    Thankyou Casey- you are really wonderful and I massively appreciate your support ❤️

    You are a true warrior to be detoxing at the same time as being menopausal! Good grief, you are a hero!



    What day is it for you now Casey, is it day 12?

    Are you still having problems with your temp now ?

    You’re definitely right on the self care front! I’ve asked my mum to baby sit, so I can have an undisturbed night and morning off from the school run! My boyfriend is away for work in London, so i’m completely going solo.

    Just hoping I won’t start getting tearful as I will inevitably miss them both. ????xx


    Hi Casey!

    Sorry you’ve rowed with your brother –

    My brother is one of my best friends, so I know only too well how upsetting it is to fall out! ????

    Hopefully you’ll make up soon, if you haven’t already!

    I know what you mean about the crying, I was set off a few times yesterday. Only brief, but super unusual!

    Let’s hope we get through it soon ????????

    My temp is definitely worse today than the last two days, and I can only assume it’s because i’ve stopped taking Imodium ?

    I’ve read conflicting info from several other sources, some stating Imodium makes withdrawal last longer, some claiming you’d need super high amounts to cross the blood brain barrier.

    I can only assume the first is true, because I am really feverish again!

    Hoping for that to end ASAP ????xx


    Heya DottyLotty! How are you feeling now ? Sorry, i’ve only just seen your message.

    Day 8 today ???????? ???????? ????????

    I’m holding out for the magical day 18. Making it there, will be such a triumph for me. Gone backwards today, in respects that I had an awful nights sleep, and so I feel like I have no energy, so i’ve mostly being lounging in the house. My legs are still slightly bothering me, just when i’m immobile. But definitely improving!

    Aside from feeling lethargic, the only other issue I have is I am still cold and hot!

    Hopefully this will end in the next day or two.

    Hopefully we all feel even better again tomorrow! ???????? xx


    Hey loveeee ❤️

    Congrats on the productive day ????????

    Hopefully, you’ll be so knackered from being so busy today, that you’ll just be out cold for the whole night through.

    I’ve got my fingers crossed for ya!

    So, my legs are still aching, but loads better. Totally manageable! Day 2 right up until yesterday, I was in absolute PAIN with them, I was like, almost demented.

    But i’ve been in bed for the past hour (i’m still feeling lethargic) and although I can feel an ache, it’s not forcing me to move position like it was.

    All happy and welcome improvements ????????????

    I was taking prescribed codeine phosphate, 30mg tablets. For me, it wasn’t that I was taking too much or too frequent, more that it’s been on and off for a decade. I convinced myself I needed them. 2 tablets, 4 times a day, with additional paracetamol if and when needed.

    But then, whenever i’ve stopped taking them in the past, I have danced my way through it all, without issue!

    Not this time.

    This time has been utter hell.

    It felt like I had wronged a vengeful God and was on the receiving end of their wraith!

    Hence why I am so very very proud of you for getting as far as you have. I like to think i’m pretty tough, but this has been one of the worst weeks of my entire life (I had an unplanned emergency c-section and this has been worse! ????)

    Tomorrow, we should feel that bit better again hopefully ????????

    I hope you sleep ok!xx


    I believe in you, Casey. This is the last time you ever have to go through this, because you are stronger now. The willpower it takes to stop taking opiates is mind blowing, and you’ve done it! Even if you’ve been here before, I believe this is it, you are done.

    No one forced you to quit, you made the choice to start and you’ve made the choice to quit. Allow yourself to feel proud and excited! Not long until you are feeling all brand new ????????????xxx


    Hair washing is the least of concern-

    It’s taken me everything to just get to the next day, every day this week, without taking something to dissolve all of my symptoms.

    The fact that you’ve got to day 10 is miraculous!

    This has been the hardest week of my life.

    I’m really proud of you ???? (and anyone else who manages to quit opiates after long term use).

    Better things are to come ???????? xx


    Morning Casey! I was literally about to message you!

    Great minds ????

    Well done on the walk! 5 miles is a lot! I’m so glad it made you feel better ❤️

    So, today is day 7, and I am feeling loads better!

    I’ve been up, showered, washed my maine of hair, been to the shop, cleaned the kitchen and waited on my four year old whilst he makes various demands for snacks and drinks. Feeling like i’m finally coming through the worst of it.

    Still feeling a bit like I have the flu. My left leg still aches, and my temperature is still all over the place. But yesterday, I felt like climbing the stairs was arduous- so i’m definitely on the mend.



    Ohh Casey, sleep deprivation is no fun. Nor is feeling down/depressed.

    Hopefully this will resolve for you quickly! I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.

    I must have read a thousand times that the physical symptoms resolve quickly, then it just becomes a battle of will. But judging from the experiences on here, it takes a few weeks for the exhaustion to subside, which I definitely wasn’t expecting …

    Hopefully these food supplements will work out (fingers crossed) xx


    Hiya Casey! Yeah it’s so good to see the progress and experiences of others! Really really helpful!

    Absolutely blown away at how difficult I have found this past 6 days – I was definitely naive to imagine I’d be able to stop taking them as unscathed as I have in the past.

    Congratulations on making it to day 9! How are you feeling ? Did you experience any leg pain, and if so, has it subsided for you?

    We are in the process of moving house, it’s all so exciting, and i’ve spent the day in bed over at my mums house across the road- Behaving like a sour puss because of how tired I feel and how much my left leg aches. I’ve ordered some food supplement energy capsules as recommended by someone else, so i’m very hopeful to be able to contribute in the ripping up of old carpets tomorrow!xx


    I can’t believe i’ve read this entire thread!

    I’m actually disappointed there’s no more to read!-

    Hi everyone! I’m on day 6 today- started taking magnesium and vitamin d on the recommendations of you all (today).

    As with what you’ve all said, painful legs has been the absolute worst symptom yet! I’ve been on and off codeine for a few years – able to stop taking them with mostly just an upset stomach for a couple of days. Not sure if it’s because i’m getting older, but this time has been utter hell.

    Hoping for some relief tomorrow at day 7!

    Massive congratulations to all of you that managed to quit codeine. It’s one hell of an achievement as i’ve come to realise. I’ll be finding something else to deal with my back pain in future, that’s for sure!

    I’ve decided to stop taking them, as me and my boyfriend are hoping to try for another baby, I was taking codeine phosphate 30mg, 8 a day.

    Love to you all! Thanks for supporting me this past week without even realising- as I imagine you have soooo many others!

    Mads x

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