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  • in reply to: Sick and tired #27448

    Hi I’m so sorry you are in this mess too my husband is just denying he’s using he’s gaslighting me saying he Left cos of me etc he has all the symptoms of a drug user how do I get him to admit it I’m exhausted off it ,

    in reply to: I have left my husband because of cocaine #27442

    Hi would you mind if I asked you for some perspective on my situation ? Been with my husband since we were both 17 we are now 39 , 2 young children , He works away and end of august last year we had a mild argument and he said he wouldn’t come home as he needed to clear his head and there was things I had no idea about , he just refused to open up to me , come October he said he wanted a divorce as we could never be back to how we were I’ve since found out he owes a substantial amount to cocaine dealers and is addicted himself he’s lost all his money he looks drastic like a shell of himself he still won’t open up says I should move on as he’s never coming home , I’ve got ptsd through it all I’m struggling with the house and children as he gives me no money I work part time I’m now facing homelessness he just can’t see how he has caused any of this I’ve told him I would help him but he just ignores me I’m at a loss ????

    in reply to: Theresa #27441

    Marie how is your son getting on ? Ive finally caught up x ivy hope your son is getting on ok and Kate I’d just like to send you my condolences on the loss of your son you like everyone on here did and are doing your best in these awful circumstances, my husband won’t accept help and it’s hard seeing someone you love turn into a shell of themselves x Sending love x

    in reply to: Theresa #27438

    I’m just on to the part Katie lost her son it’s Just horrendous to feel her pain through reading her story , we are all trying our best to navigate through this in the best way we can even if we feel we are barely surviving ❤️

    in reply to: Theresa #27436

    Yes the abandonment is horrific , I also feel like that if they love there kids Etc then why but reading up on addiction is helping you kind of think of it as something that only effects other people but it can happen to anyone I’m page 83 now so nearly catching up Xx

    in reply to: Theresa #27434

    I’m so sorry you went through it with your husband and now history is repeating itself , I can’t believe my husband can just switch his feelings off so quick I’d love to think he left to save us watching him go through it but I truly believe he’s to selfish for that , does it just turn them into people with no feelings ? I’m on 4 different anxiety tablets due to ptsd through his choices ????

    in reply to: Theresa #27433

    Thanks it’s so hard cos he was the main breadwinner , I’ve had no money off him in 6 months I’m struggling with bills food etc badly I only have a job with basic wage he earned very good money but has blew it all on cocaine x I’m down homeless with my council so hoping o get a place really soon as I need to move forward for the kids it’s such a shock after having a good strong marriage all these years thankfully he moved out as the addiction took over and wants a divorce saying the marriage isn’t working anything to blame accept is decisions eh x this thread is helping me loads To process my feelings you are all amazing and it helps to know I’m not alone x

    in reply to: Theresa #27430

    Hi I’m half way through his thread I just want to say what wonderful supporting mothers you are , I’m going through everything you have described with my husband I have two young boys too so as you can imagine it’s a struggle , one thing I will say though is having a wife or girlfriend or even kids isn’t enough to make them stop or change if they don’t want too , we can live in hope x much love ladies x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #27418

    I feel the exact same way as you my husband is nearly 40 too , most days I’m just existing it’s exhausting it really is I hope we manage to find a way forward for our kids x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #27413

    I totally agree it’s just devastating , one of our boys has severe medical problems so it makes us priority x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #27412

    This is my worry too

    in reply to: Sick and tired #27371

    Hi I’m absolutely exhausted off the whole thing I just feel like I’m stuck in the land of no man I’ve been diagnosed with ptsd it’s just horrendous with no end in sight I’m on council list emergency one I’m so scared for all our futures it’s all on my shoulders now , it helps having you and others going through the same but I’m so upset yous are in this position, I’ve done nothing but be a good wife and mother , finding it extra hard tonight can’t sleep x

    Hope we all find a way through for our kids xxx ❤️

    in reply to: What next #27368

    Got to hope and believe it’s going to get better x take care xxx

    in reply to: Can no longer cope #27350

    ☹️ I can’t believe they there family isn’t enough to make them stop , I’d never ever put someone I love through this hell I wish I could move on and not care but he’s got us all on the bottom emotionally and financially x

    in reply to: Can no longer cope #27347

    It’s the lies and deceit too makes you question everything , I’m very anti drugs I know it’s an illness but he chose it , he’s talking food literally out of his own kids mouths if he could admit it and just say he’s messed up it would help in some way but he’s just hiding away while I’m left with the worry and juggling bills kids house it’s exhausting I shouldn’t have to be doing it it’s as much his responsibility as mine and he’s just got away with it all , nothing should ever come above his own children it sickens me it really does x

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