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  • in reply to: Sick and tired #29125

    He throws stuff all over I think it’s frustration his dad let him down Today x sick as , more debt has surfaced too

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29124

    Pleased you had a good time you deserve it x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29101

    It’s like a blessing and a curse Natasha I should be greatful but think I’m

    More livid he didn’t give me the chance to kick his arse out , he even took that away x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29100

    I also have had zero luck with council , ridiculous ! Unless I go in a homeless shelter I’m screwed

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29099


    So sorry we are in this hell I don’t understand how they can live with themselves tbh x if he hadn’t have left me I’m such dire financial state I probs could move on , my sons behaviour is shocking there in therapy x one common theme is they all blame us , narcissist c&nts I also have zero money for food luckily my dad bought me some x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29098


    So sorry we are in this hell I don’t understand how they can live with themselves tbh x if he hadn’t have left me I’m such dire financial state I probs could move on , my sons behaviour is shocking there in therapy x one common theme is they all blame us , narcissist c&nts I also have zero money for food luckily my dad bought me some x

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29075

    Hi how is everyone? I feel like I’m right back at the start he actually tried to say the other day he left because he stopped loving me, the drugs are not the problem I am , I’m sure he has progressed to injecting or something he’s constantly sleeping and has a massive infection in his arm

    This week , why do I care , why am I arsed when he has left me and my boys with nothing I don’t understand it it’s like I’m addicted to him and getting answers , why can’t he just admit it it’s so glaringly obvious he’s lost everything!

    in reply to: Diary of the Partner of a Crack Addict #28885

    I’m so sorry you are having to live like this , can he not move out ? What he’s doing is emotional and financial abuse it’s tret the same as domestic violence the council should be doing more x

    in reply to: Theresa #28729

    So pleased you found the thread the ladies are lovely x

    in reply to: feel so helpless #28724

    Not a problem lovely this place has been a great help to me so keep coming on x

    in reply to: feel so helpless #28713

    Hi I’m

    Sorry to here this , there is a thread on here called Teresa it’s a group of mothers who’s sons have struggled addiction it’s really helpful and supportive x

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction is ruining my life #28712

    I really hope this is the turning point for you you don’t deserve to have to go through this again x

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction is ruining my life #28707

    Your story is horrific I can’t believe you lost your partner then you trusted someone else and history is repeating itself ???? it is so sad that people are Judy throwing there lives away for some powder I’ve lost everything through it and I’ll never get over it x

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction is ruining my life #28706

    Hiya it’s truly the devils drug my husband has lost ever at 40 years old , he left me and our 2 boys after 24 years , he’s lost all his work his money and still can’t accept he’s an addict the fact you are on here says you are ready for help , reach out to your dr support groups etc before you loose everything

    in reply to: How to go south. #28705

    Very sorry for your loss the addiction doesn’t just effect them it poisons every one around them too and it has devastating effects ???? they make a deal with the devil and just don’t care after that x

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