Forum Replies Created
April 25, 2024 at 5:02 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37895MarkyMarkParticipant
Hi Maria
Haha Teenages can be useful,however on the whole they can be a bit of a nightmare! In a good way,but they do test your patience pushing the boundaries
I hope you are ok,and cracking on. ????
That goes for anyone else reading this on there own journey! You are all doing so well!
Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????
April 21, 2024 at 3:02 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37878MarkyMarkParticipantHi Maria
I too have been having problems with posts.
Back to your question,i know exactly what you mean.Am not quite sure you know,i too see it as the new NORMAL. Its still a struggle for me, however i think it maybe more down to my past,not dealing with situations and taking something to make me forget/feel better at the time.The new normal is scary sometimes.I have been relying on exersise an cold water therapy to help me. However i have suffered several injuries since the start of the year which set me back abit. Still thinking i can do stuff i did 20 year ago! Learnt the hard way again. We just have to keep pushing through,we really do.The thought of been a slave again to pills scares me.Not going back. My will power is alot stronger now,but as you said it’s the motivation. I force myself too. The cold showers help.I start off warm,then rinse in cold for 3mins. It kind of gives that “mind over matter” feeling. Its like a mini victory is what i mean.That has helped me.Mentally. i started off on 1 minute.Now up to between 3-5 depending on how i feel. My 15 year old has helped lots by keeping on too me haha.She can see the difference, i know ive come a long way but some days i feel like I’m back at square one! She helps too remind me. We are all different Maria so please do not think you will be the same,all our journeys are different depending on how long we used, other circumstances too. All i can say is it will be better soon,don’t know when but as long as we keep making positive steps it HAS to change! Positive mental attitude is what my 15yr old keeps telling me! Somedays it’s not what i want too hear haha.
One last thing,that “quickfix” will not be what you expect.The shame,guilt ect will make you feel alot worse than a bad day now.
You said it yourself Maria,we have to keep going! We have too!
Sorry for going on ????♂️
I hope this gets posted now ????
Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????
April 20, 2024 at 10:02 am in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37875MarkyMarkParticipantHi ftsejane
I just wrote a mini essay for you but it didnt post for some reason.
You are probs feeling pretty pants atm,day 5-7 is really the peak of unpleasantness. Try to keep reminding yourself why you are taking this journey,it may help along the way. If you can take it immodium may help your tum settle abit. Plenty of fluids,vitc ect and eat when you can.It all helps. If you have an understanding doctor maybe he/she may be able to help.
The head side of things takes a little longer than the physical side..its a new start at the end of the day.
I hope you start too geel better soon. You have done the hardest thi g by making the decision to stop! Super well done! ????
Stay strong and try have a good weekend.
April 20, 2024 at 9:42 am in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37873MarkyMarkParticipantHi all!
First of all let me apologise for not been back recently.
Huskylee you are doing wonderful things my friend! Onwards an upwards as they say,it really does sound like you have turned the corner! Well done you!! ???? Stay on your guard though life has it’s way into tricking us ????
Bels,well into your journey now! Amazing work,it takes soo much courage an commitment to carry on the battle,but carrying it on you are.Amazing work.Yes you will still have bad days,however try an treat them as that,don’t be hard on yourself,you have come so far! We are our biggest enemy sometimes. We have to be kind to ourselves,we really do.
All of you are inspirational! You really are!
I came back this morning because i knew it would make me feel a little better about myself too,and it has.It is a HUGE achievement,it really is to attempt recovery. Every single one of would heap lots of praise on someone kicking Heroin,its the same thing only not as potent,but every other characteristic is the same! You are all WARRIORS!
Stay strong all and try have a fab weekend!
March 23, 2024 at 1:15 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37769MarkyMarkParticipantHi Access,really nice to hear that you are well and in a good place! So many think it is not achievable,however it surely is as we can attain!
I hope everyone is ok and continuing the battle!
Thoughts are with you all!
Stay strong all!
March 22, 2024 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37767MarkyMarkParticipantHi Peteran
You are in the right place for any help you need. Try tapering if its that scary,one tablet a week is doable! I came down from 300mg dihydrocodeine too one 30mg..over 10 weeks…i still had withdrawals but they was cope- able. Try whatever you can,if you have a doc that can listen,they should be able to help some of the withdrawal symptoms. I was also on gabapentin(for something else) which i fully believe helped with restless leg syndrome.I tapered off of them too after the Dhc. You can do this, you really can if you want too. All you can do is try. Just holla if you need too,someone will be here to talk! Take care and good luck! ????
March 22, 2024 at 1:18 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37766MarkyMarkParticipantHi all!
You are all doing amazing,you really are! The first 6 weeks are the worst as you have probalby already read.For some including myself it has gone on for alot longer.They call it the paws effect i think.
I have always had problems with substances so i know it is a very long road of abstinence.
Got to keep at it! Coming back to the boards really does hit home how hard it is.
My son is in Uni,he had a migraine, went to docs they gave him 30.. 30/500 cocodamol! I couldn’t believe it…19yr old student!! What are these doctors trying to do…didnt mention eye test or water intake or exercise! Just gave him the pills.I was fuming.
I pray and hope he leaves them alone.
Stay strong all and try an have a good weekend!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????
March 6, 2024 at 11:49 am in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37637MarkyMarkParticipantHi all
Huskylee,just a thought,have you tried asking your Dr to change you onto Oramorph? That way you will be more in control of your taper.Only a thought.
The mental side of things is very hard,am not going to lie.Alot of us suffer like it. You just have to keep battling i am afraid.It WILL get better! Honestly it will.Stay strong my friend,you are doing so well!! You really are,morphine is another level unfortunately.
Bels is right,exersise does help as does the music,but be prepared for the music “tears”.I think we just get emotional during the withdrawal. Music used to set me off. In a good way,it’s just normal feelings returning.
I hope you are ok too Bels,you sound well on your way!
Beauman,i hope this finds you ok too! Stay strong man! Just holla anyone if need to rant/get off your chest ect.
Stay Strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????
March 2, 2024 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37613MarkyMarkParticipantHi All,
Huskylee,how about getting yourself some co codamol? They will help with the withdrawal. How long have you been at 5mg? Try staying at a dose 2 weeks i think,Or how about snapping a pill in half for a cple of weeks 2.5mg for 2weeks…it will make things easier for you.
Stay strong man,whatever you decide.
Bels,i was the same,been t total for nearly 15years,fell off a cple of times though.4 years this year since the last fall. Alcohol always lead me me too something else too soo it had to go! You sound really positive!! That’s the attitude to have,keep thinking them thoughts ???? you are all doing amazing, you really are! Huge achievement ????
Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????
March 2, 2024 at 11:03 am in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37608MarkyMarkParticipant<p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi Bels</p>
Glad you are back with us! I know exactly where you are coming from,they are such a crutch when things are hard in life. That is the hardest thing about coming off them,knowing we have to cope alone as it were. No more crutch! It is the probalby one of the hardest things we have to do in all honesty.Literally rewiring our brains i think.You know you will be an even better mum without the pills and an even better work colleague. They trick us,by rewiring our thoughts they really do. Stick to your taper Bels an holler if you need to chat,am sure someone will be here to help ????
Stay strong an try have a restfull weekend!
March 1, 2024 at 7:57 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37604MarkyMarkParticipantStrange, you are at the bottom of the thread….old posts near though ????
March 1, 2024 at 7:55 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37603MarkyMarkParticipantHi Huskylee
Try going to the end of the thread,there is loads of advice recently,last year anyhow.
I hope you are ok and sticking to your taper.I found it the best way after trying CT several times.I think the will power sticking to the taper gives us more will power at the end if that makes any sense.Each to there own as many prefer the CT.
Stay strong my friend! You got this!
February 27, 2024 at 12:30 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37568MarkyMarkParticipantHi all
Just saying hello and wishing you all well through your journey! You should be soo pround of yourselves,even if it is your 1st day! You have tried!
Stay strong all!
February 23, 2024 at 11:04 am in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37556MarkyMarkParticipantHi Cyclops
You are on the right track,you know there is no magic cure,just a case of continuing the battle! I suffer from arthritis in many joints and know that dihydrocodeine does help the pain 100%,however it is not the way i want to live anymore.So i am trying everything else to deal with the pain.It is surprising how much pain we can actually tolerate(not nice i know).I think the cold water therapy has helped me,however it is very early days with that.So i cannot guarantee it is as yet. Ibroprophen helps alot too,i do wonder if i use too many of them at times though.
You are doing exactly what you need too my friend and one day you will wake up with some of your old mojo back! It is such a roller coaster of a ride.I think i am about 8-9mths and i still have THEM thoughts about taking. So stay on your toes and stay strong man ????
Have a great weekend!
February 22, 2024 at 5:40 pm in reply to: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself #37551MarkyMarkParticipantWell done Cyclops on getting all that way forward,proper warrior! Yes you are soo right,it is staying stopped that is the hardest.However it can be done just as you are doing my friend! Nearly 2 mths is a huge achievement, it really is!!
Stick at it man an stay strong,you got this!