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  • in reply to: tragically sad #9797

    Hello Eavy, I’m so sorry to hear about your son and how it impacts on your life, i can’t imagine how it feels to have been dealing with it for so long I can understand some of your feelings and i expect most of the other family members on this site. My heart goes out to you I know it won’t help but … xxx My son has been an addict for 10 years he will be 30 this year as far as we know he uses so called legal highs and weed, he has lost everything his business his relationship and his friends the only thing he has left is his little dog that we have to look after for him. He blames everyone for how his life is. We try to have him at home (everyone says leave him to sleep on the streets and to hit rock bottom lord know what that actually is though … ) It’s heartbreaking we go through the same cycle he comes home takes his drugs sleeps for a week I get angry go through his stuff (I know it’s wrong ) we’ve tried it all chucking the stuff away when we find leave it where it’s been hidden and check how much he’s taken etc (he’s very convincing if you ask him what he’s taken he will say nothing that’s he’s been clean for weeks etc) and then starts getting argumentative then abusive angry which ends up with him leaving shouting no one cares or does anything for him etc goes of for a week turns up at the house all hours if he doesnt get a warm welcome give a bit more abuse and storms off. He’s been in trouble with the police they always call the mental health unit he has been sectioned a few times but each time nothing happens and the hospital say it’s drug related to they discharge him and we start again. He was at home for Christmas and the whole family got on great we replenished again all of the stuff he’d ‘lost’ while out on the streets, I though maybe this is the turning point we looked after him he was starting to look well we could even have a bit of a conversation with him I said to him about how well he was looking and maybe he should try and get some help with the drug addiction and he seemed to take notice. But then the cycle started again, it sometimes feels to me he doesn’t want to have what we class a normal life but he does want us there to provide for him and food/shelter as long as it under his terms. Since New Year he got so obnoxious that i told him he needed to sort something out he’d outstayed his welcome (that haunts me every time i think about it) he left for a few days came back got worse then left slept on the streets got in trouble with the police had mental health assessment been in court it just never ends. His brother get really annoyed with us for taking him back all of the time but it just feels so wrong knowing he’s sleeping rough i know these are his choices and i get frustrated that we have to live this life along side him it feels there is no way forward this is the life we have to live just waiting for the knock on the door. My heart goes out to you all Eavy Suzy and broken mum just reading the blogs makes you realise your not alone xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #9796

    Hello Thank you for replying I will email to try and get some support or advice we are at the end of our tether and have no clue what to do or where to turn. Maxx

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