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  • in reply to: time to say no #9222

    Hi it’s obvious easier for your mom to blame you rather than accept it’s your brothers responsibility probably because she doesn’t understand or knows what to do next. Your mom needs to understand that any form of addiction is a disease and needs to be treated as such. Also your brother is solely responsible for his own actions and can seek help but it needs to be his decision. You have done as much as anyone can do I think it’s time to concentrate on your own family but be there for when your brother needs you, as it’s obvious he has some deep rooted issues that need to be addressed, above all do not blame yourself for your brothers behaviour. I wish you and your family a happier future

    in reply to: tragically sad #9221

    I really don’t know how to answer you as it’s all very complicated, so sorry to hear about your mom and you being so young, all I can say is why not go to citizens advice bureau as I’m sure they will know the best people to help you even if they can’t. Good luck

    in reply to: tragically sad #9220

    First of all can I say you are not useless, it’s obvious you have been hurt badly in the past and are burying your true feelings. How your mother was/is wasn’t your fault, I too have a son who lost his father at a young age and has found it hard to come to terms with. He is so full of anger, pain and frustration. He is now having counselling on a one to one basis which is helping him. Go and have a chat with your doctor who can put you in touch with numerous people who can help. I really feel for you as your so young to carry such a burden, please don’t give up and remember you are not responsible for other peoples actions. Please focus on the future and the good things in life as i’m sure with help you will succeed

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