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  • in reply to: Should we tell our dad about my brother’s drug use? #15852

    Hi, as an addict I can just say you’re doing the right thing by giving him non judgemental support. I wouldn’t tell your Dad as it would only add to everyones stress that you all must be going through.

    From personal experience I would say if hes already had some or it’s the day after, it’s going to make him feel worse if you’re having a go and hes more likely to use again. And I know partners of addicts have every right to get angry and upset, I just think it’s best to pick a better time.

    What works for me is my partner checking on me loads and giving me no good reason at all to buy it. Its reduced my amount so much and although I still buy a little occasionally, the guilt I feel if she finds out or if I get it with her knowing just kills the high and pretty pointless.

    It’s just about giving him support whilst making sure he knows how much it hurts you all when he uses, without making him feel like hes no good.

    It’s the hardest thing in the world to beat but with my partners amazing support and because she is the kindest person you would ever meet I have to win more battles then I lose with the devils drug, and will never give in.

    I hope your brother fights harder

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #15629

    Hi. I’m sorry but it sounds like you are addicted to me. I was in denial for a year and believed I was in control. If I had listened to the signs then it might have been easier to stop, now I’ve tried several support groups, counselling, deleting numbers etc, and told my partner the truth but somehow still find ways of getting it when the urge takes over.

    Its a serious problem so tackle it now.

    Good luck

    in reply to: Cocaine habit #15628


    I too have 3 kids but have only attended meetings that keep your anonymity for fear of losing my children.

    If your kids are not affected by your addiction like mine aren’t then I would not bring it to the attention of the authorities or at least play it down. Obviously if it is affecting the kids then you have to be honest for them.

    Good luck

    in reply to: Cocaine every day! #15190

    Hi pokerface.

    You’re not alone, this drug is pure evil once it gets inside your head. How old are you can I ask?

    in reply to: Fiancées weed addiction #14971

    You sound like an amazing Mum, I hope it works out for the best

    in reply to: Just when you think things cannot get any worse ……. #14969

    Hi Central Scot

    As I’ve mentioned here before I’m an addict and recognized a few months back I was becoming distant, moody etc. But I don’t believe that it should lead to cheating, your basic awareness and morals are still with you when high.

    I love my fiance so much that I’ve put things in place to make it extremely hard to get as easily as I could. He needs to be stronger which is easy to say when the urged kick in but if he puts barriers in place knowing he will crave in a day or two, he can actually outwit his brain. Working for me as there’s no way I’m losing my love over it.

    I also know plenty of friends that have regained control it’s not always a sad ending as it seems on here

    in reply to: Fiancées weed addiction #14966

    Sorry I meant to reply to you but I messed it up and jess got it. It’s on the forum anyway lol

    in reply to: Had enough of cocaine! Coming off here for 5 week at least. #14965

    I get what you’re saying mate, if you have had enough than you’re 95 percent there, the way I see it is you have a blip just look back to how much you had at your worst and as long as its better than that it’s still positive. I would love to think nah over it, you are definitely close mate

    in reply to: Fiancées weed addiction #14964

    Hi Huddle,

    I can imagine how bad you must feel, the main thing is you’re still there for him. Sounds corny but have you thought about writing him a letter about why you want him to stop and see if he takes at least some on board?

    in reply to: Had enough of cocaine! Coming off here for 5 week at least. #14961

    Hi Danman

    I’ve been reading your messages and you’re clearly a decent bloke, do you think its possible to get clean for say a few months and then only take it once every few months without calling it a relapse? I’ve currently gone to great lengths to make sure all but one contact can get it and he’s family so he has my best interests at heart. We’ve agreed he leaves it longer between times until at least 3 months has passed. After which I would like to let loose once in a while or at least know I can rather than thinking I can never experience it again.

    What’s your opinion?

    in reply to: Looking for advice #14901


    As an addict myself I can confirm your husband will say anything to get what he wants, it’s not that he wants to be this way its just the coke has taken over.

    I suggest when he is feeling the least cravings and most determined, normally the early morning after, that you ask him to delete the numbers and make him ask anyone he knows that can get it to help him by not selling to him until at least a few months. That has helped me cut right down but for me if I know that in some time in the future I can use again with control back on my side and with extreme caution, its not as daunting as the thought of never feeling the initial buzz again.

    It’s a extremely dangerous drug, and this is coming from a successful middle aged family man. Any questions you have I will answer honestly

    in reply to: Don’t know how much more i can take. #13820

    Hi, I’m sorry but if he wont admit the problem then you should give up and end it, he doesn’t sound like he cares about you either. It doesn’t sound like you have kids so that should be less painful

    in reply to: Girlfriend with multiple addiction problems #13819

    She is without doubt addicted and needs help, I think you need to suggest meetings and if she doesn’t believe she needs them, you have to give her some ultimatums, trust me meetings might not work straight away but if she goes at least she is trying. It’s a family wrecker but try to give her a chance if she shows signs of admitting her addiction

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #13818

    Hi. Unfortunately I am now an addict for 3 years and over 40!

    It took me off guard as I was fighting depression and this seemed to help.

    I can confirm that although you still love your family it without doubt takes a bit of your soul and makes you extremely manipulative and cold and your sole purpose is to get coke, talk about coke or factor in when you can next take it. Its awful and exceptionally hard to give up.

    It really is the devils food

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