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  • SalisburyDay

    Hello everyone, absolutely great to log on and see how all doing, still gets me though tough days when I am wavering, I am starting week 10 devil tablet free, I remember at start when feeling awful, not believing I woukd make it this far and I’m now in double figures.  To anyone starting out abd reading this, if I can do this you can too with the support of these fantastic guys on here ???? yesterday for me felt a bit of a milestone, had the most stressful day since stopping tabkets, I thou at ine point how in past I would have reached for some tablets, so I stamped about a bit, paced around until felt calmer and got through it and felt so proud of myself couple hours later when everything calmed down that I had survived that little blip,. First time in four years not leant on my perceived crutch that I thought would make everything more bearable.  Anyway, hope everyone is doing really well, another week done and here’s to a great weekend xxx


    Hello access, so pleased your gp has been so supportive and I’m hoping it’s still all. Going well, you have done amazing to have lasted this long without that help, you going to fly now ????hope everyone one else is still keeping going, I’m. Coming up to 6 weeks free of the devil tabkets, and next week, I habe booked a few. Nights away with my hubby and puppy, in Norfolk, so really proud of myself for that, a lovely relaxing week, not worrying where if I got enough tablets, and all the brain ache that goes with them, and all the money I saved has paid for our mini break ????

    Here’s to another great week for eveyone and so. Much thanks for all. Your continued support xxx


    Hello access, great to hear from you, love seeing your name come up on a post, I’ve re and re read nearly all your posts I’m sure, so inspired me to keeo going, especially in the first two hard weeks xx I hope you got some help from your gp, abd yiu gave had good day xx. I now into my sixth week (unbelievable) free of those devil tablets and so grateful to be where I am now, abd especially grateful got this group, to all if you who got me this far xxxxx hope everyone has a fantastic weekend  xxx



    Hello everone, happy weekend


    Loupylou, I am now 23 days off these bloody tabkets and remember do well the first week, you doing fantastic for taking the first steps like access says, I never thought I coukd get here abd feel so better for it, keep strong, you can do this

    Thanks as always for all your continued support, have a good weekend xx


    Morning everyone, how all doing okay and it’s great to hear from you all so far in to your journey, gives me.such hope whole I am still counting days, today is another mile stone, 18 days, I remember the reading the header of this post, thinking ill never be able to do that, but here I am, with all your support still hanging in there.  Have a great day all xx


    Evening all, hope you all doing okay

    Î have hit the 2 week mark ????so chuffed with myself, and now looking furward to next few weeks, kitty cat, I’m same as you, no one but you on here know what’s been going on, hubby thinks I have had a bad flu and he has been so sweet, I certainly couldnt put him or myself through last 2 weeks again, so that helps when I think about those devil pills

    Hope everyone is doing okay x


    Hello everyone, great to hear from you markymark and access, I’m still hanging on, as you said access, few good days and then bam, didn’t have a lot of sleep last night, but hey ho, hopefully will tonight – tomorrow will be two weeks clean of opioids for me I couldn’t imagine getting here, and know it’s a work in progress, but I’m so chuffed at 2 weeks, and I certainly never want to go through last 2 weeks again, so no going back ????here’s to my third week, hakf way to a month.  All the best to everyone xxx


    Hello everyone

    Len I hope you are continuing to feel better witnh your tummy, as you said it is shocking what these buffers have done to our bodies isnt it

    Kittycat, thank you for your continued support, was a bit of a struggle today with energy, but, I have carried on, for myself some berroca to try to get a bit more energy, now sat waiting to go to my first Aqua hiit class since stopping these devil pills – hoping some. Physical activity will help me to sleep, day 11 nearly done ohhh and it’s my 31stbwedding anniversary tomorrow, so will be a good day xxxxx


    Hello eveyone, happy Sunday evening to all of you, I hope you all doing well, I’m ending my Sunday evening on day 10, and looking forward to what tomorrow brings, love to you all x


    What a brilliant idea access, I’m going to start that today, as you say I can then look back and see how far have come when the urges (and as markymark says, they will keep trying to trick you back in) I don’t want to go through this again. On a positive note, today is day 8 (woohooo, I never thought I’d get here) and I have woke from first 5 hours continuous sleep since it started, the sun is shining and I am feeling positive…. I’ll take that ????good luck to everyone to keep on keeping on x


    Hello lenseaside

    Î think we are similar timeline, I’m just coming to end of day 7 CT, sorry I can’t help with the bloated tummy, maybe someone else will be along in a bit and have some tips, but just want to say how fantadtic your doing persevering through, it’s bloody hard isn’t it abd I would have been lost without this page, rooting for you abd hope your tummy issues resolve quickly


    Oh my goodness, I don’t know how I did that, I have recently been diagnosed with crohns, been on medication for last month, anyway, as so other many people have mentioned on here, I was terrified I would fold when I got the pain, cause the one thing these god awful tablets do is kick the terrible pain. An hour ago or started, I know the routine well, and normally grab my pills and wait until blessed relief…. I don’t know how I did it, i took paracetamol, ibuprfen, I paced, I swore, I breathed, counted my breaths just to take my mind off the pain, sipped water, more pacing and finally after half an hour it subsided so I could breath easily, and now settling down completely, thank god for each and everyone of you, I couldn’t have faced that before, would have folded……. But I did it!!!!! And a good point in my day, I am having my bloods taken every 2 weeks cause of my medication and my liver tests are fantastic, (thank god for that) other readings are up so my medication is being doubled, but I know that is going towards helping these pains stop so that’s all good too….. Here’s to all you fantastic warriors who got me through and keep on inspiring me x


    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Thank you kitty cat & access both fir taking time to reply and all your support, kitty cat, your banana suggestion worked wonders early hours of morning when restless legs and arms kicked in, and as access ours it, codeine f#%*k off ????????half way through day 7 now, thank you fir getting me this far xxx</p>


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you kitty cat & access both fir taking time to reply and all your support, kitty cat, your banana suggestion worked wonders early hours of morning when restless legs and arms kicked in, and as access ours it, codeine f#%*k off ????????half way through day 7 now, thank you fir getting me this far xxx</p>


    Hello kittycat, thank you for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it, i have felt in last couple days I literally been hanging by my nails ????and just kept rereading everyone stories to push me through.  Managed to do some work today, and hoping when I wake in the morning will have even more energy, I can finally stomach light foods, Soups, toast, just generally trying to take care of myself, which I think with a lot of us, have not been doing and that’s one of the reasons I got here. Anyway, onwards and upwards, day 7 tomorrow, I didn’t even think I could make 7 hiurs ekt alone 7 days and can’t wait to be talking jn weeks,  thanks xxx

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