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  • samanthaxo

    I’m at 50 days today ???? I’ve had a major struggle with my anxiety, they’ve been changing my tablets and stuff so I’ve had a bit of a tough time! But I’m definitely a different person than I was 7 weeks ago, I’m more with it and involved and my emotions are starting to come back to me rather than being numb all the time and I don’t spend all day in bed!

    Keep staying strong everyone, I know you can do it ❤️


    Mummabee, I promise you everything you are feeling is normal. I’m on 6 weeks clean now and I’m only just getting back to my normal ish self. I’ve suffered with anxiety since I was 10 or 11 and it’s definitely about working on that. I recommend busperone if you’re able to take it, speak to your doctor and see if they can help you it lessened the anxiety symptoms for me and I also had to up the dosage on my regular anxiety medication. I’m waiting to get some therapy now, starting that in a couple of weeks, I self referred myself to that but your GP can give you the info.

    I read a book about anxiety and that helped me a lot it was on my kindle. If you enjoy reading I can recommend that. When the anxiety and the overthinking sets in its best to try and do something to distract yourself whether that’s cleaning, organizing, exercise, meditation, reading, yoga or I found when I was at my worst I played games on my phone while I had the tele on in the background. Just keep getting through these next few weeks, it’s gonna be tough but it’s worth it when you come out the other side.

    I’ve still got a way to go with my anxiety but I already feel a million times better. I’m more active, I get excited about things, I’ve got a better relationship with people around me and I’m a much better person!

    Also, in regards to eating the anxiety and worry makes you have such a suppressed appetite. I just ate really easy and bland food. Warm weetabix, bananas, scrambled eggs, soup with bread. It’s best not to eat more exciting foods as it is too hard to eat. Just get whatever you can in you.

    I also recommend kalms lavender tablets and vitamin b12 is good for energy and the nervous system. Kalms valerian root is good too but you can’t take it with certain anxiety meds.

    Keep going and I’ll keep checking back in case you need to chat xxx


    We were nearly on the exact same timeline. I’m on day 30 and I was doing the exact same thing as you! This forum honestly got me through I don’t think I would have survived without it! ????

    I’m going to stick around too, I don’t want anyone to have to go through this journey alone!

    I’m still battling with my anxiety at the minute, but I’ve been suffering with it since I was 10, I’m nearly 32 now… I will say that despite this i am better than I’ve been in a long time, I’m getting out more and my relationships are so much better with everyone. I’m a much better mum and person! Codeine definitely makes you a shell of a person. My medication got upped 12 days ago so at the minute I’m going through a rough time with heightened anxiety and some bad side effects but even now I feel like a different person, which is strange considering how much I’ve suffered ????

    Hope everyone is doing as well as they can be ????


    Hi Jay, I feel your pain I’m on day 24… I’m really battling with my anxiety, my brain is having to learn out rebalance itself after the chemical imbalance apparently and its VERY tough. Its the first thing I think of when I wake up am I going to be OK today?

    What are you struggling with if you don’t mind me asking? Sometimes it helps to get it out there. I’ll keep checking back today for your reply.. sometimes it helps to just talk to someone! X


    This was completely normal for me I had like mad feelings throughout my body as well that kept washing over me.. what day are you on? X


    Update for myself:

    I’m 3 weeks clean today and I definitely feel completely different in a good way, as I said on a reply higher up I am dealing with a flare in my anxiety but I’ve always suffered with my mental health and am currently waiting an ADHD/Autism assessment so this may be why as the cocodomal was probably numbing these feelings, I just have to learn to deal with them now!

    Lots of positives though, I’m gonna give a couple of examples because I think it’s important to know some plus sides too:

    – I used to suffer really bad with my sleeping pattern: I wouldn’t sleep till 4/5/6am and I’d sleep until 12/1/2/3pm. Now the latest I can stay up is 2am and the latest I can sleep in is like 10am, on a week night I’m asleep for 12am and up at 8am. It’s a very strange experience for me but it’s so nice to see the whole day!

    – I NEVER ate breakfast, I couldn’t stand the thought of it: now I’m starving after half hour-an hour of being awake. Also a very strange experience!

    That being said I had a little cry when I woke up this morning: I felt some dread and anxiety but I’ve fighting through it, looking forward to getting my girls from school today. It’s so weird I feel like I’m feeling things more too, not just negative emotions but positive too!

    Honestly things will get better by the day! Hang in there there is a light at the end of this tunnel I know it, I can feel myself getting there and I won’t let the little dark lulls set me back! ????????


    I was exactly the same as you with mine as I didn’t realise my body was addicted… the feelings you’re having are completely normal. I went cold turkey with mine and this is exactly how I felt I went to see the GP as I have really bad health anxiety anyway and they confirmed it. After cold turkey those symptoms usually last around a week and then it’s more of a mental battle.


    I’m at 3 weeks today after cold turkey and I do feel like a completely different person but I will say that if you’ve suffered with anxiety/depression before then it will rear its ugly head, it definitely gets easier and better by the day and you can definitely function and feel like a normal person but especially as a woman I’ve found it really hard this week with my hormones being all over the place. If you find you’re struggling with the panic/anxiety side of it I’d definitely speak to the GP, you’d be surprised how much they deal with this!

    They gave me a mild anxiety tablet on top of the ones I already take to help with the panic/anxiety and I’m getting reviewed regularly now and getting the help I need.

    If you haven’t suffered with mental health before this side of it all may be easier for you, but don’t be surprised if you wake up with feelings of anxiety/dread it is completely normal!

    I’ll keep checking back as I know how hard it is at the early stages of your journey, I’m here to talk x


    I haven’t actually updated on here for a few days – I’m coming up for the illusive day 18 and I will admit I feel like a totally different person and it does get better everyday. I’d stopped waking up with the dread feeling although my anxiety has always been an issue so I would still have times of feeling anxious.

    I’ve been out to a few public places, a couple of meals and I’ve been picking my kids up everyday and it’s definitely getting easier to be around people too.

    I started to feel a little strange last night though, some anxiety and weirdness but I have started my period today and I’m wondering if this has possibly triggered it as my body associates the period with taking cocodomal – I would usually take them as I suffer with period pains. So I feel a little on edge and odd but am thinking their is a multitude of reasons my body could be feel anxious and panicky. And also from the posts I’ve read in the past I’ve seen that it can take a couple more weeks to feel 90% normal.

    I just think people should be aware that even when we start to feel normal it creeps back in sometimes but I feel like this is a normal process for our body to be going through. I don’t know if I’m writing this more for myself than for others, as it feels good to get my feelings out that are just bouncing around in my head.

    Been trying to distract myself all day but I’m finding it a little harder today.

    I’m hoping someone may even see this who has felt the same at their time of the month after recovering from codeine addiction and give me some advice or reassurance.

    Also, even though my situation was a little different to others in regards to the way I became addicted and went cold turkey unknowingly I’m still finding myself thinking today oh maybe if you just have a cocodomal youll feel okay, which is so strange for me. I’m completely fine with the feeling I can get past it but it’s so strange for me.


    Hope everyone’s OK x


    Hi all

    I’m on day 17 and it definitely is the mental battle that’s the hardest, it definitely gets better as the days go on, I’ve always battled with anxiety and stuff anyway, plus being a woman I have hormones and time of the month to factor in. I am actually due on any day now and my anxiety has rocketed a little yesterday and today.  However, the last couple of days I’ve woken up without the heavy dread feeling in my stomach, after over 2 weeks of that feeling it is definitely a welcome change! I have an appetite again too which is amazing as I was literally having to force myself to eat.

    I got some help from someone at my GP surgery – a pharmacist who works with pain management and tablet control . He was so informative and reassuring and prescribed me a mild anxiety tablet that isn’t addictive and isn’t meant to cause withdrawal symptoms.

    Like I say, the anxiety is definitely still there at the minute but its nowhere near as bad as it was and I’ve finally managed to start reading and watching TV again. I have managed to go out around people a couple of times too and that’s definitely getting easier.

    It’s good reading this thread as it definitely makes you feel better about how you’re feeling, when you research or speak to people who don’t have good knowledge about all of this they tend to tell you you’ll feel okay after a couple of weeks but it’s all dependant on the person and the situation as well. I’m definitely feeling miles better than I did a couple of weeks ago but it’s definitely a process.

    Hoping everyone’s doing okay today! Will check back later on to see if anyone needs to chat ✨️


    Thanks so much for the reply… seeing these comments really gives me hope, I’m on day 10 today, I’m having bigger bouts of feeling normal and I’m managing to actually get decent sleeps which is good because I know that will really help my recovery.

    I’d definitely agree with everyone who had said mornings are the worst, the utter doom and gloom and worry for the day ahead. Worrying how I’m going to feel.

    At the minute as well I’ve got this worry that everyone around me is going to get bored of me still feeling like this, they’ve all been so supportive but every day I wake up and hope this is the day I’ll feel almost normal and I won’t have to tell people around me that I’ve got this horrible dread and anxiety in the pit of my stomach. And that I’m scared to be on my own with my own thoughts and anxieties.

    To be honest I think I’m more worried at the moment because I feel like these moments of dread and anxiety are when I haven’t got anything to occupy me and because my partner works 10-6 and my girls go to school I feel like that’s why it’s so bad in the day time – I’m waiting around to get my girls at 3, all I can think about is getting further into the day but the time feels like it goes so slow.

    I guess I’m just worried that even though I wasn’t aware of my addiction and I wasn’t using for the feeling that it was filling a void I already had. I would often feel at a loose end at times before I withdrew and I never used to have any motivation or energy.

    I’m not sure if it’s normal to feel like this on day 10, so listless and unsure what to do with myself but I’m hoping it will improve. I’d like to say I want to be back to normal but I don’t think I remember what normal feels like. I’ve always struggled with my anxiety but it’s been a few years since it’s been like this so I guess I’m finding it hard to adjust.

    My stomach is still a little dodgy but not to bad and I am managing to eat more which is good too.

    I do think this may be a little longer road for me in regards to the mental journey as maybe some of the issues were already underlying. Also, the anti depressants I take may need rotating according to the doctors as I’ve been on them a while now.

    Hoping everyone’s OK today x


    Thanks so much for your reply Wynter – yes it’s definitely the hardest thing of all.

    I managed to get about 5 or 6 hours sleep last night which I’m really happy about but as you say waking up in the morning with these horrible doom and gloom feelings is just awful.

    Especially as in the past I would have got the my girls ready for school and then their dad would take them and id just happily go back to sleep, now it seems I’m up for the day and I’m constantly thinking of the day ahead, how am I gonna stop myself from having anxiety until I’ve got something or someone to take my mind off it.

    I’m going to visit my sister today with my Dad then I’ll be picking the girls up with him, my eldest always stays at her grandads tonight and I’m wary that I’m going to be on my own with my youngest, who is disabled, for a couple of hours before their dad comes home and I am absolutely dreading it already.

    I’ve not even started my day properly yet and I’m already thinking about the parts of the day where I’m going to be alone with my thoughts.

    So so exhausting and I can’t stand this horrible feeling in my stomach, makes me feel so sick but I’ve forced myself to eat some breakfast.

    Also, did anyone struggle going out in public at first, I went out yesterday to Aldi and Home Bargains with my mum and I felt so on edge and like my brain was running slower than it needed to be it was such a strange experience.

    Hope everyone is well, sending love x


    I’m doing a little better with the anxiety, panic feelings today I just keep telling myself they’re normal and they’ll pass.

    I managed to actually get some sleep last night, on and off though, its really annoying u fall asleep and when I wake up I think I wonder how much I’ve slept and its a couple of hours ???? and then I get really disheartened that I won’t get back to sleep.

    I’m very emotional, feel so tired (eyes are stinging) but not like nodding off it that makes sense, having to push myself to eat food and again I was up at 8 am… its so hard though because you wake up and all the thoughts and dread of the day come flooding into you and you think maybe I need more sleep but you can’t physically go back sleep. I’m really scared at the moment to be alone just me and my thoughts so thankfully I’ve had someone with me everyday, I’m hoping this feeling gets better. I just want to feel normal, and not feel dread and terror and anxiety for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Its literally anxiety about the day and feeling the way you’re feeling all day.

    Feels good to get this out to people who may understand, got some things to do this afternoon/evening so hoping to keep my mind off things, although I can’t seem to stop thinking about how tired I am, also headache which is probably from all the crying, hormones, mental exhaustion. I possibly got told they can be rebound headaches from the medication overuse.

    Hope everyone is well and hoping this mental battle gets easier soon ???????? x


    How are you getting on Jay? Hope you’re well!


    I’m nearing the end of day 7 cold turkey…. physical symptoms seemed to have eased quite a bit other than the loss of appetite and the nauseu/dodgy tummy.

    I’m really suffering with the panic/anxiety side though….. horrible feelings rushing through my body, racing heart, feelings of terror, dread and doom in my stomach… crying so much… I used to read so much I can’t concentrate on any of my books can’t seem to concentrate on much for long tbh.

    I ended up speaking to my GP surgery Friday when I didn’t realise the withdrawals I was going through (accidental dependence and went cold turkey last Monday not even realizing that I was doing it because I didn’t know my body had become so dependant)… they checked all my heart rate etc and then said that I was coming near the end of the physical symptoms.

    I had a brief couple of hours last night where I felt completely normal and like me again, although I kept waiting for the penny to drop and the feelings to kick in… but then this morning I woke up with so many feelings and so much anxiety… spoke to my GP surgery and got put on to a specialist who was so helpful and reassuring but I just feel like I need to get some reassurance from people who have been through it.

    They’ve give me some buspirone 5mg 1 to be taken 3 times daily as needed so I’m hoping after a couple days they will help and I’ve been assured they aren’t addictive!

    Any personal experiences in regards to these horrible doom and gloom, low mood, want to sleep but CANT sleep. Only had about 3 to 4 hours last night, been up since 8 15 (early for me as I only have to do afternoon pick ups for the kids) and still don’t feel tired ????

    All I keep thinking is will I sleep tonight? What if i don’t sleep ????


    Hi access, I was just wondering what vitamins you recommend?



    Sam x

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