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  • in reply to: Relationship destroyed by addiction – my regret #37818

    Hey M,


    thank you so much for this, I am going to check it out! I don’t know what to do anymore it’s embarrassing when he’s on that stuff he tries to add different women, this time though it was one of my friends girlfriend. She’s gay! So obviously not interested, but it’s just the fact if that happened, what else did…. I’m so tired of it. I want to move back to my mum and dads but we have so much here and I don’t drive either! Otherwise I think I would feel more inclined to grow a pair and move out. I had to start all over again last year and I hate that I’ll end up doing that again xx

    in reply to: Relationship destroyed by addiction – my regret #37781


    This morning I don’t feel so strong. I don’t know what to do… I do want to leave. I’ve read so many of your posts, and realise you feel the same.

    but it’s so hard isn’t it!!! I don’t want to give up on him, but I also feel that this could go on until he’s too old to do it anymore, by then, I may not even be here anymore! If I move back to my mum and dads (for the second time), I most definitely would not come back. It’s too much to put my son through I think – not that he will remember, but he’s just over 1 now and I think he will definitely understand the change in his own little way.

    I do not know what to do!!!! When you love someone it hurts to leave. I’m still not angry, I still feel emotionally done and checked out. But if I leave, there will be no coming back. But if I stay, I will have to put up with this for a long time. 🙁


    sending love xx

    in reply to: Relationship destroyed by addiction – my regret #37776

    Hi everyone,

    I am back again! He made two blips since we got back together last July.

    this time round he was doing everything right, meds for his mental health, weekly counselling with the well-being team. He has been keeping up with that since my last big post here! But he still had a blip yesterday. This time I kept my cool, packed his things and told him to go to his parents. I plan to slowly move back to my mum and dads so I can at least rebuild my life again.

    this time round I am strangely calm. I almost feel like I do not care. I do. I love him. But I’m tired of being angry and sad. Being with an addict, you have to live everyday waiting for the next relapse. People will always be addicts. You have to decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life waiting for the next relapse when your world falls apart.

    I used to have a very liberal view to drugs. But seeing the evil cocaine has done to this man I love, I cannot stand it.’

    I am just putting this here to maybe help someone else out if they are battling with their hearts whether to stay or not. I’m certain some people really can pack the drugs or other addictions for good. But so many more will always stay trapped in the relapse cycle. I can feel in my gut when it’s going to happen. His mood shifts. The demons are in his head. Lo and behold, it happened.

    I am not angry anymore, I am just done. I cannot spend my life like this. It’s not fair. I don’t want this being “normal” for my son anymore. I’ve actually enjoyed being on my own with my son today. I feel weirdly hopeful for a future without the man I love. That’s why I think I may actually stick to my guns this time and stay separated from this man. I know it’s an illness. But I also believe that all addicts have a choice too. I’m tired of it. I am not angry. I am just done.

    in reply to: My dad is an alcoholic, does anyone have advice? #35377

    Hey there,


    I know exactly what you’re going through, including the intense arguments between mum and dad etc. I wish I could help, I think I gave up hoping for my Dad to get better after I finished uni. He is much older than my mum though, he’s 69 (I am now 25).

    if I could go back a few years ago, maybe I would have considered the Crisis Team intervention – if you Google this followed by your area, it may come up? Also some AA charities in your area may be willing to visit (if you explain the reasons for this). But it would depend on how safe it is to do so – my Dad dismisses the alcohol intake talks. I wish I did this in hindsight though, as telling him he had a problem never got through, I’m genuinely surprised he’s still alive.

    does your dad tend to apologise the next day/ when he’s out of his foul mood? My only advice is to put him straight rather than outright accepting the apology – although this again never fully worked with my dad, he’d just go quiet with me (but different people respond differently!)


    I know it sounds selfish, but I seldom returned home when I was at uni. I moved straight into my second (then third) year accommodation rather than going home. Is this something you could do? Perhaps look for work now if you can if it’s the money issue that’s stopping you from staying there over the summer. I know you may be worrying about your mum being alone (I always did too), but sometimes you just have to be selfish – I’m still affected by my Dad and it’s caused a lot of trauma that I’m not even on the cusp of trying to tackle yet, please look after yourself first!

    your dad sounds like a really good man (my Dad is too!) I just wish they found a way to seek help without hitting the alcohol.

    sorry if this isn’t much help, I just wanted you to know you’re not alone and I’m thinking of you (and your family). Xx



    Hey there,

    your story really resonates. When they are sober, you know in your heart that they wouldn’t ever cheat. The love was/is pure. But you don’t deserve to be cheated on full stop. I know it’s his illness, but you don’t deserve to sit there wondering when/if it might happen again. I don’t have much advice, but also keen to see other peoples responses to you, I guess for a bit of hope for you and I. I went back several times to a cheating addict, and it happened again and again. I know it’s the drugs really, but that doesn’t mean he could stop himself doing it in the future. I think you are doing great with the no contact, I bet it’s killing him as much as you. Take some time to heal with the hurt he has caused, give him his space to show he’s actively recovering, then see where you are in a few months. We are only on this planet for a short time though, please don’t go back if there’s even a slight feeling that he might do it again.

    wishing you both health and happiness, hope you both get the outcome you desire x


    Hey again!


    thanks for the lovely words as always. I know how you feel – you wish you never gave them that last chance to cause pain! I’m glad yours has actually started the road to recovery – like you said, it’s sad they really have to lose everything before they realise! Reading some other peoples stories who ended up with a crack addiction, and losing everything AND still using scares me. I imagine it pains you so much knowing that he couldn’t see the light of day until he lost it all. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if mine will see the light even now he’s lost his family unit etc. he’s had so many (what seemed like) rock bottom moments, manages to wrangle his way out of those, then continue to the cycle.


    I know you’re probably a little older than me, so you can ignore my advice if you wish, but please please please if I only get one message to you, please don’t have a baby with that man, not unless he’s actually recovered (but who knows how long that will take! You deserve to be happy!). My partner always said that having a baby would make him better, give him reason to stop the drugs etc etc, massive conversations about how it would give him a purpose. Obviously, you know by my story that this wasn’t true. Your partner does seem morally a lot better than mine (i.e, no women), so I can see why you might toy with the idea of the family. However, from my own experience, even though I think my partner meant what he said, he didn’t follow through. I don’t want you to go through the same thing again of raising another child on your own – although by the sounds of it you did an amazing job with your daughter!


    who knows what will happen, his mum sent an apology today, not for the accusations but for raising her voice. I haven’t replied yet, feel too sad to do so. I feel like I’m grieving a family unit that I once had, it’s as though all these people have been taken from me, because of cocaine. Whilst I do feel sad, I feel better about my decision to walk away today. I do notice I keep looking at the clock, wondering what my partner is doing though….


    speak soon x


    paw_x , I am so glad to hear from you. I was reading your story yesterday and how your partner has been sticking to his sobriety and is desperate to come home! Good for you for staying strong and loving him at a distance, but I am also really happy for you that he has been sticking to sobriety and is also adamant that he still wants to be in your lives.

    I keep thinking to myself… if he had lasted a little longer sober, I could have probably and would have probably stuck by him. Stayed in the home, knowing the cycle would break at some point. Knowing he would relapse. All I wanted was some evidence of him trying to get his act right, and yet I just feel like he’s dipped at the first hurdle. He went to one session and dipped, a few weeks back now. I feel like he’s not even TRIED to get better. That’s what has hurt me so much this time. I think also his cold nature, not even stopping me from leaving. I am glad that I did go, only because I wanted him to face the consequences of his actions. But I can’t help but feel heartbroken that he didn’t even try to stop me. I feel like these last two years I have just felt like I’m not good enough, and now I feel like my son isn’t enough in his eyes either 🙁

    I totally hear what you’re saying in regard to his mum. She’s just looking out for her son. Like you say though, why not the same respect for her grandson? She knows I find it really hard to be at my parents house because of my dads drinking. She even threw it in my face when we argued about how I managed to stick by my dad still despite his drinking. Thing is though, I didn’t choose to stick by my dad. I still love my dad from a distance. We share the same home, but share few words. I do love my dad, but I’m still reeling from the pain he’s caused and continues to cause my family, especially my mum. I am now in my mums shoes in the story of my partners coke addiction. My son is now in my shoes. I know if we continue this cycle for the next 25 years, he’s going to have that resentment towards his dad like I do with mine. Knowing my mum deserved better. It’s easier to stand by an addict that’s a parent, than a romantic partner. As the romantic partner of an addict, you really see it all. You hide most of the bad from everyone, and those that see the bad, you’re trying to convince them that the addict you love is really good. But it eats away.

    I haven’t heard anything from any of his family, although we were supposed to be talking about child maintenance today. (Their idea, not mine). It’s all gone quiet on that front. For them to not even ask how my son is doing, I find bizarre and upsetting. My partner (well, ex) hasn’t even attempted to reach out through his mum to make sure his boy is ok. I guess they figure that I’ll be taking good enough care of him. It still hurts though, I’d be asking everyday if my son is ok personally.

    I don’t know whether it’s my fault for having him blocked or what… but it’s not like he doesn’t know where we live, it’s not like he can’t go through his mum to check. It’s just soooo cold, and makes my heart ache for both my son and myself. I’m starting to think if the good person I thought he was, was just a facade. Was it all an act? Is he actually a narcissist? I know for some people the latter is ultimately true. With my ex though, I don’t think it is. He’s just let this illness bury itself in his body. I know he’s sick, but he’s allowed for the sickness to take over his former self. I wish I had even just a smidgen of love from him again.


    truth be told, after reading how many people discovered their addict partners resorted to prostitutes, I’m starting to think maybe my ex did too. It’s been playing on my mind today how he said he had used brothels before we got together. I can’t believe that didn’t raise alarm bells in my head, at the time I was just thankful for his honesty. Now, I just think I am an idiot! He’s likely been using them since the relationship too when on the coke, especially when he worked away. I can’t be sure, I know he won’t admit it, heck he hasn’t even admitted to half the things I have evidence for! But there was definitely a reason my midwives kept making me take STI/STD tests. Thankfully they came back negative. But jeez… why is his real self stuck inside that demon he’s become? I feel like it’s being amongst the living dead, he has a demon called cocaine that’s taken over his body, and slowly but surely the real him is dying a little each time. I will always love him, I really will. I know I must sound young and dumb at 25, but I think you know when you’ve met the love of your life. He definitely is mine. It’s just sad that the story only has one way out. Xx




    thank you so much for responding. As with the other two, I have read some of your responses before writing my own, and yours really resonates! Like you say, the alcoholic father. Even now at 25, I find it unbearable. The mood swings etc, which funnily enough I can see so much resemblance between my dad and my ex. Both have hearts of gold, when sober. But when they turn to the drink (and in my ex’s case, coke), they can become really awful beings. Whether that’s when intoxicated, or the day after. It’s horrible! It’s like I’m in a living hell being at my parents (thank God for my mum though), but equally, at least I’m safe from the worser hell of the home I shared with my ex.

    like you say, I think we are susceptible to addicts. I don’t even think it’s as though our partners seeked us out because of this. However, I really do think that we have become overly-forgiving with our fathers which means we are overly-forgiving of everyone. We know that both our partners and our fathers are inherently good people. We know that it’s the alcohol and drug abuse that make them this way. However, being the romantic partner is far worse than the child in our situations. Which I think is why I can’t bare to see my son go through what I did, walking on egg shells, knowing that my mum (and what could be my sons mum) is hurting really bad.

    sending lots of love and hugs xx


    Hi AnonJ! Thanks for getting back to me. Even just knowing someone is there hearing me means a lot. I get that mine is a lengthy read, so I appreciate you even contemplating reading it.

    Honestly, leaving has been the hardest thing I’ve done. I am so desperate to have the man I love back, but I’m not sure if he’s even still there anymore. I have read your posts, and it gave me some comfort to know that despite you “accusing” your partner (of course you would! He has done it before!) – it turned out he in fact had not done coke again. Please don’t feel bad for assuming the worst in him, just be happy that he’s taking the right steps in not doing it. I know if it was me in your shoes, my suspicions would turn out correct with my former partner. There’s never been time he’s been falsely accused. It sounds like your partner is very serious about ditching it. He might relapse again, but the fact he’s gone this time without it, means he’s at least in the right frame of mind. I think the emotional trauma we all go, and continue to go, through is really sad. The only comfort is knowing there’s other people in the same shoes. I want more than anything for my partner to be brave like yours and begin to refuse coke. I just don’t think it’s going to happen with mine unfortunately. His wake up call should have been our baby, but countless times since our son has been here, he’s still prioritised the drugs. I know it’s an illness, boy, I’ve been in the same shoes as they myself a few years back! But I also know in myself, I’d quit for love. I know it’s not as black and white as that for everyone, but I wish it was. 🙁 sending hugs xx

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #35087

    I know this is from a long while ago Poppy, but I just wanted to say that this story relates to me the most. The coke, the hiding the coke, the coke behaviour when he becomes overly horny and knowing if you aren’t with him means he will turn to porn, cam girls, any other female that will give him time of day in the early hours. He would blame me for not being there, and it would kill me knowing if I couldn’t be out with him to oversee the night… I knew every time he would resort to trying to message women on any platform he could. Asking who’s about at 4AM.

    the emotional turmoil these people cause is crazy. It makes you feel crazy. It has had me to the point of feeling seriously suicidal. Even times I was there, if I had fallen asleep or was in a different room, he would do it whilst on coke. Everytime, I asked why. Why the other women. He could never answer.

    what made it worse is that the days he was not on coke, he would be paranoid and accusing me of the same things he was doing. I have no social media accounts, and my phone has always been available for him to check. I wouldn’t dream of cheating on this man, even in his very worst stages I would not cheat on him. When he’s sober, mostly it would be great, and despite being positive towards him about laying off the drugs, being “faithful”, I knew in my heart it wouldn’t end. I hate hate HATE what this drug does to people. But seeing the man I love do the most hurtful things towards me, making my life a misery, has chipped and chipped away to the point I am just a shell of who I was. I’ll save the boring parts as I have already wrote my own story on my own thread, just to put my feelings into writing. If you are all he has, then yes maybe try get him the help. It will be hard, but he needs someone.

    Most  of the time though, coke addicts have people around them who encourage the behaviour. Friends, family. Family often subconsciously enable their children/relatives – whether they are fully aware or not. If he has at least someone else in his life, then for your own sanity, leave. Love him from afar.

    in reply to: Relationship destroyed by addiction – my regret #35077

    Hi James,

    I don’t really know where to begin this response, but finding your comments on a thread from over a year ago and still seeing you writing about your regret years later makes me feel very emotional.

    This is your story but I feel impelled to tell mine here, to you, as the other side of a similar story. Up until yesterday, I had been in an on/off relationship with a man I love with all my being for coming up to two years. We broke up 4 times (including the final straw yesterday) in total. All of which was to do with the coke addiction and more often than not, speaking to other women during his times of being “on it” on any platform necessary, including cam girls, local girls on SnapChat, Instagram, cam girls, TikTokers (i must admit the latter does make me chuckle). It didn’t just happen four times, I can count around 30 times that I’m aware of at least… I love the number is much higher, but he worked away until December in another country, and when he was home our time together often had to fit around my own work schedule.

    With each 1 of those 30+ times, my trust, self worth and self confidence was chipped away each time. I am now a broken woman, deflated, everything that I was before him no longer exists. Yet, my love for him is unwavering, which is why I kept returning, believing his words of change would mean these times could be put behind us.

    In the midst of this, the accusations were turned on me. I can categorically say there has never been talking on my side to other “blokes”. The latest accusation was “who is Justin” – a lovely man I work with, asking how me and the baby was. But after I showed him those messages, proved my innocence for what felt like the thousandth time, he gave me the silent treatment for 48 hours. A couple days after, he asked if we were going to start talking again, although I had tried to encourage conversation before. This man made me feel as though I was crazy!


    The man’s active addiction to coke not only tormented me emotionally by not feeling as though my proven innocence was accepted, but it caused me to move jobs multiple times. Not that I was dismissed, I felt like I had no choice but to keep changing jobs. First it was that I started work too early, the next job I was working too late and on my phone in the early hours (I worked 6 days a week, 1-11PM, the early hours was my time to unwind and catch up with my friends on Messenger who I hadn’t replied to in a little while due to work etc). So I moved to a job that was strictly 9-5, 5 days a week, in another city (i don’t drive) which meant my overall commuting day was around 12 hours out of the house. I thought this would be best, given that he was in Cyprus (within the armed forces), so 2 hours ahead. This meant I could speak to him and only him each day. I was fine with that, I was happy to make the sacrifice as I loved him (still do), with all my being. My excuse and also a real reason for changing jobs was to also save for a house together.

    Life doesn’t always go to plan, I found out I was pregnant this time last year. I was infact already pregnant before I started this 9-5 job, so I was not entitled to maternity pay, I am currently on maternity allowance which is penny’s in the current climate. I seriously considered termination, after all, we had a massive bust up with his drug use at the beginning of April last year, the women etc. he had been on massive coke binges the times he had on leave the months before too. I’m talking 9 day benders, including getting coke dropped off to his parents home for him to sit and do it in bed whilst we watched peaky blinders and I fell asleep.

    He always wanted a family, specifically a family with me. That was a major discussion point for him, where he would send long and lengthy messages of how he envisions this life together. Up until last April, I really believed the coke was recreational. I was a bit concerned about the major coke binge in the February, but he had a few birthday gatherings to go to, and had a very heavy working month previous, and he put it down to letting off some steam (although he was asking girls to meet at 4AM when he was off his face, no messages to me). That’s the worst part – this never happened when he was sober, never happened when he first started his night, always at 4AM when he couldn’t sleep and the drugs were gone. I guess it was mainly thrill seeking, but as this happened more and more, my confidence shattered. I thought “what is wrong with me” “am I this ugly” “am I that repulsive” etc, etc. I kept changing my look hoping to be more like all of these women (there was never any consistency though, some of these women were Jeremy Kyle rejects [sorry to be harsh here!]). In hind sight I guess that supports the thrill seeking, but because of what some of these women looked like, it made me feel even more devastated, because I felt even worse about myself. I am educated, am about to finish my Masters degree, and he is messaging 40+ women with broken homes, their own addictions, and salacious, but not exactly beautiful. Some were of course, which is why I thought it was me, but some weren’t (not that being beautiful is necessary). I just wanted to know why I was not a patch on any of these women. None at all. I was really bottom of the pile in his eyes, that’s how I felt anyway. Yet in the same breath, if we went out together, people would always speak to me in his local pub and tell me “wow you are too good for him” “you’re so beautiful” “you are so intelligent”. I like to speak to people, really just interesting conversations about life experiences, deep thoughts etc. this quickly stopped, because he didn’t like it and would give me the silent treatment all night. This would be to the point where even strangers had to ask his friends “why is he staring her out” “is she okay?” People pulled me to the side to ask if I was ok constantly! And I mean strangers too. Everyone there presumed he was abusive. I suppose mentally he was. I stopped going out to the pub or with anyone full stop. Obviously I used the excuse of being pregnant and not feeling comfortable or too tired to go out. I wasn’t really, I was still working my long days until I was 38 weeks pregnant, full time. In the summer of last year my days were 14 hours out of the house. I wish I had enjoyed my pregnancy more, but I was so conscious of making money.

    I am going back to when he found out I was pregnant, end of April. He was elated! This was the happiest he’s ever been. He had just got posted back to Cyprus, but had said he’s so happy that he would love a beer with the lads to celebrate. Obviously I said yes, he was over the moon.

    I was really unsure about being pregnant. The bust up in April was never really resolved, he had gone back for a solid 3 months of not seeing him and it felt like there was unresolved issues before even considering a baby. Anyway, a couple days after finding out I was pregnant, his first message of the day was “i fucked up”. My gut feeling those two days before was that he had got on coke. But this time he kept it from me. I asked how he fucked up, he said that he had just had to submit a drug test in (army protocol). He says he is bound to fail. He’s going to be kicked out of the army etc, family will kick him out, and so on. I had just started a new job fully aware that I would not be entitled to maternity pay. I was cross with him, asked why the family he wanted was not enough to just for one night not do it, funnily enough the night of the “sesh”, I categorically said for him to not do coke. He said he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t risk his family like this. But he did. I was devastated.

    A couple days after the test, I told him not to worry. If he gets kicked out I’ll support him, I will look for a place etc until he finds his feet. There was a lot of arguing in May last year, he was flying accusations at me once again. Of course I have and would never have cheated on this man, after all I was prepared to have a baby with him. Something I do not take lightly, as I have terminated before (at 18) knowing that the previous potential father would not be around and that I had nothing to provide properly for this baby. My partner told me if I aborted this child, he would be heartbroken and never speak to me again, and that I would kill his unborn child, rob him of the family he wanted with me etc. so I went through with the pregnancy. This was something I was constantly 50/50 with throughout, even once my darling boy was born I felt so distraught and that I had brought this child into a terrible situation, and that my love might not be enough.

    so to save more boring jargon, May, June and July last year was god-awful. We were not getting along, he would be paranoid constantly, on massive coke binges each weekend going out to Napa, strip clubs etc. I’m at home, pregnant, trying to get to grips with my new job. The beginning of July, I ended the relationship for the first time ever. I think this shocked him. He would go through his friends to speak to me, say he is sorry. Say that he loves me and our child so much and will still support us. I asked for space.

    He went to a festival, where he of course got drugged up, not just on coke but other substances. He said he had an epiphany when he saw a young family there, and wanted to see me to discuss everything. So we got back together, on the condition that I block his friends who told me what he was saying about me, calling me really vulgar names, that I am toxic, controlling etc. I’ve never been controlling, I never once told him to not go out, and occasionally asked him to not do coke. I really wish I had, but I don’t think it would have stopped him going out to be honest. I still have so many “what ifs” from then, now. I know my story is still fresh, but I have so many unanswered questions from then, that he’s refused to answer all these months.


    we got back together, went out in the august with a group of his friends – one of which was also pregnant. It was lovely, and felt like a real bonding moment. His friends all told me separately how he’s so excited to have a family with me, his dreams have come true etc. however, after a few hours of drinking, his mind turned to gear. He became curt with me, rude, dismissive. Told me to go to his parents house and he’ll be back later. His friend and his pregnant girlfriend dropped me off. They came back a couple minutes later and said to come to theirs, as they felt really bad about my partners behaviour. My partner didn’t like it, sent me a barrage of abuse. Told me he’s gone out of his way to buy me Chinese and that I’m a bitch to not be at his house and to not eat the food he bought. I came back about half hour after the final message, he was gone. His car was gone. He was drunk and intoxicated on coke, driving !

    His mum came out, and asked what happened and why has he gone. I said “i don’t know, he told me to go, so his friends took me to theirs as he was wound up”. His dad then went to look for him. He wouldn’t answer our calls, his friends went to look for him. 2 hours later (2AM), he came home. Said he was suicidal. Announced to his parents I was pregnant. In their eyes it looked as though he was just scared of the situation. News to me! But I went with it. He apologised to me, slept with me, and we went to sleep. I woke up a few hours later (i was 18 weeks pregnant at the time), he was not in bed. I looked for him. He was outside in the garden in nothing but his boxers, smoking, looking so happy. I just looked at him and walked off. A few hours later, once his parents had gone to work. I asked who he was speaking to. He said it’s “not what you think”. He then said he was embarrassed to say, but it was just cam girls, it’s harmless, it’s porn, they are just “slags”. Firstly, these women are not slags, they are sex workers. I feel as though 1:1 conversations with cam girls, getting them to perform for you, having text conversations with them is far different to pornography. I was distraught, this man that cannot keep his hands off of me clearly has no sexual attraction towards me. He said it’s not the case, sex with me is the best, these women aren’t me, they are just slags etc. I left his home, furious, not wanting to speak to him.

    his parents tried to negotiate with me, saying that their son adores me and worships the ground I walk on, he thinks the world of me and all the rest. Out of respect for them, I came to talk. We had an argument, I mentioned that we should just coparent, he didn’t like that. He either has his family with me or he wouldn’t be happy. I spent the night there, no intimacy. The next morning I left to go back to my parents home. He said that he had just realised I never gave him an answer as to whether we were together still. I broke down and just said I cannot do this anymore, I can’t deal with the coke, the person he becomes on coke etc. His friend (and pregnant girlfriend), said we should all get together. We did, we had a nice time. The next morning, my partner left for a deployment overseas for a month. He would constantly plead his love for me, it really felt like this was going back in the right direction, I thought “great!” This man cannot do drugs, nor drink. This will be amazing. He was so like the man I first fell for. He came home in September, and it was the first time he didn’t go out at all. He took me to work and picked me up everyday, even though he should have had lay ins, he made sure I was good first. He couldn’t have done more than enough for me, I loved that week so much. I really thought this was the beginning of our future. When he left for work again, he was cold. I felt like I had stopped him having a life outside of me, I could feel his resentment towards me.

    The next time he came home, despite saying it would be all about me and baby, he made the focus around his friends, where he could do coke again. To make it clear, he was always around coke, both at home and at work. His mum slapped him for how he was behaving, both his parents were majorly disappointed. December he came home, for good. He left the army. I was hesitant, for the whole time before the baby, he had insisted on marrying me so that we could have our family together and we would live on camp with him. Since being pregnant, that was no longer an option in his eyes. Financially this was the most viable reason! Nevertheless, whilst balancing my full time job at 34 weeks pregnant, I was rushing to find a rental. I had managed to get it all sorted, but his grandmother offered her property she rents out. We decided to go with that, but couldn’t move in until after my son was born. My home life at my parents is overcrowded, and my dad is a functioning alcoholic. Sometimes being at home is worse than anything, but I thought once we were in the new place, it would be ok.

    the second breakup came a week before my son was born. I had gone on my Christmas work meal with my work colleagues. He kept phoning me, once I had left my colleagues in a bar (I was 38 weeks pregnant, tired, and the only sober one) I answered to a coke-fuelled barrage of abuse. I hung up, and was in tears. Once I had gotten into my brothers car, I answered his call again. He told me that he knows he hasn’t been the best, but he is here for me and baby now. I said “that is fine, and I’m not intentionally pushing you out, but you say a lot and don’t really do anything with your words. I’m scared of being dependent on you again”. It ended up in a massive argument, where it finally came out he had spoken to his ex some while back, even though he had denied it up until this point. Partly due to my diagnosed severe perinatal depression, and hormones, I ended the relationship. we had very limited contact, although by Christmas Eve it was almost back to old times. We were supposed to be having Christmas with all of his family, but due to the breakup I was no longer going. He had spent all of that week before my son was born, coked up. Even on Christmas Day! On Boxing Day, heavily pregnant, I think the hormones got to me. Why did this man put me through so much heart ache? I wanted answers. It ended in a massive row, and we stopped speaking. That night at around 11, I started going into Labour. I was in denial until about 7AM, even after my waters had broke at 5AM all over the living room floor. I mopped it up secretly, and only told my mum about the Labour when she was awake at 7. This was the worst time possible. My partner and I were not speaking, I was still under the crisis team for 24 hour suicidal support (yes, it was so bad to the point where therapists and support staff kept coming to my parents address). I had to go to the resources centre and mental health unit to check in daily otherwise they had no choice but to make sure I hadn’t killed myself. Now, I can’t say all of this was due to him, but my partners actions with coke really had me to my breaking point.

    my mum phoned the maternity unit, and they told me to come there as soon as I could. I got a quick bath ( I couldn’t bare to have my fluids over me!), but after that it was a downward spiral into active labour. My blood pressure was so low, I couldn’t stand up. On top of that I felt really suicidal. My ex partner had no idea this was going on as I had no energy to try talk to him, and I don’t think anyone but myself knew how close I was to giving birth. I gave birth quite quickly, too quick for my ex to get there. He insisted I did this on purpose, obviously he was on a comedown. When he finally got to my parents, I was on my parents bed, bleeding out, paramedics considered an air ambulance for both me and my baby, as his cord was stuck for a while, and without being dramatic, I was losing so much blood after the birth that I was losing consciousness. I passed out 3 times, one of which I smacked my head on the unit. The paramedics advised my mum once I left that I would have to go to theatre and that they have no choice but to give me a blood transfusion. They advised she get to the hospital immediately as it wasn’t looking good. Luckily I was ok once I got to hospital. My ex was in sheer shock at what was going on, he broke down saying he can’t believe what’s just happened, and that he is so sorry what he put me through. I really believed this might be a turning point for him with the drugs. I’ll save the boring parts as I don’t want this to come across as a woe is me sort of thing, but those first few weeks were perfect. We coparented really well, our little bubble was perfect. He said all of the right things. All the while he was going back home each evening to get off his face on gear. I had no idea of this, he swore on our sons life he had not. I have found out since that his own mum found gear multiple times during this, I felt betrayed that I had no idea.

    we got back together end of January, moved in together, I thought it was perfect. He said he was the happiest man in the world to have his family together. He was out of work though, and took very little interest in finding a job. All the while, he was having coke binges with different friends in our home, when I had taken our son to my mums for an overnight stay. The perfect dad was no longer around, I thought it was just a lot for him to handle, I had no idea he was doing gear multiple times a week still as he hid it from me. Until I found packets and receipts for cash withdrawals of 100 pounds here, 100 pounds there. The money I had sent him from my dismal 600 pound a month maternity allowance, was going towards gear. He had spent £400 in two days on the stuff. I was furious, but we resolved it with a mediation from his friend who said he wants us to be together.

    a few weeks later, when I was out for the day visiting family so they could meet my son for the first time, he made excuses again as to why he couldn’t meet this extended family. He had gone to the pub for a “quick drink”, which I understood was anxiety (which in his defence, he does have undiagnosed severe anxiety, which I believe should be medicated from my own personal experience). He had gone out for a couple hours, and his friend dropped him home. In the space of half an hour of his friend dropping him home and me coming back, he had arranged for gear to be dropped off at our family home. I was distraught! Countless times I had given him the ultimatum of “i will leave if you do this again”. I never did. I loved him and wanted our life together. But this time I had hit what I was thought was my last time. I regretfully slapped him multiple times, and kicked him out. Told his mum to collect him. His parents were furious, but the next day, sat down with him to talk about this all. His problems started in the army. They set up a meeting with a rehab centre. The day he attempted to sort this gear, I had wrote a letter, a CV and an email to a rather great local company, for him to get a job. He was offered an interview before he went for this quick drink, in my mind that drink was to celebrate! But no. Rather than things starting to look up for him; he was still choosing coke. Despite kicking him out, I made sure his suit for the interview was ready and sent his mum pointers for him to do well in the interview which was a couple days after I kicked him out. He got the job, I thought this was the break he needed, as he had said that “not having a job” was his reason for doing gear this time.

    he quickly dropped the counselling sessions, as he said now he has a job and has cut both coke AND alcohol out of his life, he can do it with my support and his family’s support. I let him back in the family home mid March this year. These last 6 weeks has been great, he didn’t touch a drop of alcohol, no drugs. Felt like the man I loved was back, and our family could move on.

    an army friend asked to see him again a couple days ago. I was hesitant I must say. I was scared of him going out. But I didn’t want to push him away by being controlling, so I encouraged him to go out. He got coked up, stayed overnight in a different city, in a different county, and tried to come in the house at lunch time on Sunday. I was furious, I had locked him out, I couldn’t bare to see him for I was devastated. I told his mum that I will leave tomorrow (yesterday). So yesterday came around, I have him blocked on everything, his mum advises that he is happy to help me move my things out of the place. I had poured what little money I had into making this home as lovely, cosy and homely as possible. I would wake up at 5 AM with a 4 month old each morning to make his lunches for work, do his washing, do the chores, care for our son, make dinner for when my partner got home each day. I felt like he was just letting me leave. It became heated yesterday with both him and his mum. He called me crazy. Said I was upsetting our son from shouting. My son was crying because I was in tears through frustration. They both accused me of talking to “blokes”. That is a categorical lie, and I knew his mum was just quoting him when she said “blokes”. The woman I confided in, showed evidence of him speaking to other women to, etc was now against me. I think above everything else, her accusing me of speaking to a other men was really the worst part. I feel like deep down she knows it’s not true, but he’s turned her against me. She was really cold, as was he. She accused me of encouraging my partner to go out, despite saying on Saturday night that I can’t stop him going out… him doing coke is a “slip up”. I was out of order to kick him out, that my emotional outburst was toxic and that I cannot stay in the family home whilst this was going on. Neither of them tried to comfort me at all whilst I was upset, but once they had taken my belongings along with my sons things to my parents home, my partners mum broke down crying to my mum. She admitted his addictions would be a long road. I truly believe he will not recover. I am distraught. He has defamed my character, when he knows it’s not true, his mum knows it’s not true. Their cold behaviour was obscene. I am still in shock this morning after what happened yesterday. Every time his mum was aware of his coke sessions and sometimes engaging with other women, she stuck up for me. This time she was directing all her anger towards me. I understand as a parent, she wants her child to be healthy and happy. But to allow someone else’s child to cripple in pain at the pain caused by her son… that’s one of the most upsetting things. I’m now back at my parents, where I don’t particularly want to be, but I have no choice quite frankly. I feel as though I’ve been left emotionally strangled, financially depleted, and I am obviously my sons sole carer. He’s allowed to have his family home to himself, where he can slip up as many times as he wants, have drugs in the home. The home my son could potentially be going to. For the mean time, if he chooses to see his son, I will be asking for it to be at his parents, under supervision. I don’t know what is going to be happening at our family home any more, as his mum told me to give up my key. Her words to my mum were “i have to support my son”. People are so ready to be patient with the addict, and I once was the same. To a degree, I still have that patience for my now ex partner. But after giving him my last ultimatum yesterday, saying that if he lets me and our son leave now, we won’t come back. He said nothing to this. Said nothing to my mum as he moved the belongings into the family home. Nothing. I have deleted my Facebook and messenger account (the only social media accounts have), so his friends can’t keep tabs on me. In the past they have been his messengers, along with his parents. his number is still blocked. I keep toying with the idea of unlocking so I can speak to him again. But he let me leave. He was still in his victim mentality. His mum said that he did the coke this time because he felt unloved by me. His actions throughout has made me feel unloved, to the point where I feel just an option to anyone. I now have to navigate coparenting and child maintenance through his mum, the mum that I had an amazing relationship with up until yesterday. What’s almost funny is that on the day he went out to see his former army friend, I was out with his mum, my mum and my son. It was a lovely day, spoiled by him. I was supposed to see my own friends the following day, but couldn’t, as he didn’t get back to our home in time.

    I hate how this wonderful man, the perfect man, has become so selfish in his actions. His lack of emotion or remorse has cut me to the point where I feel suicidal again. Unlike him, I don’t have the luxury of going off the rails despite my mental health. My son needs me, I am his sole carer. I felt like a single mum when me and my partner were together in the same roof. I was mothering two people.

    I apologise for the lengthy message, I guess I am just trying to get my thoughts out there as up until now no one really knows much of my story. I feel embarrassed. Embarrassed that I wasn’t enough. Embarrassed our little family he so desperately wanted, wasn’t enough. I am writing this to you James because it really struck a chord in me to hear your side. His side. The other side of the coin. To know you are in deep regret about what you have lost to your illness (addiction) I suppose selfishly gives me some peace. I just want him to know how much it has broken me. I know in the long run, I will be ok. But I will never be the same again. If it gives you any peace of mind James, there will always be a huge part of me that longs to be with my partner again. The man I love is perfect: he was the only man I wanted a child to. I imagine your ex partner feels the same. I hope we both get the outcomes we want, but if we don’t, we will still be okay. Sending hugs to you and everyone effected, this is horrible…

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