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  • in reply to: Recovery is heart breaking #9233

    Hey sweet. Thinking of you and your son. Bless you. Xx x

    in reply to: My Boy #8968

    Things will be much worse, try to get some help from a GP, family or friends. Your very brave asking for advice, hugs to you xxx

    in reply to: My Boy #8967

    Apart from the cost of this evil white powder which is bashed to pulp and 9 times out of 10 just plain ole paracetamol, it leads to heavy nose bleeds, you look like a zombie when you sniff it, yr eyes pop, and yr constantly sniffing. My son like you , only had it when he went drinking, he liked cannabis more, it got out of control, money, drugs, money…….. stop taking it, get some help, my son is getting help now, it ruins you!! Like cant take no more said give it another 6 months, a year

    in reply to: feeling shared #8860

    Thank you my lovely ladies, nobody judges anyone onhere, everybody has a story to tell and to get support back feels fantastic, I thank you deeply. I will go friday and change the terms on the non-mol, im also seeing a lovely lady who is going to toughen me up a bit and learn to say no……. hugs to you

    in reply to: feeling shared #8851

    The police are involved, the criminal record he has is all to do with me, how sad is that? I have an injunction so that he stays away from my house but im still allowed contact because I wanted to help him find somewhere to live, he is staying with his grandmother but he is treating her like he did me and I can see it! My mum cant take no more and she has told him he
    has to go but at the moment he wont because he has no where to go, and im giving him money so he dos, nt bother my sweet mum, but he still does, and I can see its how I was living, or should I say im still living it.nothing has changed! Its just he lives there and not here! He is 28 with a mind of a 16 yr old, he is angry with everyone, but the cannabis is out of of control, its every day about 20 to 30 pounds worth, he has not worked for months, so its my money. Oh what a mess im in, he scares me, he shouts and looses his temper and now he is doing it to my sweet mum. I need some help, desperate for help,that walking on egg shells is so very true. His dad wants nothing to do with him, and my son stays away from him, but when I say to him, I want nothing to do with you, he wont accept it,! Im seeing a councilor on friday, im hoping she can help me, i have also been advised by the police to change the injunction back to non contact whatsoever, he will break it, like the other 3 times, and be back in front of the judge! Xxxxxx

    in reply to: feeling shared #8845

    Bless you nathan, I ditto that cyber hug too! Xxx

    in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #8831

    I am very weak, I try to be strong,but I cant be when around him, I hated coming home from work knowing he was here waiting for me and only wanting money, thats why I took the injunction out so he left me alone,, its got to the stage, he scares the crap out of me, how awful is that to say, its gone on 10 years too long, I have nothing. I also have a younger son to look after who Is a dream compared to his brother. Today I spent time with my wonderful 2yr old grandson, we played and it was wonderful, I felt safe as I had no one screaming at me for money. My son has phoned me and told me he will go and hand himself in, I hope he does. Thank you “cant take no more and lolipop” hugs to you both, I hope one day I can say my son has changed for the better. Xxxxxx

    in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #8829

    You are a very strong woman, me on other hand am the weakest softest woman there is. Im trying to be strong, thank you xxxxbless xxx

    in reply to: Relapsed but he will get there #8678

    Hugs to you and your son.xxxx

    in reply to: drugs, money, drugs, money………….. #8668

    Thank you cant take no more, im trying to be strong, my son has that hold over me, its the longest I have gone without giving him any money, 5 days! He hates me, and will hate me more when they deliver his injunction. I was in court this morning, so its done now and its up to him.he has been constantly ringing my daughter for money, telling her to put me on the phone, I dont think I have eaten properly for 4 days, its such a mess, I cant stop crying, im forever turning the lights off so it looks like no one is home, every car that stops outside my heart beats so fast, what the hell is my son doing to me, im a strong woman,well to every one else I seem to be, but my son breaks me! He scares the life out of me, and the saddest thing if he does come round or even down the road, he will be breaking the court rules and will be arrested and could go to prison! That is something I cant get my head around, I want some help for him to stop the smoking of cannabis, I have been looking on line for some help groups, as well as some help for my self. We did have a family group session when he was younger but now he is an adult and he needs 121. Big hugs everyone, I will say this, coming on here has helped me, I read all the blogs and in some, the story is my story. Xxx

    in reply to: time to say no #8661

    Hi maddie, hope your ok. Im in court tomoz to get an injunction on my son, it wont go down well, my son has said he will be over to get more money, we will see, hugs to you.xxxx

    in reply to: FIFI, franticmum, and regulars #8651


    in reply to: drugs, money, drugs, money………….. #8650

    The light is off and im sitting in darkness at my daughters, the last few days have been bliss as my son went to his dads, however he is not as soft as me and told him how it was!, that was it, I got a phone call demanding a ticket home and NOW! My injunction is not being heard in court for another couple days, so like a battered wife I agreed for him to come home, my daughter went crazy and I told her I could not do this on my own, so she told me to go to hers and sit it out, I knew he would ring for me as he had no key, no money and he needed his fix! Im shaking as he has rang about 10 times demanding I speak with him, he only wants money from me, she is so brave and has told him ” she is my mum too and yr not speaking to her” what a girl, I feel safe. He is out on the streets tonight, I do worry about him but what can I do, I just want him to not be a bully to me, he talks to his sister the same way but she is so much stronger, he has threatened to come smash the windows, we have phoned the police but he has not shown up. Its me he wants, just wants to talk to me, its the first time I have said NO! He does not like it and its making him angry,Ihave allways given in before.god bless everyone, thank you for your kind words, I will keep going over in my head all the positive replies and advice. Xxxx

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