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  • in reply to: Where to go from here ? #8089

    Mitch I know how you feel wondering why you are still there why you feel like your forgiving and forgiving and still he continues to destroy you , my partner is a heroin addict I think he always will be so I know how broken confused and lost you are feeling, if you read I suggest reading ‘loving an addict ‘ it may help you understand more or ‘co dependent no more ‘im reading this now and I draw alot of strength from it, please dont ever feel alone xx

    in reply to: such an evil monster #8084

    You need to be you ! Do you want to do drugs? To you want to be that person just to make him happy, ive been there ! Aslong as your doing it with him he thinks its acceptable, I enjoyed doing drugs with him until I realised he only wantedme to carry on so he could cover up whst he was doing, I nearly lost everything, and he blamed me but didnt think to admit that he was taking smavk on the side ( I was only taking crack ) were just pawns in a very twisted game of chess, they say were just as bad as them, but truth is they should have said no the first time we asked to try it, if they loved us they would never have wanted us to feel the pain that comes with addiction, so please ask your self do you really want to be that person or are you worth more? The old saying goes, “if you love them let them free, and if they come back then it was meant to be” you love your childrens just like I love mine , proove to them your worth more they need you , you need you, x my hearts with you x

    in reply to: when to walk away? #8083

    Every word you have written is a mirror image of my life, I know exactly how you feel from the moment I open my eyes im wondering when he will use next , the lies I can see straight through them, I have also learnt far to much about addiction that there is no place for him to hide, and even though I love him so vety much I know deel down it will never pan out to be a happy ever after, its a waiting game of who will break first , will he end up in a box or will I ever find the strength to walk away, we never askedto fall in love with an addict , but thats all they are is an addict and unless they decide to kick it we will always come second best , as much as they say they love us everytime we forgive it gives them the green light to use again and again , they will only ever change when they have nothing left and then theywill have to fight to get it back, and if they dont fight as much as it would hurt atleast you know you have done the right thing to ensure your happiness, I love my other half so much but this isnt a life its a living nightmare and the only one to stop it is you , I wish I had a cure an all the answers for you, but noone does you just neefto find the strength to walk away , not forever but just so he knows he has to change , like me when we forgive they seem to forget, but I cant forget , they call it tough love and I think its the only way, if all you want is to be happy then you need to choose life not love xxxx my thoughts are with you xxx

    in reply to: My boyfriend a heroin addict #8069

    Things are never going to change I thought he was doing really well an then last night he does it again , im gutted im sick of crying he talks like its nothing I just want him to go , but im stupid I love him but how many more times can I forgive , hes taken every bit of happines in me , xx

    in reply to: cant sleep #8068

    I wish I had the answer for you like I wish you had the answer for me, im sick of everyone telling me to go leave him but its not that easy not when you love them, it takes strength to walk away I dont have it yet I hope you get yours soon, I really do becsuse I know how much your hurting , xx

    in reply to: My story #7996

    My partner is a heroin addict and believe me I know how you feel, you say he made you feel like you were losing your mind , I would sit on my own racking my brain wondering what I had done and id believe him when he said I was the cause of his want to score, when deep down all I was doing was trying to keep our family together raising two babies and trying to keep him safe, but not once did he stop and think about us, he says he is clean now, I question where he is going what he is doing , I dont know if he is using I wouldnt and even if I thought he was he would never tell me so right now im putting up with the worry the fear and the uncertainty , you need to fix yourself , you cant fix him trust me ive spent too long trying and the only person who gets hurt is yourself, xx

    in reply to: Partner back on heroin #7995

    I feel your pain more than you would ever know, my partner has been an adict on and off for 20 years I try so hard to trust him but just like you I know the signs ,and it breaks my heart I hate him for how selfish he is and it makes me sick when he sits there and has thr cheek to tell me I have to go without , makes me question the purpose of love if all that happens when you love someone is that they hurt and destroy you, just want you too know your not alone in your suffering please stay strong and dont lose who you are for the sake of a lost soul, love is cruel, but please love yourself not his addiction xx

    in reply to: its all my fault #7974

    Detta, thankyou so much for your kind words I love my children so very much that I know I have to do what is right by them , never would I want my actions to cause them hurt, I have contacted a local supportgroup that I am going to go too and hopefully that will help give mr the strength to walk away and find true happiness xx

    in reply to: lost and confused just want to scream #7973

    Gilly b my son is 2 and my baby girl is 5months so still very young , and you are so right I know this is effecting them everyday and it does break my heart, its hard to let him in as everyday I do he hurts me again and again, I have contacted a local support group and im really going to find the strength to go now new year new start new me, your kind words really do give me strength to know that I am not the only one dealing with this pain xxx

    in reply to: im lost #7958

    Thats my life every moment its like I wrote that post so what do I do where do I turn im feeling like im going round in circles day after day


    I burst into tears reading your post I fekt every word of it my partner has been an addict for 20 years we have onky been together 4 years and I have onky known for two years ive forgiven so much and been hurt sonmuch by him but im stilk sag here waiting for him to come home every night I feel stupid nieve but when does ut stop when shoukd we sag enough is enouhg a n walk away should you take this opportunity to walk away and rebuild yourself

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