I really feel for you. My story is a similar one. My son is 21 has been taking drugs since he was 14. He has been a heroin user (amongst other drugs) for the last 4 years. It has been a roller coaster ride. He was always getting in trouble with the law. Escaped prison sentences time after time, ( some for dealing). The last year he has not got into trouble because he has no social life, he rarely goes out. He has been into an NHS detox 3 times now. I feel like I can not bear to watch him killing himself any more. I have given him an ultimatum, he gets clean or finds somewhere else to live. We have even agreed to put the money up for private rehab, so I am aware he is very fortunate! He has 1 week to decide, I know tough love is the best way for all, but I am feeling scared that I am not able to follow this through. He has no job now so will have to find some way to fund his habit. I am thinking that this anguish will end if he goes but that is prob in my dreams. I can not help feeling sorry for him!