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  • in reply to: tragically sad #8694

    Hi kelly well what can I say I have just nearly pee’d my pants laughing at your post nothing to do with the non existing pelvic muscles from my two 9lb 4oz babies honest lol. I am really starting to think that maybe we are seeing the same bloke cannot believe how much alike they are I think they could be brothers or sumat or its an addict thing. Really dont want to be competitive with you but check this out my partner moved back in with his mum who knocks on his door in a morning with tea and biscuits and cooks him meals and waites on him hand and foot so when he comes here he is the exact same never helps always says how exhausted he is and how hard it is for him to split his time evenly between them when baby cries and older one wants to do things like paint worst thing is when he shouts at her for pestering sorry but mr 2-4 hours every other day you do not have that right. He does’nt pay anything to his mum she wont take it off him and he does’nt pay anything here either I dont want him thinking I need him for anything so your right they do get best of both worlds, I am lucky to grab a quick shower at night time never mind be able to relax and sleep they are just unreal words escape me. He rang me today to say he gets a courtesy car for 48hrs while they take his away he was actually abit excited a bucket of shit n roses does come to mind I really wanted him to suffer but I suppose that will come mwhahaha, he ended by saying how much he misses me n kids and he loves me the only thing I said back was” yeah I love me too” his mum does my head in tho always texting me with how much he loves me n misses me i have a better relationship with her then him, I jus say yes he loves me that much its you thats texting to tell me. She says I have to trust him otherwise he will never get through this I have got to stop thinking bad all the time (cheek!!!) Told her I would’nt trust him as far as I could throw him and its not her thats had her jewellery pawned and stolen money out of bank account so dont tell me I need to start trusting him, she was’nt really impressed I dont think but sick of pussy footing around em. He said apparently he did’nt take diazepam cus he knew he was driving you see his tolerance for drugs is really high because of addiction so not alot affects him I am just struggling with his storey of how things happened I just think he took a massive risk n it did’nt work for the sake of a two minute wait ( what a bell end). That brain surgeon bit so funny best bit of all is we would go and accept the proposal lol.

    Thanks for the laugh you crease me up and the birthday wishes just hope it wont be to much of an inconvenience for him I will probably have to buy him a pressie so he does’nt feel left out.

    Take care xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #8691

    oh n very last thing guess where it all is the stuff i bought him aswel as some of mine that he “borrowed” cus i was’nt wearing them. Pawn shop suprise suprise so if its not fecking glued down he wil take it and probably sniff the glue aswel x not funny really but if u dont laugh all thats left to do is cry. Never thought he would do owt like that to me but an addict is an addict through n through x nite x well should be saying morning seen as tho its 1:30 am x

    in reply to: tragically sad #8690

    Just wanted to say aswel I have never seen so much stuff on tv a lately about addiction I mean what is happening usually there is nothing and now its on everyday think with robbin williams dying that kicked it all off. X

    in reply to: tragically sad #8689

    Oh you make me laugh just what I needed. Think we would probably need a thousand tea bags for our problems. They are unreal are’nt they you just could’nt bottle it could you the corkers they come out with and as for blaming you for the weather well priceless we should do the mastercard adverts we would be rite good at em lol. I can see why you would be insecure about that and add to the selfishness then yeah I would be the same. I know when some go on these residential ones that can last up to 12 month they can never go back its like witness protection programme. This is what I am saying about not dealing with your own issues yours just get brushed under carpet because you have to deal with theirs all the pissing time. The drug front he seems to be ok still on prescribed diazepam from his gp but whats happened with crash today jus baffled me cus where he said it happened was not really on the way to mine well it was but very strange way of going and when I questioned him he said he always goes that way but not convinced but then again he has no cash and I have his bank card so no way of getting any but who knows sick of thinking of all different scenarios my brain actually hurts thats if there is one in there. I would love the fairy tale ending or even begining or middle would be good fact is they are jus shit heads and yes we should defo hate them but its thwt stupid thing called an heart that attaches to someone and makes you love em ( god dam it) he has always been selfcentered too remember when we first got together bought him a ring with our names etched inside he went mad because i told him I was’nt going up that night and he planned time with his friends should have ran then but at 14 yrs old I was besotted same when I bought him some diamond earrings out of my bonus from work he made me take them back because I bought him wrong ones he said I should have waited til he was there cus I always get it wrong so always been selfish ungrateful git god when I think back hes a right twat really. Thank you again for just making me laugh n destressing jus for being you really. Its my birthday soon that will be fun be poundland not that I would’nt be grateful for anything but sometimes he even used to sigh n says oh god I’VE GOT YOUR BIRTHDAY TO PAY FOR ASWELL I was like well its same date every year and oh by the way sorry for being born why dont you just go n hit my mum with a brick for having me lol x

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #8688

    Nitty its time for action you cannot live like that its not a relationship if you are scared of him or what hes going to do probably being alone will be better then living in fear all the time I would never encourage anyone to end their relationship only you can decide that but you need to think about yourself and start living without being scared. Good luck x

    in reply to: Drug addiction has affected my life for so long #8687

    So sorry to hear this story its bad enough when you have one person in your life addicted to drugs never mind three. Thing is theres nothing you can do they need to want to help themselves so you have probably done the right thing moving away as hard as it is for you. Keep strong and know you are not alone we all post on here for the same reason. Take care xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #8684

    Sorry forgot to add,The only thing I could say to him was like I told him if he would have rang me I would’nt have been in anyway so he would’nt have needed to come over. So frigging pissed off with him any words of wisdom from you would be appreciated but just dont say at least hes ok (Lol) xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #8683

    Sounds like you have had a day as bad as mine, its so difficult to say whether he is or is’nt telling the truth you want so bad to believe them but its always there eating away at you its like never ending doubt and its hard for them if they are telling the truth to prove their innocence so its a lose lose situation for you, I am always over analising situations like that constantly thinking the worst if hes too long nipping to shops it just eats away at you all the time. They get their head sorted and we just live as a shell expected to deal with it without any help and its still all about them. I had quite a good day up until about 10pm when he rang me to say hes smashed his car into a bus not his fault apparently bus was stationery and he was overtaking (on his way to see me allegedly) thought I’d be sumat to do with it, and another car came out of nowhere at speed so he had no option but to hit bus or have head on he thinks they will rite it off but he has no money to pay excess its just one things after another with him and it pisses me off worst of all my car broke down yesterday so got to have that fixed aswell and its a bank holiday suprised I am not grey eith all this shit. Thing is I know how he drives hes erratic I very rarely go in car with him because of how he drives. I can see what hes done hes took a massive risk trying to beat other oncoming car and not made it. Then when I went mad at him asking how he wil afford to pay for it he said oh well dont bother asking how I am thanks for that he said, the cheeky f##ker after all hes done he has cheek to say that to me told him I had to go at that point otherwise I would have said something I would regret. So now I am too sat here wondering what to do while the kid sleep. Its just all crap is’nt it. Sorry to rant at you but think I would go crazy if I did’nt have you to speak to.

    Only thing I can say is can you test him again in couple of days did it say how long it stayed in body for immodium. I just don’t know I am so sorry that your day did’nt go as planned yet again just hope your daughter had a nice birthday and hope he is telling the truth.

    If it helps there is a sickness and diarrhoea bug going round sheffield at the moment so maybe he is genuine take care speak soon xx

    in reply to: Relapsed but he will get there #8679

    You dont sound cold. I just think you get to a point when you have to say enough is enough. I only read about enabling the other day after a girl on here mentioned it and could’nt believe how I fitted the profile of an enabler it was like after all these years I saw what I was doing and thought no more. Never felt this strong before but I like it I have detached myself from the addiction and feel so much better for it. Thank you to this site and to people like yourself sharing their stories.

    in reply to: tragically sad #8674

    glad your ok. yes the things we do to protect the children. hope he passes the test for the sake of your daughter. hope she has a lovely birthday and you have a peaceful day. i dont blame you for making him do it in front of you, you have to be sure. my partner turned up at house yesterday unannounced told him hes to ring he cannot.just show up because it upsets my daughter when he has to leave again. i will make sure he learns one day. he needs to consider other peoples feelings instead of thinking of hiself. ( be strange for him to do that for a change). Anyway have a lovely day tomorrow. speak soon let me know how he goes on with his test xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #8672

    morning hope you are ok xx

    in reply to: so tried, so scared need this to end #8671

    hi nitty.

    you cannot live your life like this you deserve to be happy with someone who loves u not drugs or drink more. you cannot live in fear like this, only u.can decide if its over n if it is u need to start taking action get intouch with the police or even go to your gp they can send u in the right direction with groups etc. be strong and start living xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #8666

    Its so annoying is’nt it. its like they have no sense of what they are like whilst on the drugs and just expect that you can handle whatever they do to you without even a mention of sorry. its all about them all the time. my partner rang me yestetday i have’nt been ringing him at all left it him to contact me and if he does’nt i just think oh well. This gabapentin sounds like a substitute does’nt it i wonder what he would be like without them mmmmm….. i live in south yorkshire, sheffield, whereabouts are you? xx. Really sorry that things did’nt go to plan xx

    in reply to: tragically sad #8660

    Hi kelly hope u are enjoying a meal tonight have fun speak soon xx

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #8659

    Thing with addicts is they grind you down slowly so before you know it you have lost yourself in their addition. If you hate him can you not just leave him what is it thats holding you back from leaving? Are you scared to be alone or is it because you have dedicated so many years to him? Just curious what makes you take him back each time. Xx

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