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  • staceyd09

    Hey guys, is anyone is? Struggling a bit. Been crying my eyes out and feel like I need the pills but don’t want to take them as then what? I’ll have to go through this all again next week or week after I can’t keep doing this


    Morning havehope, hope you’re doing well. That’s what I was thinking as it can maybe take a couple of days to actually get in my system and I’m the same as you previously found day 1 and 2 easier than the next days that followed. I will let everyone know how I get on. It says you can take the valerian during the day and before bed so will try that today. Thank you xxx


    Good morning everyone, hope everyone’s ok today.

    Day 1 for me. Can I ask people opinions please? Should I start taking the magnesium and valerian root today later on or wait a couple of days? I know from previously that RL and body is my worst symptom and I couldn’t sleep due to it and my anxiety is going to get really bad as before I started codiene it was bad and I kind of tried to mask it with the drug as it helped think that’s why I’ve taken it for so long.

    Sorry for rambling, would just like peoples opinions.

    Thank you ????


    Good morning everyone, hope everyone’s ok today.

    Day 1 for me. Can I ask people opinions please? Should I start taking the magnesium and valerian root today later on or wait a couple of days? I know from previously that RL and body is my worst symptom and I couldn’t sleep due to it and my anxiety is going to get really bad as before I started codiene it was bad and I kind of tried to mask it with the drug as it helped think that’s why I’ve taken it for so long.

    Sorry for rambling, would just like peoples opinions.

    Thank you ????


    Hi casey, thanks a lot for responding and thank you so much for the reassurance.

    I take 2 30mg every four hours, it might not seem like a lot to some people. I’ve been taking them like clock work for the past 2 and a half years and don’t want to be a slave to them anymore.

    I have really bad bowel problems which I think is because of them and hoping in a few weeks/months I will feel better.

    I feel grumpy all the time and my partner gets the brunt of it and I feel so bad I just want to get better and be my old self again. my sex drive is non existent which before I took codeine was not sorry it tmi. Will this all go back to normal in a few weeks once my body is rid of this horrible drug?

    Thanks a lot


    Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well.

    This is my last day of taking codeine before going CT tomorrow, please wish me luck and any tips. I’ve done it before but relapsed however I never want to take this drug in my life ever again after today.

    Thanks again for all your stories ????



    How is everybody this morning? 1 week until I stop these tablets and I honestly cannot wait. I’m waiting until next week as I have a lot of things planned this week and I thought would be best to wait.

    Hope everyone is coping ok and has a nice Monday x


    Hi star,

    That’s amazing that you have managed to get down to 5 a day. Keep going you can do it. I’m the opposite to you I get really bad constipation where I can go a week without going which is horrible. I’ve been given stuff from the doctors to help with that have you tried contacting the doctors to stop the diorrea?

    Can I ask if anyone got really bad headaches whilst taking codeine? Like on one side of your head and was constant and like different to a normal headache?

    Thanks ????


    Hi star nice to meet you.

    I definitely feel the support you all bring to new people here and I think it’s wonderful and so helpful.

    Are you still having toilet trouble now? If so I hope it eases off as I know how hard that can be worn day to day life and how it can effect you. Can I ask how long you have been stopped for?

    Yes, I can see now that they may make you feel good for a short period of time but in the end they’re so bad and we never knew at the start that we would end up like this. None of us choose to get addicted to them, we each had pain and had to take them to start with.

    I’ve been taking the 30/500 co codamol 8 times a day but only recently started the codeine phosphate ones as I was getting worried about the paracemol in them. I only ever once took more than 8 a day which was 12 and I think I scared myself as you aren’t meant to do that paracetamol but kind of glad I did because that was the final straw to get my mind set on stopping them.

    I’ve tried tapering so many times and I just can’t seem to stick to it. I’ve went CT once before for 3 week and stupidly went back on them. It was the worst time of my life but I did get through it and know I can again. The hardest part was restless legs and not sleeping and the mental side to it as I already have pretty bad anxiety but I will get through it. I’ve bought Valerian oil to try and help with the sleep and anxiety and also have vitamins with magnesium to help with the restless legs.

    So now I’m just waiting for Thursday to come to start.

    I also have to work through it all but I can’t take any time off which isn’t ideal but I just need to pull through.

    Sorry for rambling I just have a lot to get off my chest.

    Thanks again ???? xx


    Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well and coping with any withdrawals anyone is having. I’ve been reading through the whole 100 odd pages of this forum. I was meant to stop last week but something got in the way and I ended up not doing it. My last day is going to be on Thursday and I’m doing CT as I feel this is the best way for me as if I have any tablets about I will just take them.

    I’ve been having really bad bowel problems for a while and really bad headaches where I get shooting pains in my head and I think ish obviously the codeine that’s doing this and making me worse.

    I know it will be hard but I feel I’m at the stage where I’m ready to do this for myself and my partner and I am always unhappy and in a mood and I don’t want to be that way anymore. My health will be so much better in a few months time once all this bad stuff is out of my body.

    Just thought I would let everyone know and hope I can get through the worst of it.

    Thanks everyone yous have been so helpful ready all of your stories x


    Also forgot to add I have ordered valerian oil for at night it’s meant to help aid sleep so I will let everyone who how that goes it is getting delivered today


    Good morning everyone,

    Hope everyone had a lovely Monday and thank you for your responses, it means so much.

    I have loved going through all of your stories and you coming out the other end a new person. It gives me hope.

    I’ve tried tapering but if the tablets are in my house etc I will just take more because they are there. I have 8 30/500 co codamols left which is going to take today then go ct tomorrow as I feel this if the best option for me right now and I think I’m in the right mind space to do it this time. I’m not going to call the doctor for a prescription I really am going to try.

    I still have to go to work which will be difficult but hopefully it will take my mind off things. I’m going exercise and drink lots of water too as hopefully that flushes all the toxins out of me.

    Sorry for rambling just really want to do it this time for good as I hate the things now.

    Look forward to speaking with you all more.

    Thanks again ????


    Hi mads I hope you’re well ????

    Thanks for replying to me.

    I’m very sorry you had to go through a horrible time with withdrawals and hope you are coping better now?

    That doesn’t sound bad at all when you think about it does it? I think I just scared myself yesterday when I took 4 extra tablets as with paracetamol you need to be more careful don’t you? Don’t want to sound silly but I was reading if you take more than 8 a day of the co codamol you can overdose and the symptoms don’t show right away? It’s silly worrying about this when I’ve been feeding myself these tablets for 2 years now I know.

    How long have you been off them now?

    Thanks again ????


    Hi Casey, and thanks so much for your quick response.

    I’ve read through many of the pages this morning and will continue to do so later on tonight and it gives me faith that if so many others can do it then so can I.

    I’ve quit once before and it was horrific I think that’s why I’ve put it off for so long because I’m scared of the feelings that I’m going to get. But this time I need to do it for good.

    I’ve purchased some valerian extract to help with sleep and anxiety as I know it will get bad so hopefully that will help.

    That’s my plan as to what you done when coming off them. Can I ask how many you were on a day?

    Thanks a lot and I will keep you updated


    Hi everything, I’m not sure if people are still using this forum?

    If so I hope everyone is doing well and coping good in life.

    I have a been on co codamols for 2 years now taking 8 30mg/500mg per day, however yesterday I took 12 and worrying now that I have done damage to my body. Silly I know because I’ve been damaging it for 2 years now.

    Today is my first day going cold turkey ans I really need to do it this time for myself and my partner. I haven’t been myself and feel like a zombie most of the time.

    I just thought I would write on this to see if anyone would like to talk about it and keep each other going when times get hard as I know they will.

    Thank you

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