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  • in reply to: Theresa #26536

    Thank you and same to you,

    cocaine is rife and not only with my son friends and unfortunately some family members too

    As you no its no longer just done on night out drinking, it done at home sober with friends or alone and anytime off day. Avoiding certain people or places is a must ..

    Keep safe

    in reply to: Theresa #26521

    thank you for explaining it in a way to help have a understanding,

    I suppose your right my son don’t want to talk as he don’t me knowing all his private life, and I was the same with my mum, but in this situation I feel it’s different the more I know and understanding the better I can help him.

    Yer he said he want to stop now, and his holding down a job which is amazing and it keeps him focused, I’m proud off him for that, but like you say it’s not Friday yet, but as the weeks go by and his still in employment and focused and getting strong that’s a blessing ..

    small steps keep safe

    in reply to: Theresa #26511

    Your honesty is giving me a insight and some understanding of my son addiction ty

    in reply to: Theresa #26509

    So sorry to hear off your loss Kate1 ❤️

    in reply to: Theresa #26508

    Hi Danman83 I’m just echoing what Februarymarie has said

    It’s so good to hear how your addiction effected you, thank you and sharing your story, your doing great each days a new day stay strong..

    My son has had an addiction for over 10 years it’s not always a social drug for him and his not a drinker nor is it normally a girl problem.

    My son can be a solo user and very unpredictable to when or why ..

    He never talks or opens up to me why he felt the need to get high and every time is always the last time ..

    Seeing my son high breaks my heart knowing his an addict his heartbreaking, but it’s a situation I’m helpless with and can’t change him that’s down to him ..

    I can just be here for him and offer my support.

    and now consider own well-being talking and keep myself in good health ..

    in reply to: Theresa #26488


    in reply to: Theresa #26487

    WOW.. thank you everyone I’m so emotional right now, after years off keeping my sons addiction to myself or within close family and to now actually seek help and get support is overwhelming..

    you all are going through or been through what me and my son are, I no I should possibly kick him out but I can’t, I don’t enable his addiction, I no longer cook washing or clean, his responsible for himself cooking cleaning and doing his own washing support himself,

    I no I can’t change my son that’s down to him, but I no I will always be here for him I will definitely stay with you all, to be able to talk to you all has helped so much thank you

    in reply to: Theresa #26486


    in reply to: Theresa #26485


    in reply to: Theresa #26453

    Im at my wits end not knowing where to go what to do, so I came hear to talk to you all.

    my adult 34 year old son is addicted to cocaine and when his not using cocaine his high on weed,

    his lost 3 of his own flats, had car accidents, prison sentence, injured himself, has extreme paranoia on cocaine,

    I’m so mentally drained from him and hardly talk to him anymore, I just want him to find a place and keep,

    He works to support his addiction, if I go on holiday he has his friends in my home doing drugs, I told him to go but i can’t actually kick him out without him having somewhere to go,

    I’m drained from him

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