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  • in reply to: Not just us #9504

    I am in a similar situation, my friend. I could never Divorce my Son either. Tough love is all very well and good, but having worked in Mental Health for over 25 yrs, we have to remember, every Person is different, what works for one doesn’t work for another. Just let him know you love and care for him and never blame yourself. There are many of us in just the same Boat xxx

    in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #9033

    This season will be tough but it will pass, I keep telling myself…I have never prayed so much and Im not that religious. You have a admirable attitude and I am so happy to hear you have good support . My son has also at present got the victim mentality, blaming everything on me, I no longer feel sorry, because it is pathetic and cruel, he has nearly broken me this year, but I am stil here and calmer than I thought, I would be. Wishing you love and luck and the best of everything, life will get better x

    in reply to: MORE TO COME #8896

    Very strong women, I admire so much, so pleased to hear of the happy outcome, hope he manages to stay clean…Much Love xxx

    in reply to: MORE TO COME #8891

    Hi sweetheart, I am not at all surprised, please take care yourself…Stress is a horrible thing and the fact that you get zero help from mental health services for addictive illness, makes my blood boil, if our sons had any other illness, there would be so much help for them, so unfair. On a positive note, my 3 dogs help me so much, perfect wee angels indeed xxx

    in reply to: MORE TO COME #8889

    Is there anyone you could go to stay with for a while my love? You are suffering too. xxx

    in reply to: MORE TO COME #8888

    i am so pleased you have asked for help, I know I must do the same, because this horrible disease my son is suffering from has started to affect my gut. The message you have given to your boy is spot on. Please keep looking after you xxx

    in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #8864

    Your story reminds me of my life 20 years ago. My husband didnt have his own business, but made big money in the RN. He was alot older than me, charming, charismatic, funny and very kind, he did alot for his family and several hangers on, but when his addiction to alcohol, took over and destroyed our lives, no one wanted to know, he lost us everything, I was stupid enough to stay with him for 11 years, always remembering the lovely side of his nature, then I became too ill to deal with him. We divorced and he lived another 13 years and we remained friends, I used to visit him, but if problems arose I left, he couldnt manipulate and control me the same, when I had my independance. He had a stroke 7 years before his death and was left in a bad state, he couldnt drink and couldnt live alone, I took him in and was his carer for those last 7 years, not his wife or partner, I am glad when he was sober, he was a delightful character and Im glad we parted through death as friends, but my love, think of you now and the lives of your children. I hope you have support off friends or relatives? All my love and stay strong x

    in reply to: feeling shared #8863

    Please my love go on Friday and start to look after you. I am in a similar position…my heart goes out to you…big hugs and lots of love x

    in reply to: feeling shared #8840

    I know what you are saying, the sad thing is most people dont understand and sadly do judge what they are not informed about…I have suggested this to so many people, but they dont want to know what doesnt concern them, part of being human. My best to you and your son x

    in reply to: feeling shared #8838

    Thankyou so much for your lovely reply. Wishing you and your ex husband, all the best x

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