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  • in reply to: Adult son, mum in despair #35857

    Thank you for taking time to reply.  I’ve articulated so clearly so many times how I feel but it goes in one ear and out the other. It’s hard x

    in reply to: Adult son, mum in despair #35856

    Thank you and I feel for you. I’ve been saying for years the only way I’ll get away from him is if I top myself. He says he’d never commit suicide as I’d be too upset. If only he knew. It would be a relief.  Awful thing to say but true. He doesn’t realise all the awful things he said and done over the years take a toll.

    in reply to: 17 year old son #35847

    Unfortunately I do and due to the death of my sons dad when he was 15 I was too soft. Looking back with hindsight.  I now have a 35 alcohol & drug addict with psychosis.  Please get whatever help you can for him now , drs, therapy, anger management as it’s a very quick slippery slope. I wish you luck , be strong and firm x

    in reply to: Crack #35846

    If you’ve got money please go to rehab. My son has psychosis from drug taking now and believe me that’s not fun. Voices in your head saying awful things. If you can afford it please try before it happens to you. I can’t afford private and nhs is impossible, so give yourself a chance. Good luck.

    in reply to: feeling torn about the decision I made #35845

    I’m so sorry you feel this way but you’ve done the right thing. Your poor mum is too old to be dealing with this and can’t be evicted at her age, it would be awful. As a mum in her late 50s with a 35 year old son addicted to alcohol and any drug( cocaine, crack, ketamine, mdna) which has now caused psychosis, I’m having to kick him out after his last crisis appt tomorrow as he’s mentally and emotionally killing me. I would love to have someone do it for me but unfortunately his brother doesn’t want to know him.  It’s so hard being the mum as you love them and want to protect them, I really feel for her. Try and make her understand he’s an adult who she can’t control, she just be there to listen when he moans about his problems he caused. Like lack of food. Mines exactly the same. Wish I had more hope for you and your mum but I haven’t. It’s an awful situation. Take care.

    in reply to: No easy outcome #35805

    Yes I hate to admit I have those thoughts too. Been going through it with my son for over 10 years , any drug he can get his hands on. This has now caused voices in his head and his mental health is a right mess. I’m only a few years younger than you and it’s exhausting.  My life has felt likes it’s over for years as he lurches from one crisis to another. I wish they could see the pain they cause the people they supposedly love. I can’t offer words of support as really don’t know what to say but know you’re not a bad person for thinking this. Others are too. Much love

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