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  • tjools75

    Thanks for the advice. The weighted blanket definitely sounds like the way forward. Suffered from RLS for years but never as bad as this.

    Thanks again x


    Hi everyone. Day 2 and I’m lying in bed shivering one minute and hot sweats the next. Watering eyes and runny nose. Can’t get up….zero motivation. Last night was horrendous! The feelings from the restless legs are indescribable, never felt anything like it. Running to the toilet every 5 minutes didn’t help either. I am currently prescribed 4x30mg of codeine daily as part of a tapering regime. I was taking 8x30mg daily for over a year after suffering a shoulder injury. The tapering regime is not working, I’m still looking for that euphoria that I used to feel so end up taking the full weeks prescription in a few days.

    So have decided to go cold turkey. Sick of being a slave to the drug and worrying about getting my next hit. I want to feel normal again.

    I was just about to go to the local chemist to get a box of cocodamol and give up until I came across this forum.

    What an inspiration you guys are. It is great to know that there are people out there that are going through exactly what you are.

    I’m going to try and be strong and have enough will power to make it to day 3.

    Take care guys and we can do it! Xx

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