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  • TTFB

    Thank you so much Wynter x


    Hi everyone, finally today I have been hit with the reality of what my 10 year addiction has done.  I’m clean about 4 weeks now and don’t miss them at all,  but my stomach pains and vomiting had got so bad I’ve been in hospital for a week and found out today that I have a huge ulcer and inflammation which has covered over the hole down to my stomach, so no food has been getting through and barely any liquid.  This explains the constant vomiting and 3 stone weight loss. Now faced with a feeding tube for a while why they check the ulcer for malignant cells. Then more surgery to try and repair the stomach. My Mother has had to fly home from overseas to move in to look after my son who now has to come see me like this. I’m in a ward full of old people, constantly hungry and in pain all of my own doing. Im in shock right now feeling in a pretty dark place. I would hate anyone else to go through this so if you need motivation to take that extra step please remember the very real health risks every time you take them .Sending love and light to all x


    Thanks so much I started to wonder if it’s just me so although I’m not glad others have it, am glad it’s more common than I thought x


    Day 7 today although seems like it’s been forever. Still got very gurgly and upset stomach and still very weak, had to take a week off work as barely have energy to get around the house. I’m hoping this changes soon.  This could also be my anaemia as I’m quite short of breath when moving around too, am seeing my consultant Monday.RLS has mostly gone now. Sending strength and support to everyone on this journey back to ourselves x


    Thank you. Day 5 today and the loose belly started in earnest at 3am, was in the bathroom for over an hour drenched in sweat with cramps I haven’t felt since I was in labour. These threads are so helpful and seems like these days are the worst part physically. V weak and still dizzy but I think that’s down to dehydration so trying to get hydrated.  One thing I’m so happy about and can’t quite believe is that after years of taking these devil pills even the thought of just one makes me feel sick. I also blame them for this hell that I’m going through right now and can’t wait to get to the seemingly magical day 18 – just is going so slowly it’s strange.  Everyone’s posts are really inspiring especially when you feel worried or anxious about symptoms.


    This thread has been such a help to me at my lowest points. I was taking loads of np a day for years building up to 64 a day in last two years. The damage done to my stomach has been awful and culminated in me feeling sick every time I’d taken them (but still continuing to take) and throwing up so am barely able to keep any food in now, I’ve lost 2.5 stone.  Something finally clicked this week and I’m on day 4 of CT.  The bone breaking pain and RLS seem to have reduced but I’ve no energy and feel dizzy even standing upright.  The mental side has been horrible, have felt like I’m losing my mind so dr has given me some AD to try and help. Like others I look back at the money I wasted that I could have spent on other things. Strangely I don’t have any cravings for the pills, I think because I now associate them with being sick, but I too now feel like ok what now ? What do I do to relax.  Someone mentioned earlier in the threads that time slows right down and I’ve found that to be true, feels like I’ve been doing this a week and yet it’s only day 4- everything feels very raw.

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