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  • ukdd

    Hi Peter, I was a carer for a gentleman who was on about the same as you for many years.  And I recently went cold turkey after abusing opiates for a  very brief period. I was feeling 95% after 7 days.

    Here is a link I found extremely helpful. I found it too late but I already knew most of it except It took me a few days to realise I was in withdrawal. This link will help you and anyone else suffering unnecessary. I did cold turkey and there was no need for  it.

    Take this advice and you’ll be fine


    Hi tilly- I once had a friend called that, once. Opiates.

    Anyway, first don’t worry. Its unpleasant and feels like it will last forever but it doesn’t. I’m on day 6 and I feel amazing. I’ve recently got totally clean and sober from alcohol, cocaine, cigs last 3 month and I’m on day 6 since my last dose of codiene and 8 fir heroin. I didn’t use opiates for more than 3 months and I only abused them to get off booze.

    Today I woke up with that familiar bu sense of dread, anxiety and foreboding that somethings coming, something bad. After breakfast I felt normal again. After my afternoon nap I woke feeling similar to earlier but less intense anxiety so I had some kratom and kava. Both natural, ground up leaves and roots of the kratom and kava plant respectively and I feel like I’m at the peak of the best cocaine and alcohol buzz I’ve ever had. I feel like superman ! I suggest you research kratom and kava and see if it sounds like it can help you.

    Kratom is NOT an opiate but does bind to the opiate receptors in the brain thus relieving the WD of opiates, just don’t overdo it, 5-6 gram. Kava, specifically a heavy Vanuatu kava relieves the anxiety, I have 50g of that in a drink, mix in the kratom and gulp down that Vile tasting and looking concoction and 20 mins later all is well. Its even more effective than valium. Kratom by its binding to pain receptors is also useful for chronic pain, research which strain has the best pain killer effect.

    Depending on the length of your habit you’ll experience upset stomach and crippling anxiety for upto 7 days, it tends to come in waves so you do get a bit of relief going cold turkey as I did. It may not feel like it now but the WD does go away so hang in there, positive mental attitude, get some immodium and diorylite and comfort food/meds if you have valoum great if not go to the chemist and ask for sominex. Sominex is promathezine, if you take it with codiene it makes codiene stronger, good for a taper but on its own its a sedative anti histamine. Or buy phenargan 25mg online. That helps alot. After 4 days worst of it is over, for me 6-7 days but I was also using heroin. You’ll be ok


    Morphine is one of 7 active alkaloids in the opium poppy along with thebain and our little friend codiene. Codiene is metabolised in the liver into morphine at the rate of 10% 100mg codiene is about 10mg morphine. As I’ve outlined above I know kratom binds to the sane receptors as opiates and thus is a cheap natural way to relieve WD AND lift your mood and energy. I suggest 6g red borneo as that’s what I used and it worked 100% 6 days since my last codiene dose and I’m back to normal now. I reckon a dose of kratom will be ideal for you when you feel tempted. It does work, don’t dismiss it, give it a try.


    Thanks for your input huskey it’s appreciated as I thought it might be diazepam or zopiclone withdrawal and that really scares me however upon counting up I’ve not taken that many valium and zopiclone but I’ve taken 60 8mg codiene pills and 40 30mg codiene in a week on top of 6 bags of heroin. I’m absolutely shocked I could go through that many.

    I’m feeling 99% better now though 6 days since my last dose. I’m now not suprised I got WDs as I’ve been steadily building up my use over last 3 month then had what appears to be a binge last week. These last few days I’ve had about 6 grams red borneo kratom which has immediatly got me up on my feet and motivated and cleaning up the mess in the house. Kratom is not an opiate, it’s a ground up leaf from a kratom tree, that’s all but it does bind to the same receptors as opiates meaning 2 things, it relieves opiate withdrawal and it also has addiction potential but far less so as it doesn’t mostly bind to the mù receptor which is responsible for the majority of WD symptoms. I’ve been using it for years to enhance mood and energy every now and then 1 a week or fortnight. You have to ingest huge amounts like 30g a day for a out 6 months to get WD from kratom. It’s safe if used in low doses. My first dose of kratom 2 days ago took away the WD from codiene and when I woke up yesterday I still felt off so another 6g kratom and I’ve been cleaning all night feeling fine. So this is well known to work for opiate WD, it’s cheap and arrives next day from Netherlands, I’d advise a red strain, I used red borneo as its also most anti anxiety and in high doses will sedate you although to much and you’ll vomit. Kava, specifically Vanuatu kava is calming and goes well with kratom.j however unlike kratom its expensive and can take a while to arrive from usa/nz.

    I abused codiene, and the other opiates I took so I deserve no sympathy but I did it because it helped me off the booze. Opiates are deceiving, they draw you in slowly and next day you feel fine but the next day is the start of the nightmare. Kratom also helps relieve chronic pain for those who genuinely need pain relief. I hope this knowledge helps take the edge off for those suffering.


    Hello all, I mentioned in a post above I’m a recovering alcoholic and cocaine addict. I drank almost everyday but not to super excess, 6-8 beers for 30 years and I was able to function but when I started using cocaine 6 years ago it was a slippery slope. I couldn’t quit either. I just couldn’t. Until I lost my Job which was unrelated to my substance abuse as I had not used for a couple days.  I also quit cigs at the same time as I couldn’t afford to indulge without a job so I made that decision to quit before it was made for me.

    It wasn’t easy. I’m 3 month sober from alcohol and cocaine now and quitting cocaine was very very easy compared to alcohol. In order to quit alcohol I was prepared to use anything to replace it including opiates. I know how to extract codiene from paracetamol but a solid dose of about 120mg codiene was easily extracted from 16 cocodamol. But this was then added to with 30/500s I came across to take me to about 250mg a day in one go. It wasn’t everyday. Every 2 days along with a bit of heroin. I did this for 3 months. It got me off the drink.
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>But within 2 days of not using codiene I had really bad anxiety, panic and diarrhoea for 2 days.  It peaked last night. When I got home I had a kava/kratom drink and and 25mg promathezine and all WD symptoms promptly went away. I’ve no cravings for opiates whatsoever.</p>
    Does this sound like codeine WD and how long does the panic last ?


    Greetings, I’m ukdd, I’m a recovering alcoholic/cocaine user and I’m 3 month sober. I’m here to help you after reading this I had to sign up and share this with you.

    I used a lot of drugs to wean myself off alcohol and cocaine. This has been 100% successful so far but one of a cocktail of drugs I was rotating through was opiates. This not only included codieine 8/500  and 30/500, morphine, oramorph and…even heroin. I have used a few times a week for 3 month and I’m on my 3rd day CT. But I don’t have any withdrawal symptoms at all. I think I stopped in time and now  no longer need to take opiates.

    Here is something that WILL help you. Red vein kratom. Binds to opiate receptors in the brain easy the withdrawal. This is a tried and test way. Kratom from a vendor in the Netherlands sells it fir £20 100g. Take about 5-6g and those WDs will subside.

    Thank me later

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