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  • in reply to: Teenage Daughter on drugs #18174

    lets pray for nurture!! Thanks for responding 🙂

    in reply to: Teenage Daughter on drugs #18171

    That’s my fear, pushing too much so I lose all contact. But she’s 16 and giving her all this freedom just feels wrong.

    Her dad and I aren’t together, he was a heroin addict (my daughter doesn’t know this). His brother was the same, so this has always been on my mind, is it hereditary? We aren’t united but he will be joining the mediation, we need to align on boundaries. I ask her to be home at a certain time, he doesn’t so she stays at his. I wont give her money/cash, I will buy her clothes etc, he gives her a lot of money.

    The root cause…it could be anything, I have a few ideas. She says she just hates life, she’s hiding. But I’m hoping the drug counsellor she is seeing will help her identify this.

    in reply to: Teenage Daughter on drugs #18169

    Shes not a big talker and it very much depends on her mood. She has agreed to mediation with me which we are doing in a few weeks time, but for now I am stuck in this nightmare….after an altercation on the phone over the weekend because at 11pm at night I hadn’t heard from her – if she was coming home or going dads, she refused to answer my calls or come home for days. Just heard from her yesterday by text saying hi. Now she’s calmed down or not high, she will grant me some contact. Madness. How do you parent?! I’ve spent the week in tears just feeling helpless.

    in reply to: Teenage Daughter on drugs #18148


    She’s admitted to taking MDMA & Mandy. I believe just all different forms of ecstasy pills. That was weeks ago now, it could well have progressed to other stuff. If she’s happy to try anything, where will she stop?

    Thank you for replying, I am constantly reading and trying to learn. Reading these blogs, I see I am very much not alone in this!!

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