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  • warby99

    evening all, just checking in were all fighting the good fight, day 30 for me and i still have good days and bad days but more good days. My anxiety still isnt the greatest but miles better than it was, hope your all doing amazing


    Morning all, had a bad evening last night, had chest pain that triggered my anxiety again, and woke up really anxious and knot in my stomach yet again, 5 days i went without it and now back to being an anxious mess 🙁 when will this go forever 🙁


    Hi TTFB, im sorry to hear this! try and stay positive, you are in the best place possible and getting the right treatment you need, just think it could of been a lot worse if you carried on taking the pills. you will be on the mend in no time

    hope your operations go well and its a short stay and your back on your feet in no time, keep us all posted!


    hi danna, this is completely normal, especially at day 12, keep going your motivation will come back


    try and get out and about even if you dont feel like it, it did me the world of good


    hi Wynter, same here! good old rainy manchester

    hope you have a good weekend, hope your scans go well! im sure they will



    hi soph

    you have just told us the greatest reason why you need to wake up every morning, your 3 beautiful kids. withdrawals is tough but those 3 kids need a healthy mummy. pick a date in the near future and try again, there is no rush for this and stop counting what day you would of been on, just forget that and reset! you can do this, maybe try tapering off them, make it a little bit easier for you, maybe open up to your partner too, you will need all the help you can get! we  are all routing for you


    hi mark

    yes started with the 2 every 4 hours then got to the point where i was taking 3 at a time and not even waiting for the 4 hours for my next dose, got to the point where i was taking 3/4 just to sleep too, this lasted about 10 months, it was zapain so it was the 30/500 so my liver is probably still recovering from all the paracetomol but my health anxiety always makes me think of the worst. i will never take these again trust me, i would rather be in pain that go through the past 3 weeks again


    Hi all


    yes past 2/3 days have been great, anxiety is still a little bit here, but thats due to other issues i think (chest pains ive been having, and my blood results) but nowhere near to the level it has been

    ive been sleeping so much better so i think the worst is behind me


    hope you are all ok, everyone seems a lot happier which is great to see, keep fighting guys


    hi wynter, sending my thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time, life can be so cruel!


    im having a bit of a wobble myself, nothign compared to you so i feel like a bit of an idiot even typing this. my bloods have come back twice now with high liver count so i need another blood test. i have health anxiety so my head is thinking all sorts (yes i went on google again)



    hi all

    last night i had the best nights sleep ive had for 3 weeks, i dont want to say im getting better because i mscared ill jinx it, my anxiety is so much better, im praying it doesnt come back as bad but i keep getting worried it will in the back of my head but yeah miles better! mark, the fact your getting out and about is a great sign mate, keep doing it as your posts are much more happier so must be doing some good. Wynter, you should be so proud, 7 weeks is amazing!

    John – welcome to the thread, this place will make the next couple of weeks for you so much easier trust me, you can do this! we are behind you




    hi all

    slept a bit better last night, woke up again with hot/cold flashes but managed to get back to sleep straight away and ive come back in work today and so far so good (fingers crossed)

    stomach issues have seen to come back, diarrhea too but weirdly enough its helped with my sickness feeling in my stomach, dont know why!

    hope you all have a good day


    Hi mark, yeah they can be addictive too cant they, i was only prescribed one strip and i only have 3 left. Just going to use them when it gets too much too handle like today


    Ive took a diazpam as im at a party with my daughter and the anxious stomach was killing me, seems to have settled me a bit, this weather isnt helping though


    Yeah getting there, its just this anxiety, the stomach dropping feeling is really getting to me, its only when i try to sleep, if im lay on the sofa it wont be there, get in bed for a nap or at night and try and nod off and it jerks me awake, such a horrible feeling


    Youve got this mark! Ive been having cravings recently too, just to ease my anxiety and get a good nights sleep but i wont put myself through this again, no way! Keep going

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 65 total)