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  • in reply to: tragically sad #9253

    Hi just an update on my son, firstly thanks for your support it has been a great help to know we are not alone. He basically hit a real low not long after I wrote my first comment, he had been on one of his full weekend on god knows what. We had to break into his house and found him on the floor totally spaced out, when I eventually got him to come around just as his mum was about to ring 999.

    He then went at us like a demon possessed throwing things at us including a coffee table, saying we had no right to be in his house and he physically threw us out. On his doorstep I gave him a final ultimatum that if we left his house that night without sorting something out there would be no more help from me and his mum. Plus I would never have anything to do with him ever again and I meant it although it was breaking my heart inside.

    I don’t to this day fully know why, but he said sorry and asked for our help so still being firm I told him that he does what we tell him to do and no questions. The next day I took my son and wife to our family doctors and fully explained to him where we were at, I think this time he could see we were desperate with both my wife and son crying and me not far of it. He put my son on a course of medication for two months to help him sleep and calm down where he was climbing the walls.

    We also found a local drug counselling service who gave him one on one face time, both these have helped no end, but because of the financial cost of the drugs he had to give up his rented property. As I would not help him out with paying these people any more, he has started a new job and works away a lot in London so what he gets up too there I can’t comment. But when he is back home on the weekends he seems to be a totally different person who is trying to get his life back on track, he is still smoking a joint or two but no more snorting coke or the handfuls of Diazepam / Valium he was taking. We all know it’s like walking on eggshells and things could change in a blink of an eye, but for the moment there is light at the end of the tunnel and we are more like the loving happy family we once were (fingers crossed)

    in reply to: tragically sad #9099

    Thanks for your words of wisdom. and we have finaly made up our mind no matter how hard it is going to be for us as caring parents we have to stop helping him by bailing him out with money. He has to learn the hard way, maybe he needs to learn what it’s like to loose everything that he has worked hard for before reality sinks in. Bloody Drugs it makes me so angry how easy they are to get hold of and the government does nothing to help all parties

    in reply to: tragically sad #9086

    Thanks for the advise I hope you son is on the road to recovery

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