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  • in reply to: My husband and cocaine #15684

    Embion obviously it’s not your fault he’s lost his family though what people call an illness, it’s bullshit, harsh but he’s chose a session over you and the kids

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #15682

    Much like any drug unless it’s recreational and both partners approve, then so be it, if it’s a full on addiction and us effecting your family then I’m sorry to say you need to leave as they will choose that shit until it’s to late

    Oh I should add I’m no Saint and go for a beer at weekend and sometimes have coke, but never would I hurt or harm anyone around me, sad to say but your losing a battle with addict’s unless they choose to change for the sake of there family

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #15679

    The guy is a dick, cocaine Vs family says it all

    in reply to: I need to stop taking cocaine! It’s killing me! #15455

    Just found this site and guess what I’m high at the minute and a friend of mine posted months ago, now I do coke and it pains me to say most weekends, my Mrs is pissed off with it but I don’t find it addictive at all, I’d never do it during the week and my main problem is on a Friday I finish work go for a couple of beers and promise myself not tonight, 1 hour later and 3 beers In it’s ordered, it’s got to the point where I can’t go for a pint without it, now my post might seem rediculas to others but why the hell can I not go out have a beer be happy and go home, all my mates go home at last orders and I’m still looking for a session, any advice is welcome. My post looks stupid now but when I said my Mrs is pissed off she actually left me around a week ago, on the odd occasion we used to have a mad night hotel some of that and beers, we would wake up my Mrs would say things like I can’t do this anymore obviously coming down but I kinda got all the blame even though sometimes she would get me to order another g which I paid for it all and the second one I didn’t want, my head’s a bit all over the place and it’s probably the most random post ever but I guess what I’m trying to ask is am I a bad person as I feel like shit like my Mrs just puts it all on me and I am a good person always go to work looked after her son like my own but still get all the shit. My god proper rambling post, if anyone can answer the 8 million questions in this post your a better person than me.

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