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  • in reply to: Drug dependant Brother #10090

    It’s so hard to watch I do it with my son and no one knows unless it’s happening to them I feel helpless but all I can do is be there when he comes to me which he does and I’m sure your brother needs to know u there. I’m glad u learning to cope in the best way that will help u we need help to deal with it. U obviously care and that’s not a bad thing

    in reply to: How do I deal with my sixteen yrold #10084

    Will he go to Dr’s who can refer you to the recovery partnership they a advisory service for alcohol and drug problems my son had a drink problem at that age he was not a nice person under the influence of alcohol ended up in prison for fighting we still having problems as it’s drugs now. We love theses sons grandsons so much it hurts to see them so messed up. U too can get help for families. U have lost enough of your families I hope he gets help he needs we are not alone as I’m sure you are aware

    in reply to: Alcoholic Partner #10083

    That’s not easy thing to do so don’t beat yourself up some times u have no choice. I wish I was strong enough to walk from my son a mothers love is so strong but I’m not strong enough at the moment to let him get on with it u feel guilty but we deserve some happiness and they have to sort their lives out for them self’s. If it’s the right way we just don’t know. It’s so hard isn’t it I hope she sorts herself out and u move on

    in reply to: Can’t sleep #10082

    Iv tried a little councerling it helped a bit but I know I need to walk away but I’m not strong enough at the moment it’s worn me down. We are trying to find him his own place but weather that’s the answer I don’t know I wish I new the answer all I know is I’m fed up and wish it would all go away sometimes. Iv seriously thought of moving away our self’s. I couldn’t bear to walk past him on the streets we live in a small town so it would happen

    in reply to: Mary #10081

    My son is 30 has drug and mental health issues it’s so draining for familys he lives with us how much more we can take I don’t know but I can’t give up at the moment I’m not strong enough he has wore me down so walking away isn’t easy I know it’s what people say to do but when u in situation it’s not that easy is it I hope u know ur not alone

    in reply to: Worried mother #10080

    I know what u mean but it’s so hard to walk away from your son or daughter. We are not alone we know but it dosnt help how u feel at the moment. I talk to people but when it ends iv no idea. I feel if I moved away would I ever rest he has no one other than me but I really want to walk for my own sanaty it’s horrible situation I have 3other children all grown up and standing on there own 2 feet. Do u get any councerling

    in reply to: Can’t sleep #10077

    I really know how you feel it’s the lies and stealing I can’t cope with. My other children are all sick if it had it for years two older 1 younger than him. He dominates my life and sometimes I feel I hate him then I love him emotions are all over the place I’m 55 so going through my own changes. I’m talking to more people I find it helps but nothing takes it away I want to walk away but I can’t and yes he in my thoughts constantly and I’m stressed all the time bu try and cover it up which is also stressful. Do u get any help councerling

    in reply to: Can’t sleep #10075

    Hi it’s a nightmare as I’m aware and the harest thing is we can’t help them they have to do it them self’s all we can do is be there. I’m so fed up of the stealing and lies it’s all we will get. As a mum I can’t lie u walk away even if I want to sometimes. Does he live with u. I know it’s having an impact on my health

    in reply to: Worried mother #10074

    I know how that feels I always say once a mother always a mother and that maternal pull is powerful. Hardest thing iv ever dealt with

    in reply to: Worried mother #10072

    He is 30 and yes I do most of it alone because hubby just negative and hurtful I know he right but he still my son. It’s hardest thing iv ever done I love my son and have no idea how to help. I’m having some councerling about to start with a family group. I hear all they saying bur when u dealing with it its so hard. I’m piggy in the middle all the time. Sometimes I just want to dissappear. How old is your son. I have 3other children 2older girls 1younger sin all independent. It’s so draining feel my life on hold

    in reply to: My partners a drug addict. #10069

    Can u not speak with family drug advisory people they can advise u and listen they don’t judge and if people judge it’s because it’s easy to say I wouldn’t do this I wouldn’t put up with that if u not dealing with it iv had people say to I would chuck him out have nothing to do with him shut the door in his face u can say that if u not going through it so pls don’t worry about what people say. I hope this helps a little

    in reply to: My partners a drug addict. #10067

    I’m sure you are all over the place and hormones from pregnancy it’s not easy for you or him drugs destroy people and there familys. I have a son who steals lies and smokes drugs and it hurts to watch him. Stay strong for yourself and baby people will judge but they have no idea unless they live it in some way .

    in reply to: Worried mother #10066

    Hi there yes it’s such hard work watching someone who you love harm them self’s and us who love them I ask myself why me why my son all the time. I have two daughters and another son all fine and care about there brother. Some times I cope better than others are you like that and some times I feel bitter.

    in reply to: Desperate for advice #10065

    What a nightmare for you can u not ring recovery partnership or drug advisory and ask how u deal with it in best way that u can. It’s a nightmare as I’m aware my son a binge crack smoker so the stealing lies I’m used to them all u feel no one has the answer and u feel very alone but ur not iv only just joined this forum and just feel it’s somewhere I can just type out how I’m feeling and release it and someone may type back something that helps be it only small. I go to a family advisory only just joined after years of coping alone it helps just to talk. Do you go anywhere for help at all as we need it too they can only help them self’s . I am a nurse so I see it every day and live it every day. My son is 30 but is my son I love him but don’t like what he does. Pls message anytime

    in reply to: son of 18 really worried #10064

    Know one knows what it’s like unless they living it. Iv made bad choices in my life when my kids were younger and my 30 year old son is troubled and I blame myself but I did my best and can’t

    be punished forever neither can u all we can do us be there when they ask for help it’s a lonley place sometimes as no one understands unless they living it. Iv had violence verbal abuse from my son for past 20years I love him so much but enough is enough and u will feel like that one day. I will never desert my son but sometimes u just want some piece. Don’t feel bad for wanting it to go away it never stops hurting

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