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  • in reply to: Daughter is on Ketamine #35312

    I have a son and daughter both addicted to ketamine so feel completely for you both, I feel utterly helpless in what I can do I have tried everything, my fear is that I lose them to these vile drug its a daily constant struggle of stress and worry, always here to talk.

    in reply to: My son is addicted to ketamine and cannabis #35257

    Between both my son and daughter this last year I have shelled out £26,500 and I am so ashamed of myself we have had the highs with my son not doing it for a bit you think this could be it is it over but then now you just wait for the crash and burn as you know its coming.  I am lucky that I have friends I no longer have any savings which I will never forgive myself for it just seems to me that they take no responsibility for their behaviour there is no consequence they assume we will always house them and feed them, my daughter is very verbally abusive if I try to question her I’m now drinking more wine than ever to just get thru some evenings is it horrible to say I hate her being here I hate the atmosphere she brings to our house I hate she does everything we ask her not to do I have really tried with her these past 4 weeks but she listens to nothing she still does exactly what she wants.

    I have no idea the thought process they go thru the effects this has had on both of them on their bodies to me is horrific yet there is no incentive there still to stop, the fact my son lost his best friend to an accidental drug overdose 2 years ago has not stopped him I am now at the point I feel I have to admit defeat unless they want to change they wont I’m just not prepared to witness this life they want to lead anymore of have it under my roof.  My daughter is going away with her dad on Tuesday for 5 days when she is back I am calling him to talk thru whats been going on I have started writing a daily diary on my laptop of what happens each day I do recommend it because I think when you read it back it makes you realise how bad this is and its something I will be showing my daughter at some point.


    in reply to: My son is addicted to ketamine and cannabis #35253

    Hi, I also have a son and daughter on ketamine, my son lives with his dad my daughter is currently living with me and my partner and it is not easy! Even though we told her no drugs in the house she completely ignores us I find her most nights in her room on it some nights worse than others I’ve experienced a k hole which was terrifying, everyday she says shes stopping then by tea time it seems to appear again, I’ve found empty packets hidden everywhere in her room I check it daily its coming to a crunch time now because we cannot take anymore, yesterday she went to her dads for the day left her bank cards here and put her location on her phone so I could see where she was, to be honest I had no faith in it by 4:30pm she was out by herself behind some shops not far from her dads when I questioned her she turned off her location she lies constantly about it she cannot hold down a job so right now we have no idea how she is even funding it which is very concerning.  I have been speaking to my local drug service and its getting to the point we are going to tell her she has to leave, she is 21, it will be the hardest thing for me to do but she pays no attention to anything we say shes taking the constant pi$$ out of us daily.  I wonder every day how the hell did we end up with both our children addicted to ketamine!  She has serious bladder issues now because of if even seeing a urology specialist has made no difference I cant work out if shes ridiculously stupid or just doesn’t care, at the moment I see no end to this.


    Always here to talk….

    in reply to: Torn #35241

    I too have a son and daughter who are both addicted to ketamin, I daily think how on earth is it possible that my only 2 children have gone down this road, my son was once so loving and caring and honest now I have had to block him as the constant harrassing and bullying me for money became too much and maxed out my credit card it was the same every time, someones after me I just need to pay them £80 I fell for it everytime because they put fear in you, something I will struggle to get over, my daughter is currently living with me and my partner shes 21 wont settle into a job spends most of her day in bed as she never sleeps properly because of the issues now with her bladder due to her ketamin use and when she gets up shortly I will again approach her about what I found in her room yesterday even though one of our rules were no drugs in the house, she hasn’t once honoured that rule it will follow the same pattern she will have rage I have been in her room and she will make it into an argument about me invading her private space, forget the fact I found 2 empty bags and one half full which I washed down the sink!  You need a holiday so go! We’ve all done as much as we can this is the path they have currently chosen and I know as much as you know that you have done all you can to help and stop this from happening it seems the more I talk to her to try to get her to see sense the worse she gets I have even tried drug testing her honestly she doesn’t care she feels entitled and that she will always have a roof over her head with me or her dad but that will soon come to an end with me as I cannot take anymore, I am on anti depressants and tablets to help me sleep this is ruining my life I am just existing waiting to see what the next sh!t storm will be, take care x


    I know how you are feeling I feel on constant edge having my daughter with us at the moment I’m constantly checking on her to see how she is speaking its taking over my life when I hear it my heart breaks and I am furious all at the same time I found empty packets hidden in her pillow cases in the cushions on her bed whenever shes not here I go thru her room with a fine tooth comb I’m like an obsessed woman!

    She had a doctors appointment last Tuesday with urology because of how bad her bladder has become he gave her a very honest frank talking to about where all thats heading she came out in tears she said I have to stop now I cant do it anymore I dropped her to meet a friend for coffee then she got back to me about 5 by 5:30 I find her in her room struggling to word a sentence I mean seriously how on earth did she go from that appointment to straight away getting it?!  As you can imagine we had a furious row I then find out the next day where she is getting it……..A friend can you believe a so called friend who messages to say shall we get it she gets it for her they go there separate ways and do it all because she doesn’t want to fall out with her because shes hardly any friends left, well seriously with friends like that your better off with none! Now literally at my wits end so my plan is this, the next time I see her on it then I contact this girl which will infuriate my daughter but she needs to know that I know now


    I’m almost at the point of giving up trying to find out how shes getting it no matter what I do at the moment each evening I see the effects of it in her I’m really struggling living with it and we have now said to her unless we see change and her trying then she will have to find somewhere else to live currently her dad wont have her at his and I’m getting to the point she cant stay with me its making me an anxious worrying wreck, her attitude is fine I will find somewhere else to live yet where is she now?  Still in bed feeling ill because shes been on it the last few days, I am literally at my wits end!!!

    I even threatened her last night that if I see her on it again I’m calling the police they can find out where shes getting it then and perhaps they can explain that shes using a class A drug and what that could potentially mean for her, she goes from job to job spending what little money she earns on it I’m literally devastated this is all she wants for her life but her and my son both are dragging us all down with them, just because we are their parents does that mean this has to be our lives as well now??  The abuse the lies the stealing the utter disrespect I know we will always love our children but I can honestly say I dont like either of mine at the moment for what they are putting themselves thru and us.


    I’ve completely lost my son and daughter to Ketamin I never see a time that I will get my relationship back with my son which was once amazing he was so lovely and supportive and kind and caring now he lies and steals to get money to buy his drugs or manipulates it out of me sadly I have had to block him as its too hard listening to the stories he tells me scaring me into giving him money, as for my daughter our relationship was never the greatest her teenage years I never thought I’d get through I hoped as she got older things would improve however she then found Ketamin its getting to the point now I have to walk away from both of them they wont be helped or help themselves thing is how do I consciously make them homeless?  I cant but I also cant continue to live this way daily continually worrying and stressed I have constant anxiety and am now on anti depressants they are both ruining their lives and those around them I’ve screamed and shouted I’ve cried and begged I’ve ignored I’ve tried to help.  It doesn’t even seem they care what they are doing to themselves there is no real want to stop and get better, my family is completely broken and so am I.


    Its a never ending vicious circle I cannot remember the last day that went by where we haven’t been affected by this, my daughter is currently staying with me and my partner as my ex husband cannot deal with both of them in his house doing it so it was agreed she would stay with us and we would try and help her and he would deal with my son, its been a week and so far its been awful the first night she was here I found her in her bedroom with white powder round her face so the first night with us she had broken the first rule, no drugs in the house, 2 days later I could tell by her speech she had done it again fiercely denied it until she then finally admitted it, again 2 days later we had gone to bed at 10pm we then heard the must horrendous noises coming from her room we found her in what I believe was a k hole I have never been so scared it was horrific watching what it does to a person she was so agitated and confused couldn’t speak her breathing was not right I phoned her dad and he said he had found her in a similar state the week before, no matter what I say or her dad or my partner she wont admit she has an addiction so trying to help her is completely pointless we are now at our wits end and I have no idea what to do for the best shes very abusive towards me hates the fact shes with me and is making life very difficult as for my son at the moment I have to keep him blocked hes tried ringing thru other phones to get to me its the same story every time he needs money because hes being threatened for debt I am already in so much debt because of it I cannot do it anymore so he has to stay blocked he scares me and he knows what he does to get it out of me, I wake up every day thinking how the hell is life like this now what is it going to be today, I am just existing wondering what the next sh!t storm is going to be, I too do not see an end to this, ever



    I do feel completely destroyed by this, what an awful situation for you also, where once we could make them better its hard not being able to now, I struggle with that greatly I live in a total state of anxiety worrying if my phone pings that its again a message from someone saying my son needs to talk to me asap, I know what asap means and I go into an absolute physical shaking wreck it means hes going to bully money out of me telling me all sorts of stories I’ve begged him cried hysterically on the phone with him asking him to stop but its like hes no longer there anymore, today my phone is switched off and I mourn the anniversary of losing my mum, something I wish they could have supported me in, also here if you need a chat I totally feel the pain you are going thru, thanks for reaching out x

    in reply to: Am I doing the right thing? #35028

    Hi, totally feeling your pain here my son who is 26 and lives with his dad is addicted to Ketamin which has escalated a lot over the last 3 years to the point now I have totally lost my relationship with him which was once great, I have had to block him as he only messages me for money and same about £4-5K in the last 4 months hes tried messaging thru my friends asking them to tell me to unblock him as its urgent even 2 of his friends have messaged me in the last week saying the same says people are threatening to beat him up if he doesn’t give them money owed, the debt never goes away and never sure if its debt or funding it, also feeling like a terrible parent this has given me the worst anxiety I can’t tell you what you should be doing as I have made these same mistakes but I keep being told to not give him money which is what we should be doing its finding that strength its so hard, I want to make him better but I just can’t


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