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  • in reply to: Theresa #26435

    Hi Vic152UH,

    Welcome to the Forum, where as you can see there are lots of Mums with Sons trying to cope with addiction. It’s a great place to come for advice and rant if you want too, it has been a great help to myself just being able to put your thoughts down at times does wonders.

    I think you have to have boundaries or at least try too for yourself and the rest of the family. The problem is I don’t think they have any respect for our feelings at all and think they can do what they want.

    Addiction is hard for everyone involved in it, I pray that one day we will all get out of this viscous circle.

    Take care and keep in touch on here.


    in reply to: Partners secret addiction #26414

    Hi JennaKS,

    It’s so hard living with an addict, and the trouble is the dealers will let them have the cocaine on tick (I think that’s what they call it), and this racks up the debt even more, it really is a viscous circle. I don’t about your Town, but you can get I everywhere where I live.

    Addicts are very manipulative and even now after years of it with my Son, he still manages to do it to me, then I feel like kicking myself for being so taken in yet again.

    Take care of you.


    in reply to: Theresa #26413

    Hi Bump,

    This is a disgusting way to treat people and please don’t worry, they will see that your youngest is being well cared for and is not the problem. Can’t they see that you do not want your other son back at home because you are protecting your youngest. They are creating another problem instead of dealing with your son that is in hospital, I’m lost for words sometimes at what the authorities do I really am.


    in reply to: Theresa #26401

    Hi Bump,

    So sorry to read about your Son, I hope he now gets the help that he needs, addiction is just so sad and devastating for families.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Asking adult daughter addict to leave the home #26399

    Hi Lorry321,

    I am the Mum of an addict Son alcohol and cocaine, he has good times and not so good times. He has been in rehab twice, but only because he wanted to do this, they will only try Recovery if they want too. My Son is 30, and as you will probably know it’s like living in hell.

    Can you see if you can read the Theresa thread, lots of Mums with adult children in the same situation. It’s a good place to be able to rant and get some really useful advice. I’m so glad that I found Adfam, nobody judges you and let’s you know that you are not on your own.

    Always here to chat.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Asking adult daughter addict to leave the home #26374

    Hi Lorry321,

    Welcome to the Forum, hope you are ok. Lots of people on here to chat too.


    in reply to: Theresa #26354

    Hi Bump,

    Sorry you are having deal with this, the joys of living with an addict.

    I would imagine as he is over the age of 18, he would be classed as a responsible adult.

    You have to think of you and your Husband and your younger Son, and it is a hard decision but sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Partners secret addiction #26267

    Hi, JennaKS,

    Welcome to the Forum and it is the right place to come and share your story with lots of people in similar situations.

    Your partner needs to get on some of the on line meetings for AA, CA etc, if he really does want to give up everything. He has to want to do it for himself, and he doesn’t have to talk, he can just listen.

    Try and persuade him to go to the Doctors, at least it’s a starting point and would show you he really wants help.

    Keep in touch on here and look after yourself as well.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Theresa #26227

    Happy Christmas Jem,

    Glad your Son is doing better.

    Have a lovely day.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Relapsed. #26218

    Hi Lindyloo,

    So good to see Dan back.

    So pleased that your son is doing well and you should be very proud of him, long may it continue.

    My son is just playing at Recovery at the moment, but not as bad as it was a couple of years ago, but hopefully in the new year he will give it a good try.

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Relapsed. #26217

    Hi Danman,

    So good to hear from you, have been thinking about you.

    Glad you are getting back on track.

    My Son is good for a few days then has a blip, so I’m hoping that the new year brings new beginnings for everyone.

    Have a good Christmas and take care.


    in reply to: Theresa #26213

    Hi all,

    Wishing everyone on here a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year ????

    Take care all.


    in reply to: Cocaine use and domestic abuse #26195

    Hi Boo

    Welcome to the Forum where you will meet many people in a similar situation.

    Cocaine is an evil drug that makes the user equally horrible and it’s hell to live with. I think they are aggressive because they are guilty and take it out on the ones closest to them, which is hard for us, the name calling is vile.

    My Son is an addict alcohol and cocaine, and has been for about 12 years, he does try and get clean and sober but I don’t think he tries hard enough, gives up too easily. He says I don’t understand, which of course I don’t. They have to want to give up and get in the road to recovery, it has to come from them.

    Has your husband said that he wants to give up? There are lots of on line meetings that they can do on Zoom, and some face to face meetings were open, depending on area.

    Take care of yourself first, and keep in touch on here where you can chat freely and not be judged and it helps to rant too.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Theresa #26168

    Morning Bump.

    I hope your Son comes home today in a good frame of mind, it’s the waiting to see and the never ending knot in your stomach and chest.

    I do hope you and your Husband can work things out. I understand the strain it has on the family. My Husband left over 2 years ago now, mostly down to my Son and also having an affair.

    My Son has come home this morning after being vile to me yesterday, absolutely can’t believe what comes out of his mouth sometimes.

    Thinking of everyone on here and hoping Addiction doesn’t spoil our Christmas.

    Take care all.


    in reply to: Relapsed. #26121

    Hi Lindyloo,

    I have been wondering how Fan is getting on, hope he is ok.

    Hope your Son is still doing well.

    So many sad stories on the Forum these days, it’s in all walks of life.

    Hope you are ok too.


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