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  • in reply to: Symptoms in long term cocaine use #254901

    Hi, yes I had this with mine – exactly same sleep for days and stopped going to work  – it was all lies he hadn’t used , just the cycle we went round on for months that turned to years it was a dangerous slope to be on  .

    Unfortunately in cases the  lies get worse, the blame on you may start and sometimes they disappear for days because they are aware you are watching as suspicious .

    I’m so sorry you are going through this x


    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #254900

    Hiya Lozzy , how are you doing ? I’ve only just logged in and seen this post . I hope you are ok ? What has happened since ?.
    I understand that tie you have to them , but at what sacrifice to yourself 🙁 .

    sending strength x

    in reply to: Traumatized By His Cocaine Addiction #254792

    Arent they so cruel and selfish , I’m so sorry , I had to do what Jinn54 said – it’s soul breaking stuff I couldn’t cope with any more .


    Sending hugs x

    in reply to: Husband cheating drug test #254749

    Anyone know if  company drugs tests be cheated- talking segmented hair strand testing ? Thank you

    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #254748

    Hi Lozzy

    I wondered how your getting on ?, hope the counselling is still going and you have been able to makes some positive steps forward x

    in reply to: Cocaine help #254413

    To Danman

    I read so many of your posts when I was in the thick of it with my then husband and they helped so much to view from the other side ..  although you haven’t been on for some time I really hope you are well and living and enjoying life .


    in reply to: What would you ask? #254412

    Thanks for the reply Kulstar , that’s exactly what happened here too he became daily dependant and would pick up onroute  to work after sitting alone all weekend when we slept just secretly using  , then when he tried not to it would put him into a comatose state and barely went to work  .. eventually he switched off to us all and like you describe became numb but also calculated and hurtful  . Fast forward 5 years, everything about us abd our family fell apart and we are divorced but he’s still in denial  his use is a problem and refuses to seek help , so much has happened since he has and still is so awful to me that I can’t even talk to him about our children barely . Courts had to be involved as using when taking kids –  it’s just a car crash . I’ll never come to terms how that drug can alter a person so much so that you can’t even see the person you once loved  ,

    Kulstar – I don’t even need to say this  but what an achievement for you . I’m so so glad you and your family have a happy ending – sending strength always for you all . I love to read the ones where it actually came good , makes me sad it’s so rare .

    take care

    in reply to: What would you ask? #254367

    I would ask at what exact point did the coke take over and he stop caring for me/us, our family ?. Then at least I could put a time to when the man I loved actually left me and I could put that part of our life we had to bed. The stuff that happened after that point has given me trauma , grief and no real closure , just one long nightmare that’s rolled on for years .

    in reply to: I hate cocaine #254256

    To you all , sending hugs and strength.
    My now ex husband was my best friend and I loved him so much , had two beautiful children together and a good life  but 4 years ago I don’t know how he got there ,  he started on the cocaine every day to function.
    He eventually became a cold, non functional shell , who cared about no one but himself and disappeared for days in hotels binging and still days to this day he doesn’t have a problem with it  . I had to leave him  early last year as I was in a dark place with his lies and deceit and he was financially sinking us  ,after I left he continued to abuse the coke and he overlapped it with the care of our kids on his visitation  so after a very turbulent length time I stopped him seeing them and it went to court, in Retaliation he refused to sign the financial  agreement for our divorce and took me to court for that also . He spent his business float and funds from sale of FMH on coke intentionally and gambling, prostitutes and living the life style nothing short of a local millionaire !. He’s now dragging me through court to get half of the house  his kids and I live in even though he gave it to me in our initial agreement and claiming he’s broke because his business got into bother .His family do nothing but enable him and claim I’m wrong to kept the kids away and are claiming he’s clean when he says he is ?!  but they say that’s him now and there’s nothing more they can do  .. he isn’t clean it’s a small place we live and courts proved such why they think it’s ok for two under 7 yr olds are put at risk with him is beyond me  .
    my advice, if they don’t show signs of wanting to get help and sort themselves out , get yourself ( and kids if any ) out of there as fast as you can . Mine is a cold monster that I no longer recognise and every day I sit in disbelief at some point of my day as to  how he thinks they using and looking after two small children is acceptable when under the influence and his attempt to financially ruin not just me but the kids after everything he put us through.

    I know as soon as eyes are off him at court I’ll more than likely be back to square one with the children and their safety terrifies me because he doesn’t see a problem driving on it , sleeping most of the days etc. Cocaine really is the devils dandruff . I’m gutted for each one of you because it’s nothing short of hell and I was never able to grieve losing him . stay strong , you can do this – but you have to think of number one and your babies if there are any . Loves xx


    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37599

    Hiya Lozzy ,

    im so sorry to here about your health news , stay strong and I hope you recover very soon .
    I hope for your sake to that maybe this is the wake up call for him . Please look after yourself – sending you a squeeze xxxx

    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37230

    Stay strong Lozzy – your building yourself together by the sounds of it and only you will know when you have got there .

    i totally get the memories thing , I can’t handle looking at family pictures from the last few years when it was all happening and I was still in it. Sad thing is I will Look at his eyes in a pic and know now straight away where he was at – then I feel robbed of a false time and sad I was naive yet at that point I was so paranoid and constantly “on watch “ cause I wasn’t sure of the signs .
    you will make memories again – but he may not be part of them. Sending hugs , take care xx

    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37229

    Navy there is nothing wrong with you , this is unfortunately what happens – them and their addiction grindes you down 🙁 . Only you will know when enough is enough – keep talking though and most  importantly look after yourself first everytime xxxx

    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37228

    Hi Lottier.

    So he was seeing them but I withdrew contact a few months ago because he began to deteriorate whilst they were in his care .

    Bit of an essay this sorry – so when I moved out my husband saw our children every weekend through mutual agreement  in between the binges but this was all micro managed by me drug testing , assessing him on drop offs and picks ups it was intense and then when they were with him my constant thoughts were if they were safe and if he was managing.
    I look back now and feel silly and used , I backed the weekly visits because although our relationship couldn’t be saved I thought him being around the children may give him the kick up the backside basically to get clean for good and be a proper daddy again ( I was enabling him basically ). For a few months this worked well and the kids were happy , he seemed committed although I knew he was using and cutting it off in time to have the children .
    but gradually he became increasingly stand offish at drop offs , our eldest started telling me he was sleeping for half of the days whilst the children had to entertain themselves ( they are all under 7) , occasions I went to pick up and they were up but not dressed , fed and left to roam about the house whilst he slept like a zombie – obvs withdrawing . Then he started testing positive and being aggressive with me on multiple occasions . And then to the point that he would say no point testing as had been out so deliberate as  he knew they were coming to him in less than 24 hours and I couldn’t plan anything for the kids or myself anymore .
    family both mine and his were telling me he wasnt coping and questioning the arrangement , solicitors advised the same for safeguarding and following a couple of more serious incidents between me and him I stopped contact ( he can call whenever he wishes though ) .
    I tried supervision with his family before I stopped visits completely – turns out they couldn’t be trusted and said he didn’t need testing if someone was with him and the children . I did not agree,  the safety of our children is paramount and he cannot be trusted and sees no harm in driving them whilst high . So that ended there . I’ve told him he needs to raise through court and get access , he’s also advised he will go for 50/50 custody .
    He now despises  me as he said it’s uncalled for yet we can go a weeks at a time  without hearing off him at all ?! , he has also began to be awkward in the divorce and won’t accept he has an issue at all – it’s me and everyone else against him ?! He told me last month in an honest lucid moment that he took the p1ss out of me letting him have the kids because he never thought I would stop him seeing them  .

    One day hopefully somewhere in the future maybe he will be able to get sorted  and understand  my actions when he’s clean and functional . until  that day I will  continue to raise our children whether he’s around or not .ad I said he’s still constantly using or not functioning at all because of the withdrawal . So who knows what will happen .

    Just becareful with your precious little girl- you do what you feels right by her and you  ( not him ) cause you will feel guilty for the action he has forced you to take  and he and others will pile pressure on you .. but she is your child and her safety and happiness is  key – stay strong and stick with your gut xx

    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37201

    Hiya Navy ,

    I remember chatting  🙂 ( I do at times go back to them posts just to give myself a wobble and remember  the really dark times and what place I am in now).
    Awh Navy , it’s just not right – a night out with friends should not end with you deserted and so upset .
    Do people around you know about his addiction ? Do they support you ?.
    The lies and the selfish behaviour just snowball the longer it went on  I found  ( I’m still dealing with this now even though apart  and I don’t believe it will ever stop unless he realises one day it’s time to stop).
    I know you will have commitments and reasons for staying so long but you have to do what’s best for you in this life because right now he isn’t the best .
    Do you see him changing ? If you look into the future,  can you take another x amount of years of this ?. Sending hugs cause it is  so dam hard , hope today isn’t full of upset carried on from last night xxx

    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37189

    Hi Lottier ,

    Don’t be disheartened you will get a job , I know it’s so hard and deflating but try to dig deep and know you’re heading for a better life .
    I did that too in a supermarket, craved to have that again , the companionship- honestly felt like my partner had died and in his place was this unempathetic imposter , I can’t bare to think about them times as I was such a lost soul and so lonely it was physical pain .

    Mine hasn’t gone into recovery he just continues to ride the merry go round in his own life  , telling people we fell out of love , or that I wouldn’t allow him to be the man he wanted to be ( I will never accept coke as a normal way of life ) as he once told me that it is . I concentrate on our children and make plans and memories as well as trying to do things for myself , I know now leaving him was the right thing to do as much as it hurt my heart .

    I know it doesn’t seem it right now but you will start to get your life in order without them and I promise it will look and feel very different even in a few months time, like inner peace  begins to wash over you .

    Lozzy and Navy , hope the new year is treating you ok :/ how are you both ? .

    it’s just awful , I still get blown away when I come on here reading similar stories , the same effects and behaviours it has on people and the same devastation to loved ones . if someone said to me 5 years ago that this was going to unfold like it has , I would laugh in total disbelief- I will never fully come to terms with it I don’t think,  but I will live for my kids and me now everyday xxx

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