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    Hi Rach, thanks so much for checking on me! I am still holding on and haven’t given in. I drove my kids to school this morning for the first time in over 2 weeks! It felt weird like I’ve been away but I did it! I still struggled with the fatigue but I also did half the dishes and cleaned the toilet. I am still so unmotivated and weak but I’m starting to think more about things I’d like to do…still putting off things I really should be doing but it’s a start. I’ve had my codeine issue for over a decade so I’m thinking it will take more time maybe? I’m actually still sneezing quite frequently. I’m still reading all through the pages of this thread every day to keep me on track and playing music all day which I never do normally but I do feel it is awakening something. Thankyou again ☺️


    My very bad perspective as far as you’re relationship goes is that spite can be a great motivator. I’m almost certain any relationship expert would not advise that mentality! I however am very childish and stubborn on the inside! Shazza, I’m quite ok with you using it as a motivator ????????. I’m also of the opinion that behind a lot of inconsiderate narrow minded attitudes like that of your husband is fear. You can do this. I used diahorrea tablets, maximum dose, dropping one tablet a day for the first 8 days in divided doses. It definately helped me. I’m not there yet but I’m so motivated by the ladies on this thread I’m determined this time to stick it out. Luckily my oldest child planned and did all the work for my other 3 for Easter or they wouldn’t have had much fun ????. Magnesium helps heaps for that climbing the walls feeling and restless legs. Apparently it’s a common deficiency in modern society. High doses of vitamin C are helpful too. Meanwhile I’m still reaching out here at day 15 because it’s not easy but trust me you can do it. I found a song called Burn the Ships on you. tube. by for King and Country and I’ve played it multiple times a day. (Kids think I’ve gone mad). It’s actually written by one of the guys about his wife who was…just like us. Hang on tight Shazza, you’ve got this, stay calm and don’t argue with hubby (even if you’re right and he’s wrong just know that in your head and keep the peace for your own sake for now), we can work that part out once you get thru this bit.


    Rach. Thankyou. When I say that I want you to imagine me holding you around the waist and sliding down into a sobbing heap on the floor at your feet. I bet when you wrote your first posts on here you never envisaged you’d wind up with a secret online life actually saving lives…no recognition, no awards just truly thankful people like me who are so so blessed to have you. You are a hero of the highest order. I’ve struggled so badly the past few days and it is the encouragement from you and Betterlife and Ruby that have kept me from falling. I read your replies over and over. I relate to everything you say and I will keep going. To be honest even with the physical weakness I do feel a smidge better today ????. No I haven’t folded any washing ???? but I am actually starting to imagine that maybe tomorrow I will do a little. I couldn’t even imagine it yesterday. And yes the walk was a bit ambitious ????! Thankyou again. (Meanwhile my 5 year old is now having a tantrum and rolling in my mountainous pile of clean washing ????). xo


    Hi Rach? You are so busy on here but I’m reaching out again. I could so easily get my script refilled and I don’t want to! The WhatsApp would be the best idea but my internet connection is so bad (I live in the middle of nowhere) so I’m persisting here for now. I’m feeling okay physically except still so very weak and zero motivation on day 15 and I feel kinda agitated inside. I cannot lift my 5 year old and he’s a needy little thing. I forced myself to go for a walk yesterday hoping it was mind over matter…I thought I was going to have to call search and rescue to get me home! My legs throughout all this feel like I’ve done a 20km run as a baseline and I’m normally pretty fit. My energy levels (with major brain fog) are still so low I can’t really cope with anything ????. My poor husband is struggling with me as a useless lethargic lump. I kinda feel I can’t cope with more than one small thing at a time. I feel maybe I could do housework OR look after the kids but not both. I am sooo desperate to feel better and I’m feeling like I never will, that after 15 days this is it. I cannot even imagine trying to hold down a job. I DO NOT want to disuade anyone from quitting by being honest about how I’m going. It helps to be prepared I guess. I would really love some advice to get past this lethargy and feel stronger. I actually feel weak and trembley, feeble. Thankyou, I’m scared my husband will burn out ????.


    Thankyou Ruby! I too have had migraines for years! And…that’s how my reliance on codeine began! Migraines are brutal and I’d been dreading this part of learning to live without codeine but luckily the headache is gone. It’s taken 24 hours and yep, better! The thing is even with codeine it wasn’t really helping except as a psychological comfort while not actually really easing the pain ????. I swear the fumbling for and the rattling of the pill packet several times a day was also a very real mental part of my habit! I wound up taking an antinausea I tablet and I think that helped? Meanwhile I will ask about the medicines you mentioned, thankyou! I love the idea of an ice hat! Thankyou! And I know it’s at your expense but I had a laugh imagining you wearing it full-time ????. Thankyou! I also have a sore tailbone, I wonder it there’s ice-pants! ☺️


    Ruby???? I’m on day 14 and I have a killer migraine! Do you have a suggestion that doesn’t include codeine? I’m suffering and have had this splitting pain all night! I’ve taken plain Nurofen and Panadol and it’s not helping. I could actually get my prescription for codeine renewed today and I don’t want to. ????.


    I understand your story! I am on day 14 and believe it or not I came down with covid for the second time since February and that is what tipped me over to cold turkey. I took plain Panadol for that and used it as an excuse to go to bed. I don’t have the self control to taper so I decided to use covid as my excuse. As far as anyone apart from my husband is concerned I am slowly recovering from ‘covid’ still ????. The covid really only lasted around 7 days this time but it’s as good as an excuse as any for my ‘slow’ recovery. I’m day 14 today and to be honest I didn’t find the acute withdrawal too bad because I took the maximum dose of diahorrea tablets to ease the effects and it helped a lot. I do think they’ve maybe prolonged the process though? The restless legs took over my whole body and I thrashed them about trying to sleep but magnesium really helped me for that. I’m sleeping well now but I’m still feeling weak and wiped out. I am so inspired by the wonderful people on here though I’m determined to hang on. Flo, you are not alone. Oh and I found this thread and read it every day, it helped keep me going and I found a song on you. tube. called Burn the Ships (by King and Country) which was written about what we are going thru and I’ve played it multiple times a day. xoxo


    You are on your way to freedom! Please keep going ????






    ???????????? Thankyou so very much! I feel less pathetic! My poor husband has been working long shifts and coming home, cooking and feeding us and all he’s expected is for me to try and keep the kids alive while he’s been at work. They’re alive but bored and the house looks like a bomb went off. I’ve told him I’ve been reading this thread like a stalker and he’s so pleased you’ve answered me. He’s grateful to you for me ????.


    Betterlife you’re there too? OMG omg thankyou!!! I’ve been feeling so miserable like a failure without even giving in yet! I see others going to work through this and cannot understand how it’s possible! I’m now all fangirl for you too! It is honestly a privilege! My heart’s full of pride and respect for you all. You’ve made me feel better just like that! Did you wake up one-day better or was it bit by bit? I live in a remote area and have very poor internet but I got ‘refresh’ over and ‘over’ just to read this thread. Oh and I cried for you and your loss and I’ve been there and you will feel whole again. I know you don’t believe that even yet but you will. ????


    Yes fog that’s exactly it! I noticed you right away Rach because you’ve thrown your all into helping others and I am astounded at your strength! Your are an angel! I feel physically weak like my arms are too heavy to lift and standing upright is a workout! Codeine fuelled me before, I could move mountains. It gave me the energy to soldier on and I’m desperately struggling without that boost. I never want to rely on an external source for that, I need it from within. I have serious brain fog also. It’s hard to think and impossible to plan. With such a large litter of kids it’s brutal and I’m feeling hopeless. I am following your lead though Rach and shall not give in! Please, did you feel this awful even at this point? Am I missing something? I’m taking vitamins and actually sleeping well. How did you cope? And omg thankyou thankyou thankyou. I’ve gone all silly and fangirl! ????.


    Rach are you there I need you? You don’t know this but I found and read this whole 60 something page thread every day for the last 12 days where I’ve been cold turkey from codeine. I’m sure you’ve saved more lives than you know. I’ve only signed up to reach out to you. It’s because of you, dadict, Maggie, Betterlife and others I’ve made it this far! I’m a mother of 4 and I’m really struggling with the lack of motivation and generalised all over weakness and fatigue which just don’t seem to be lifting. Please is there any hope that I’ll have any energy ever again without codeine particularly I’m nearly 2 weeks in? The physical withdrawals (apart from a feeling that my legs still want to be restless) is mostly over but this all over weakness is hard to handle. I think you said you felt better on day 18 so I’ve been hanging on. I don’t necessarily want to relapse and can’t imagine it at this point but I want to feel better. I’ve been listening to music like Maggie has said. I’m feeling so despondent at the this point. I get the dishes done and the laundry into the machine but as for housework that’s all I can manage. We’re drowning under a pile of clean washing I can’t seem to fold and me moaning about how weak and fatigued I feel. Thank god for you, thank god for my husband. Please slap me?

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