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  • in reply to: feeling torn about the decision I made #35972

    Hi Tally2

    Your situation is the same as mine.  29 year old son addicted to crack and ket and also smokes weed.  My lovely son is gone and its just a monster that intimidates and bullies me day in day out.  I have thrown him out so many times and the abusive phone calls I receive are so nasty.  He tells me the next time I see him I will be identifying his body but I have come to realise that I don’t even seem to care any more.  He will stroll out on the dual carriageway and simply stand there like the lunatic that he is or stab himself in the face and  body with anything sharp.  I am now going to try and sell my house from under him and just leave.

    I have no idea what to do any more and I wish it would all just go away

    in reply to: Cocaine #35971

    Nikki I am with you.  My son has been an addict for over 10 years now.  Crack and Ketamin.  He  has ruined my life along with his and I now dread every single day.  He has turned  into an intimidating nasty evil bullying monster and I am desperate to get away from him.  Many of his friends are dead and he  is deteriorating at an alarming rate.

    Last year I had hope.  He was going to the meetings and seemed to want to stop and he did stop for a few months but has been on one massive binge since December.  Now 8 months later he is the worst he has ever been.

    I just wait now

    in reply to: Cocaine or ketamine? #35970

    Well I see it Every. Single. Day and the coke is in lottery tickets and the ket is in small plastic baggies! I dont want to see it but then I’m sure none of us do.  Neither do I find it amusing as I am now struggling to find something/anything to live for so please do not ‘lol’ at my comment


    This sounds like Ketamin addiction. The slurring, passing out into a K Hole, the nastiness. If it was cocaine you would have money issues by now unless you’re wealthy.

    Ketamin is cheap hence why it’s so popular with the youngsters

    The best drug tests are the urine dip tests if he will do it in front of you. You can get them on the Internet

    I really feel for you but you’re far far from alone


    My son has been on Ketamin 24/7 for around 6 weeks now.  His nose is gradually flattening, his tongue is one massive sore, his gall bladder and pancreas are swollen, he is in absolute agony and he has a severe water infection which one of his mates has given him antibiotics for. He had been rolling around the bed  begging for the pain to stop inbetween the most violent vomiting I have ever seen but still he’s shoving it up his nose

    There’s no hope

    I have given up



    in reply to: Cocaine or ketamine? #35951


    I think that Ketamin will be in small plastic bags and cocaine will be wrapped up usually in lottery tickets

    Hope this helps you


    in reply to: Torn #35260

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>You need to go on holiday. I never went for 2 years but nothing changed they will take drugs whether you are here or on the moon. They will get drugs with or without money</p>
    My son sits in his car smoking crack and sniffing ketamin he’s got so many parking tickets for overstaying in car parks. He will do this whether I’m here or on holiday I have learned that lesson so now I simply go and leave him. My house is insured id it catches fire and if I was burgled well there’s nothing left anyway my son has stolen and sold it all. My life is bad enough I don’t want to make it worse for myself


    in reply to: My son is addicted to ketamine and cannabis #35259

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yes today has been a complete nightmare he’s been taking ketamin most of the day and the abuse towards me has been horrific. He’s paid out around £800 for drugs and drug debts today from his wages. Both of his eyes are blazing black all the blue has gone but then my son has gone also</p>
    His best friend died in the most violent way on a kitchen floor a year ago and his other friend died two years ago due to an overdose but still he carries on

    He has been on a massive bender since December and there is no end in sight

    I’ve now given up and am genuinely past caring now after the terrible day it’s been. He can take all the drugs he wants until either his heart or his bladders explodes

    in reply to: My son is addicted to ketamine and cannabis #35255

    Hi Caroline

    We have just had 2 weeks clean of drugs and it was amazing. My son was happier and said how great he felt.

    Yesterday he didn’t arrive home from work and his phone was turned off and so it begins again.

    He owes me £7k and I’ve told him the debt can clear if he just leaves but of course he won’t… Why would they leave they have it too good at home!

    My son sends me photos of him at work,  at the gym, in traffic jams etc etc but as soon at the phone goes off I know what is going to happen

    Noone can understand what gets in their heads and I just feel there’s no hope.

    I now have no money no friends and no life all because my son is a junkie


    Hi Karga
    Are you saying there are recordings of him raping you that you don’t know about because you were drugged?
    If so then hopefully he will go to jail for a very long time and you will be free of him
    None of this is your fault in any way at all just as if he were a stranger to you it wouldn’t be you to blame
    I am sending you massive cuddles and truly hope everything is as OK as it can ever be for you xxx

    in reply to: Fearful for my son #35191

    Hi Goodtime

    So my last message was on Wednesday. On Thursday he came hone and begged me to go to a meeting with him to start over yet again. Of course I went. There was much rejoicing and fist bumping and welcome backs. I just sat there thinking.. yeah right… whilst listening to all the success stories from the others. Anyway 2 hours later I’m in bed and can hear him banging around and of course I find him off his head as usual on ketamin. He didn’t leave the house so he must have had it the whole time

    Next morning, Friday (his 29th birthday) he goes to get his hair cut, returns 4 hours later with another druggie mate, I go ballistic and dont see him again until 7am Saturday (yesterday) morning.  Saturday evening he’s on his knees begging forgiveness and just wants to die as per usual.

    Next day, today (Sunday) around 3 he went to jetwash his car. Now 4 hours later he’s not back nor answering the phone.

    I presume he’s sucking away on his crack pipe somewhere

    I survived cancer to have to live like this. To be bullied every single day

    in reply to: Crack Cocaine and accessible rehab plans #35177


    I have been to many meetings with my son and there are those that have stopped taking crack and now sponsor others.

    Would your family members agree to going to a meeting?

    There is no medications for cocaine/crack as the withdrawal is psychological and not physical. Someone once likened it to ‘doing it against your will’ and I do believe this

    However the meetings don’t work for everyone and for some it can take years of going to them before the addict let’s it all sink in and tries hard/harder to stop

    My son has been going on and off for a year and since December seems to have been on a continual bender  so they’re clearly not working for him yet

    We are all in the same boat and I pray for all of us going through the hell of someone else’s addiction

    At rhe moment I live because I have a dog that needs looking after. Most days I just want to jump in front of a train or lorry and make it all go away

    Take care xx


    Today is his 29th birthday.  Tonight we were having Indian takeaway

    Last night we went to a meeting because he he says he truly does want to stop and wants to try again.

    Today lunchtime he went to get his hair cut and 4 hours later he came back with the usual slurred speech trying to tell me that at least he didn’t take crack. He then stormed out telling me to shut up and leave him alone

    I feel there’s no hope and again I’m shaking all over and my heart is racing

    I hate him


    in reply to: Fearful for my son #35161

    If its any consolation my son has been on drugs since he was around 13 and addicted to crack for the last 8 years. He’s stolen and sold everything I’ve ever owned even when I was suffering from cancer and in hospital and he has no possessions. He is 29 this week. He’s been going to meetings on and off for around a year now but he can’t/won’t stop the crack. He’s turned into a nasty evil bullying monster and He’s just walked through the door from the ‘gym’ high on crack yet again

    He has ruined my life that I fought so hard to keep after the cancer and he blames me for it all


    Yes I have the most horrendous videos of him in this so called K hole! It starts with screaming and shouting and crashing and banging and he has no idea who he is or where he is. I’m convinced that in one of the videos his heart actually stops for a second or so.

    I now lock me and the dog in my bedroom and wait for it to stop. I don’t get any sleep and I’m a wreck but I  think I’m more or less past caring now I just want him to go and leave me alone to get on with what little life I have left. I’m so sick of the relentless bullying and blackmail. He’s always threatening to kill himself. He says he hates me and today I’m apparently just a black shadow. He’s been on crack and ketamin for around 5 days solid now he’s like an evil monster with 2 black piercing eyes

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