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  • in reply to: Theresa #26064

    Hello to all I’ve been reading your posts and mostly mums with adult sons. I’m in need of some advice about a month ago I snapped and told my husband that he’s an addict and needs to sort himself out of course he denied it I’ve helped in the past but he broke and told me then he lasted 6 months about5 year back he’s more deceitful I never see him doing it but hear him but his moods are so nasty now vile name calling I’ve ignored it over last 3 weeks his p away and live next to us but his mum told me before going away that he snapped at her.after got back last Sunday my husband left I don’t know what was said ? Think I’m to blame as usual as there not spoke to me. I really want to tell all.I can’t forgive him this time and I’m hurt 26 Years together and he’s left me and my teen sons for coke

    in reply to: Theresa #26063

    Hello to all I’ve been reading your posts and mostly mums with adult sons. I’m in need of some advice about a month ago I snapped and told my husband that he’s an addict and needs to sort himself out of course he denied it I’ve helped in the past but he broke and told me then he lasted 6 months about5 year back he’s more deceitful I never see him doing it but hear him but his moods are so nasty now vile name calling I’ve ignored it over last 3 weeks his parents away and live next door.but his mum told me before going away that he snapped at her.after got back last Sunday my husband left I don’t know what was said ? Think I’m to blame as usual as there not spoke to me. I really want to tell all.I can’t forgive him this time and I’m hurt 26 Years together and he’s left me and my teen sons for coke

    in reply to: Husbands cocaine addiction #26030

    I’m sorry for what you’re going through but your not alone and it’s hard my husband has used to the extreme and he still doesn’t see the problem but every night I never see him doing it. So if I comment he can try deny it. I’ve put up with it too long so I snapped few weeks back told him he had a problem said it straight your an addict you need help. I help a few years ago we were better for about 6 months. Since I called him an addict the worst name calling my kids are adults now i cant hide any of it now and stand up to him so then last Sunday he left I’ve not spoke to him seen him visiting his parents being the perfect son and I’m the problem have issues I’ve not spoke yet but I’m going to tell all this time they’ve helped pay enough debt of I’m angry and hurt that he chose coke over us and 26 years together

    in reply to: Been lied to for 7 years!! #25373

    Sending hugs I read stories and I have to check if it’s my own post.I’m like you stuck living with him I got poor credit because he just took with false promises to pay me back. I understand the nasties of mood swings it helps from reading on here that it’s not me like he says I snapped on Sunday told him straight he’s an addict needs to get himself help I’m not staying like this anymore he isn’t him anymore x take care

    in reply to: Alcohol and cocaine #25228

    By sounds your not to far in to stop, while it’s habit and you already hate it that’s good sign, I do it’s shit ruins life’s I used to use same as you then one night woke up on bathroom floor I’d got up to go the loo don’t know if I passed out or had a fit scared me to death I stopped then I lapsed 1 night but didn’t enjoy it. Stay strong see your dr about anxiety be honest with them good luck

    in reply to: Struggling #25197

    I wish I had advice to give but I understand how you feel, I’ve been with my husband 25 years the last 6 his coke habit has destroyed everything we had he looks at me and sees guilt but he doesn’t want guilt so every insult is said to me, he has to defend his coke as that is his everything now.. but I’m on a short fuse now and it’s me that leaves with nothing his parents bailed him out after me with debts he signed our home away so look after you think of you

    in reply to: Been lied to for 7 years!! #25195

    I know how you both feel, me & the kids were everything our world was perfect. Been together 25 years 6 years ago realised his problem a massive problem he owed thousands left me to face it. He suffered a break down he got some help & support but he refused to talk about it when I tried he would say I’m stressing him out!! He stayed off it about 8 months 5 years later nothing changed, his promises are lies, he’s miserable never happy always my fault, I must hit him with guilt when he sees me but he doesn’t want guilt he wants his coke and it’s winning it’s destroyed my everything. Look out for your self your kids wish I left years ago but I paid his debts

    in reply to: Addiction has caused split #17320

    I hope you get your self better, wish my husband could show remorse , if I read what you wrote about loving and the regret you feel I’d forgive take care

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17319

    He will be arguing with you because you don’t like his best friend (coke) ? Cocaine gives you the big I am, so confident life & soul of party, then it manipulates them because someone sees a problem & tells them

    I got my husband to admit to his Dr I wasn’t there though apparently he didn’t have an addiction like I say as he wasn’t using in morning when he got up ? I answered with did you tell her you didn’t get up till tea time on it by 8 ? I’ve done everything he might as well have another woman sneaked it stood by because I thought he would beat it for me I stayed to try for our kids wish I got out years ago before I tried clearing his debts then his parents taking the house before dealers did now I can’t get out & sleep on me couch

    in reply to: Cycling around and around #17318

    I’ve kept diary 4yrs now about my husband’s addiction behaviour for my own peace of mind so I know I am not to blame stood by him yet it’s my fault as always

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