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  • in reply to: Relationship destroyed by addiction – my regret #37784

    Hey Saoirse,

    I sent this to Lozzy the other day. May hemp you too:

    you should join co anon, for families of cocaine and other kind altering substances. they have zoom meetings on 5 times a week, u can get yourself a sponsor, make new friends who you can reach out to and work the 12 steps to re gain some sanity and clarity.

    I’ve been in the meetings 3 weeks and already feel so much calmer and clearer. And most of all not alone anymore.

    Type in co anon then click meetings and choose one for the day u wanna join on zoom, u can call one of the numbers on there next to meetings for more information. It’s the family version for cocaine anonymous


    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37783

    Hi Lozzy,

    It’s just awful isn’t it.

    must be so hard for u non worrying about divorce, nothing straight forward.

    that feeling is awful where u know uv been lured in to the argument so u can be the bad guy! and yes u do Barely recognise them, hard to see them as a good person in the end as they’re showing so much bad

    My partner not been in house for nearly a month, is on it most days. Still has a job for now but his colleague’s are all on it too N he misses days or goes off his head

    I’ve allowed him back a few odd days here n there n after each bender I’m closing off more n more. He’s flip flopping between he needs help to I’m to blame for his using because of my “nagging “ which is actually pure upset and then asking him to honour the promises and suggestions that HE makes then repeats same behaviour and wonders why I’m so angry and then says that I’m not here for him and he’s an addict but yet he says nothing works and wants  my help for more options. I’ve tried to find every available option for him, he doesn’t completely do what is suggested and then obviously it doesn’t work

    How can we be there for people showing so little regard for us? It’s hard.

    Our intimacy is now destroyed, which makes him feel rejected as if it’s my fault n then I’m scared I will be ditched ????‍♀️

    I’m feeling stronger in last few weeks though and friends have noticed a change in me, I’m calmer.

    theres a zoom co anon at 7pm this eve of you or anyone interested. Go on the site, click meetings and scroll to the day to get meeting Id. U can also call up the phone number attached to the specific meeting for more information.

    Good luck xxx


    in reply to: Goodbye letter to my husband #37775

    Hi Lozzy

    I really feel for you.

    the upset their addiction causes they will never understand. Maybe one day if they get clean.

    you should join co anon, for families of cocaine and other kind altering substances. they have zoom meetings on 5 times a week, u can get yourself a sponsor, make new friends who you can reach out to and work the 12 steps to re gain some sanity and clarity.

    I’ve been in the meetings 3 weeks and already feel so much calmer and clearer. And most of all not alone anymore.


    in reply to: Enabling my partner #37650

    Hi I’m sorry to hear you are going through this.

    you can join co-anon support for family members or partners of addicts. you can join the zoom meetings 5 days a week.
    You can do ur own 12 step recovery and get a sponsor for yourself. You will learn to focus on you and stop enabling etc whether or not you chose to stay together.  It may give you some strength talking to other women in your situation.

    good luck



    in reply to: Alcoholic Brother Has Gone Too Far. I’m So Tired. #37326

    When the threat of losing her children presents she will have an option to ask your brother to leave and work with services or by letting him stay she will be deemed as putting her children at a level of risk.

    This again could be the catalyst for her to make the changes needed for the family

    Are social services already involved?



    in reply to: Alcoholic Brother Has Gone Too Far. I’m So Tired. #37258

    This sounds an unlivable  situation.

    i really hear your anger, the fact that you are holding everything together and helping keep a roof over everyone’s heads and you’ve got your brother behaving awfully and your mum enabling because she’s too scared to put her foot down and rock the boat.

    in a sense by you staying there you are enabling them all, if you left your mum would soon see she cannot carry on in this situation and she would hit her rock bottom which I know you are scared of because of worrying she will have a breakdown and not cope financially. This could be the turning point for her.
    Also must be so tough for you to leave as you want to protect your disabled brother.

    I think the next time he kicks off. Call the police and also call social services re the abuse towards your disabled brother. Maybe call social services first so they have a log of your concerns. Also call police for advice.

    What has stopped you all calling police on him so far?

    maybe also pack your bags and leave even for a week.

    let us know how you get on



    in reply to: How do I begin to stop #37130

    Hi, we’ll done for reaching out.

    your children won’t be taken and services won’t be notified if you go private I’m pretty sure as I called a few private rehabs for my partners family member.

    Maybe make a start and call some up, and explain you’d situation or say you are calling for someone else and explain your fears re the children. The ones I spoke to said they will not notify services though

    good luck xx

    in reply to: Trusting an addict #36951

    does anyone feel that the trust broken stops you wanting to be intimate as often?

    I just feel so hurt a lot with broken promises that I completely close off and by the time I feel comfortable and my barriers are down, become intimate it just all happens all over again. Back to square one!!! Me telling him not to even hug me but secretly wanting him to still try, him feeling like rubbish and wanting affection etc telling me he doesn’t hurt me on purpose and he’s sorry

    round and round in this painful circle


    in reply to: Alcoholic Brother Has Gone Too Far. I’m So Tired. #36869

    Hi frazzlepop

    this sounds absolutely unbearable. The disrespect and entitlement must me awful to live with.

    Sounds to me like your brother may possibly suffer with borderline personality disorder, some of the traits you describe mixed with the substance misuse sound very similar.

    Ur mum must be a mess and can’t bear him there but the thought of him out the house scares her too. I really do empathise

    everyone need to stop enabling him. Why should he be your eating food when he can’t be asked to sign on and contribute.
    let him have tantrums and hopefully he will get arrested or sectioned and may realise he needs help, or may blame all of you!

    it’s so soul destroying when u put a boundary in for all and then they just up the anti or flip the blame and play victim

    I feel your pain regarding Christmas. I’m dreading mine getting ruined too

    if he touches u again get him arrested


    in reply to: Worried Mum #36790

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi worried mum,</p>
    im sorry to hear what you are going through.

    CA is an abstinence based program meaning staying clean off all substances.

    CA online meetings are free too.

    You can call the CA phone line, number on Google to ask how the program works

    addiction is such a sneaky thing!

    good luck xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine and pregnancy #36626

    Hi bumblebee, I think the baby should be fine as it was a one off and the baby is quite developed however I wouldn’t risk it again and the dangers of your child being physically or mentally damaged if you continue use, which is a high chance.

    you should contact CA and they can help you find local meetings I think it’s really important for you that you tackle your addiction so that you reduce your chances of relapse again whilst pregnant or after the baby is born.

    you can also go to your gp for drug service referral but I understand this may be scary for you, defo try CA/cocaine anonymous

    good luck xxx

    in reply to: I’m new to this. #36365

    Do you have a sponsor or attend a drug service? Maybe go on to YouTube and look up EFT/tapping for cravings and see if it helps. It’s a type of meditation where you tap on acupressure points and it helps calm nervous system.

    in reply to: Husband is a coke addict #36278

    The disappearing is one of the most awful things they do when using. It completely damages trust. It feels so cruel.

    in reply to: Secret Cocaine addiction spiralling #36269

    hi Rachy,

    well done for reaching out. It’s such an awful feeling and situation you are going through. I’ve never admitted on the site before as I’ve been on here seeking advice about my partner but I was like you many years ago. It’s easy for me to forget as i last used 15 years ago but going to meetings with my partner recently has bought back memories for me and I feel a hypocrite for how angry I get with him sometimes. He wouldn’t recognise me if he knew me back then!

    you need to talk to ur partner and tell him how serious it is for you as long as you feel safe to do that.
    The fact that he does coke too means you have a much slimmer chance of stopping. How often is he using do you know?
    You should search for CA meetings near you and go.you can call them up first for a chat if you feel more comfortable doing this and they can tell you where you’d nearest meetung is or try one online. I recommend you do this tomorrow while you are feeling like this. They will find you a sponsor, someone who can guide you through the steps. It’s all anonymous so no child protection are involved.

    Alternatively look up smart meetings or you can do both at the same time.

    it’s sounds as though your partner could maybe do with some support too.

    it’s a tough addiction, please don’t beat yourself up, you’ve been very open and honest which takes courage.

    you can get better but it will take work. But your life will be amazing and it will get easier in time and so worth it.
    If other people can do it then so can you too.

    U know the saying “if you keep doing what you’ve always done you will get what you’ve always got”


    in reply to: Husband cocaine addiction #36028

    You made a good point about the because he’s stopped for 3 days you should trust him.

    I think because they’ve got so used to wanting quick rewards with how their brains are wired with the drugs they see everything else as wanting if instantly when trust really takes time and effort.

    I really hope your husband gets back on track xx

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