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  • in reply to: so tried, so scared need this to end #8933

    I’ve finally did it and won’t take him back and I’m so happy I found the strength thank u xcc

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #8670

    Thank u I will check the sight out xx

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #8669

    It’s a bit of both I’m scared to be alone and scared of him, I took him back cause he was so convincing and I’m such a kind caring person I just believed him I see the good in people it always gets me into trouble, I do feel lost I don’t drink smoke gamble or take drugs but I live this nightmare day in day out

    in reply to: tragically sad #8657

    I totally understand what u said about its like grieving for the person that was before I feel that way about my boyfriend of 4 years a cocaine addict I’ve lost him to a drug and I would rather be cheated on than feel this pain and it’s never ending, hope u and your kids are okay xxx

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #8656

    He is a cocaine and alcohol addict he is only 32 makes me sick he is so manipulative I have to deal with him being paranoid nasty slip personality, he has made me lose myself as a person I hate him for what he has done and more so myself for letting him

    in reply to: alone, trapped and scared…..!!! #8618

    Well i took him back and i was stupid and weak listened to his promises thinking he was speaking the truth he hasnt took coke for 8 days but he is iching and i cant be arsed now ive made a huge mistake and ive lost my family now they wont speak to me i have no support and im so loney now arrrghhh i just wanna scream

    in reply to: alone, trapped and scared…..!!! #8600

    Thanks for your post means a lot yesterday I did it told him no more I just need to stay strong cause he has already tried to get back in he is telling me he loves me the usual and I can’t take that anymore he does love his addiction more cause if he didn’t he would stop for me,

    in reply to: ruined relationship #8599

    I am in the same situation as you I have been with my partner for 4 years and yesterday I had to kick him out I feel the same I’m grieving for the man inside not the one that’s behind the cocaine, I feel so lost and I don’t know y cause our relationship was bad to the end constant fighting, paranoia, I couldn’t move go out or just be me he turned me into a person I didn’t like, I have to kids and it’s effected them and if I don’t break away and stay away it will end up with either him dead or me and I need to keep telling myself this, hope u r ok and things work out x

    in reply to: alone, trapped and scared…..!!! #8405

    I’m that girl who sits in the corner crying wanting it all to end…! Scared lonely and petrified what’s next I’m a broken woman

    in reply to: alone, trapped and scared…..!!! #8404

    I know exactly what he is doing and y I feel like this, I’ve let him stay cause of him making me feel like I’m nothing I’ve had bad depression, my mum, sister and nephew were all sick at one all having major ops, I just felt like I couldn’t deal with it all at once I’ve let him walk all over me, I loved him but what for to be treated like scum, it’s getting physical now and sometimes started by me I’m not a violent person never had been it’s the anger I feel inside, my dad killed himself on drugs an somewhere deep inside I thought I could fix my partner which I know know I can’t x

    in reply to: cocaine destroyed my relationship #8071

    He says heknows he has a problem but he is not willing to do anyhing about it, I have been on antidepressants myself nearly lost my job because of it, this week alone he has wasted £700 on it all, he wont me with the house or bills he just sits in my kitchen every night ignoring me I have talked to him til I am blue in the face he wont listen he just says I love u what more do u want lol…. its a joke, I jist cant take anymore im scared my anger will take over one day an its so hard, I feelfor everyone in this situation im going to find help a group for myself I need to talk this angerout with someone, thanks for the comments they were much needed xx

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