Women affected by domestic abuse and someone else’s substance use

Women affected by domestic abuse and someone else’s substance use

The Adfam Women’s Project, funded by the DCMS Tampon Tax Programme, aims to reduce the risks to women experiencing domestic violence in homes where drugs and alcohol are misused. We do so through:

• Training practitioners across the UK through Women’s Practitioner Learning Days, in which we develop the skills of practitioners in drug and alcohol and/or family services. We help them to better understand the interface between drug use and abuse, facilitate networking and identify systemic problems and strengths of the sector

• Healthy Relationship Champion days – in which we train volunteers as Healthy Relationship Champions (HRC), and in doing so develop the capacity of support groups and community groups to identify the risk of domestic abuse, and to support vulnerable women.

We have held our HRC events and Women’s Practitioner Learning Days in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol and Leeds.

This project has now finished, and our findings have been published in a research report, with recommendations for policy and practice.

Read the report here. 

Read the executive summary here.

If you have any questions about this strand of work, please email us.