Domestic violence

Research (2010)

In partnership with the Stella Project and the University of Bedfordshire, Adfam ran a project in 2010 which explored the experiences of adult family members and young people affected by domestic violence and substance use.

The resulting report Supporting families affected by substance use and domestic violence (pdf) by Dr Sarah Galvani looks at attitudes and understanding of domestic violence and drugs and alcohol. It identifies what people feel is needed to support families successfully around the issue of domestic violence.

‘Thinking it through’ resource (2011)

In 2011 the Thinking it Through DVD and accompanying resource pack for use by those working with children and young people affected by substance use and domestic violence was produced, in partnership with groups of young people. It features five fictional films based on their real life stories which cover a range of messages on relationships and advice on keeping safe.

‘Between a rock and a hard place’ child-parent violence project (2012)

In 2011 Adfam and AVA began working on a new project, looking at the experiences of parents who were victims of domestic abuse from their substance using children. Focus groups were held around England consulting 88 parents on how child to parent violence (CPV) was manifest in their lives and which services they had turned to for support. The findings informed a report – ‘Between a rock and a hard place’ (pdf), launched in parliament in September 2012. An accompanying programme of training was developed and provided to organisations around the country the same year.

Further information

Key information for families and professionals can be found in the leaflet living with domestic abuse and substance use (pdf). This contains key facts, FAQs, information on how to offer practical support and other useful organisations. If you would like further information please email Rob Stebbings.