Provide a lifeline for families this Christmas

The festive season can be a challenging time for anyone that is coping with the effects of a family member’s substance misuse, as well as for those who have lost a loved one in this way.

Adfam estimates that five million people in Great Britain are suffering the negative effects of a family member or friend’s drinking or drug use.

The fear, isolation and strain many of these families suffer will be heightened even further over the festive period, as usual boundaries and coping mechanisms can go out of the window.

Donate today to provide a lifeline to these five million people, so that anyone affected by a family member’s substance misuse can benefit from the professional support they need.

  1. For £10 You can help a family member to feel less isolated by helping Adfam to develop online information and guidance for families.
  2. For £25 You can help Adfam to develop its training offer for professionals to improve the support that family members receive from frontline services.
  3. For £50 You can help a family member to cope by accessing a support session with a trained professional through our digital Adfam@Home service.

If you are the family member of someone with a substance misuse problem make sure you download our Top Tips for Coping at Christmas.

For support over the Christmas period visit to find out about helplines and support that is available.